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felix calls seungmin once more, worried for dear life. "oh my god, it's already eleven a.m and seungmin usually gets up at eight a.m no matter what day! should I go check on him?"

"shut...up!" felix's roommate shouts, "you've been blabbing about this seungmin for so long! if he's your boyfriend or something go check on him!"

"changbin hyung!! I already told you he's my best friend. get with the program, god." as felix points out, "you're still grumpy and sleepy. go back to sleep."

changbin grabs a nearby pillow and throws it at the younger. "don't tell me what to do." he then slowly gets up, bed head hair and dried up drool on the side of his mouth. "now get out of here before I break one of your bones."

felix puffs up his cheeks and makes an angry expression. "this is why I didn't invite you to breakfast with me! that's a threat and I can report you."

as changbin rolls his eyes, "how sweet of you, letting me starve. I'll go out with one of my friends later to eat, I don't have to worry about you waking me up."

"you're such a meanie! I'm gonna go visit seungmin real quick so open the door when I knock."

changbin sighs, "whatever, but I won't promise I will."

but felix is already out the door, he had his spongebob sleeping slippers on and pajamas still on. his hair was still messy and he stopped down the hall as he walked over to seungmin's dorm. once he's in front of their door, he bangs on it like a maniac. "OPEN UP WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH SEUNGMIN!"

hyunjin who is startled by the sound hastily jumps out of bed. he walks over to open the door and there he encounters a screaming freckled boy yelling, 'SEUNGMIN'

as his visions clears up, he realizes it's seungmin's friend. the fortnite boy and meme talker. "this ain't it chief." hyunjin's voice is groggy, but felix gasps.

"oh my god! who taught you that!"

hyunjin sighs, "are you here for seungmin? he's sleeping still, sorry to break it to you."

"he's not suppose to be sleeping at this time! it's like three hours past his usual wake up schedule so what have you done!" felix blames, hyunjin puts his hands up in defense.

"I don't know what I did. I went to sleep before him so I'm unsure what time he went to bed."

"which side is his bed?" felix then enters the room, hyunjin closes the door and shortly points to the bed in the left corner. "but he's in..that bed?" as felix awkwardly questions.

"for some reason I woke up with him in between my arms. I remember going to sleep with my plushie within my arms but I guess he replaced the plushie with himself."

felix walks over to seungmin who is fast asleep on hyunjin's bed. he's peacefully under the covers snuggled in cutely. felix decides to ruin all of that anyways. "WAKE UP I WANNA GO GET COFFEE!"

hyunjin covers his ears and seungmin shoots up. "I—I'm up!" he checks his surroundings, clutching on to the bed sheets. "I'm up.." he finally says, "what about coffee?"

felix lets out a groan, "I wanna go get coffee!"

seungmin vision slowly focuses, judging felix's outfit. he didn't seem like he was dressed to get coffee. "in those spongebob slippers? I don't want to be seen with you."

hyunjin who's by the side lines snorts, felix who gives him a glare the boy's head falls down. "s—sorry.."

"come on! my roommate threw a pillow at me and was being mean to me! cheer your best friend up!"

seungmin looks at felix with tired eyes, pulling the sheets he goes back under. "no, I'm tired."

felix's eyes widen, "what! did I hear that correctly or are you tired? because the kim seungmin is tired once it hits nine p.m. because that's his bed time."

"I didn't sleep well last night so leave me alone."

felix puts a hand on his chest and gasps. he points to hyunjin and his eyebrows furrow down. "what have you done to him! ever since he's moved into this room he has been acting different."

hyunjin tilts his head, "it..has been one day?"

"but this one day is affecting him drastically! change him back! I'm gonna leave and come back when it's around lunch time. and if he isn't seungmin, I'm suing!"

felix then marches out, his spongebob slippers stomping on the floor. hyunjin could head his irritated groans until he hits his room.

hyunjin laughs, walking next to his bed. he pulls on the sheets that seungmin is under. "hey?"

seungmin peeks out a bit, responding with a 'hm?'

"so..you wanna get some coffee?"

seungmin uncovers his whole self, "really?" hyunjin gives an awkward smile, nodding. "fine, but you're paying and we can't tell felix."

the ravenette gives a thumbs up, meaning a yes. "definitely, and I was insisting on paying anyways."

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