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"imagine me, somewhat being gay for my cute ass roommate..." hyunjin says shoving a lindor truffle into his mouth. he chews it slowly, processing the words he just spit out, his face forms into a frown finally letting out a defeated sigh. "oh my god I am!"

"maybe you're just feeling some things." chan tells, fixing his bedsheets and his roommates as well. "feelings are hard to cope with you know."

"but..what if it isn't something temporary?" hyunjin questions, he's then confronted by jisung who is out of the washroom.

"then you do something about it." the squirrel boy states with a smile, "there's something within me, telling me that you two will be more than just roommates."

hyunjin unwraps another truffle and throws the wrapper to the side. popping it in his mouth, he scrunches his nose as he chews. "but what if I'm just confused right now and it turns into a whole wreck due to my mixed emotions?"

"you live with the guy. spend more time with him." chan says, sitting next to hyunjin on the floor. he rubs his back and smiles. "go get some coffee, to the library for study sessions or even just out for a walk."

"bang chan. the most simple yet romantic guy on this earth and a gentleman as well." jisung states in a soothing commentary voice, "there's only one of him, so to all humans or just living organisms in general, snatch him before it is too late."

chan rolls his eyes, "I'm not much jisung."

"I'm not much jisung!" the blue haired boy mocks, "um excuse me? everyone loves you, you play basketball, is a student assistant in choir to, 'student of the year' because you're favorited. that's bs!"

"hey! your language is bs so don't get me started." chan shouts, pointing his finger at jisung for him to sit down. "now give hyunjinnie some advice so he doesn't kill himself with these truffles."

jisung sighs, defeated by the elder's words. "okay, look hyunjin. I'm not an expert at love nor am I good with expressing my feelings. but I agree with chan on spending more time with him. don't be clingy but just show how much you like being with him, wait you like being with seungmin right?"

hyunjin nods his head slowly.

"okay, well you like his presence so ensure he's always with you. or else someone else will take him, not gonna poop on your party. but seungmin is boyfriend material." jisung says, shrugging his shoulder. "but don't give up!"

hyunjin nods once more, "o—okay! I think I know what I'm gonna do." he says with full confidence, he shoots up from his sitting form to a strong stance.

"what are you gonna do?" chan asks with curiosity.

hyunjin's confidence starts to fade, his gummy smile turns into a frown and he slowly falls back. "I don't know! but catch me please!"

both chan and jisung try to catch the boy but instead collide into each other. hyunjin hits the wooden floor and groans from the aching pain. "smart one hwang!" jisung scolds, rubbing his head.

"I'm a mess! just deal with it!"

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