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seungmin pouts, packing his stuff into boxes. bored as ever yet sad that he is leaving home. he had no intentions on leaving this soon. he was gonna miss his moms cooking and his room with the balcony. it was disappointing to him that he was forced to leave under the school's conditions, but he had no choice. and his mother and father 'supported' the school's choice. 'supported' as in, I'll smile in front of my son for now but sue you later for taking him away from me.

seungmin's father then knocks on the door, yelling a 'can I come in!' before he fully enters. seungmin replies back with no energy in his voice. "hey kid, you almost done packing?"

seungmin nods slowly, "yep. rooms almost cleaned out."

"I know you're disappointed. I thought your mother would be the first to say this but I am too." he then ruffles seungmin's hair, "but maybe this experience will be new. did you find out who you're roommate was?"

seungmin's eyes slightly widen, slapping his forehead he lets out a loud groan. his father lets out a laugh, "I guess that's a no seungmin."

seungmin finishes packing one of his last boxes, setting it aside he sits on his bed. "I totally forgot about that, I was gonna go with felix after school to check but I wasn't in the mood. I bet he probably checked for me, but if he didn't I'll go maybe the day of moving."

mr. kim nods his head, "alright son, I really need to comfort your mother because she has been crying too much behind our closed door. seeing her only child go so soon isn't the best."

seungmin smiles, "I'll call you guys each day, don't worry. I won't forgot about you, you're my parents."

"and you're our son." as he replies, "visit us on weekends as well, if you're able to. I know how busy you get."

seungmin gives his dad a thumbs up, "I promise I will."

as his dad gives him a little nod, he closes the door as he leaves. seungmin pulls out his phone and calls felix, waiting for the line to get through he hears the aussie's deep voice saying. "g'day mate! would you like some shrimp on a barbie!"

"no felix, I don't want your shrimp covered plastic barbie doll."

"fine~ but what do you need? I was almost done packing but now I got distracted because of you!"

"I was wondering if you checked—"

"who your roommate was and which dorm number? of course I did." felix replies, immediately reading the boy's mind. "I took a picture so I'll send it to you after we end the call. a.k.a like right now because I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and i know it's my mother coming up with a slipper."

seungmin sighs, letting out a laugh. "what did your dumbass do this time?"

"nothing, just breathe."

as seungmin is about to reply, he is cut off by a loud bang from the other line. he assumes it's felix's mom and the boy ends the call without any notice. but he does receive his information which is good.

zooming in, he sees his name printed in bold. kim seungmin. looking beside his name, it's his roommates name. which is hwang hyunjin. he knew he wasn't gonna get paired with felix, there was a gazillion students in their school. so he doesn't worry about the boy, instead he looks for the dorm room.

"dorm, nine hundred and twenty two.." seungmin whispers to himself, "how many rooms are there? sheesh."

seungmin types it down on his phone's notes, once he's done with that. he turns it off and throws the device onto his bed. looking at himself in the mirror he sighs, "by the name he doesn't seem too bad. I guess maybe I'll live this year. yeah seungmin, thinking positive.."


after the amount of tears shedded from seungmin's parents. he wiggled himself free from them due there being a specific time that all students had to be moved in by. he has felix helping him carry stuff since the carrot haired boy got to school earlier than him. he even received his key and situated his personal items. which was surprising.

"so have you met your roommate?" seungmin questions, barely holding onto the three boxes he's carrying.

felix shakes his head, "he hasn't arrived yet. I like surprises so I'm willing to wait. and guess what?"

"what?" seungmin replies, "oh, I'm suppose to guess."

"yeah, but he's supposedly a junior! I was one of those special cases. isn't that cool."

"you think everything is cool felix. are we almost there? my arms are hurting."

felix nods, "your room is close to mine. which is a blessing. but here..nine hundred nineteen, twenty..twenty one..twenty two! here we go!"

felix sets down seungmin's stuff next to the door and wipes his hands on his pants. seungmin who slowly puts his stuff down lets out a huff. "god! thank god there's an elevator or else I would have died on the stairs."

"tell me about it, but do you have a key?"

seungmin's normal expression turns into an awkward 'uh oh' one, "u—ugh.."

"you didn't get your key! how are you suppose to get in!"

"I—I don't know I kinda didn't think of that!"

felix looks around and clutches onto a fistful of his own hair. "here, why don't we go down to the—"

"excuse me?"

seungmin and felix both stop, they look at the open door and the boy inside. "you guys are a bit too loud for my liking. seungmin is it?"

"I'm felix."

the boy laughs, "nice to meet you felix. so, you're seungmin." as he then points to the brunette.

seungmin nods slowly, "yes..yes I am.."

"I believe this is for you." he then hands seungmin the key for their dorm. "when we were checking out our dorm numbers the other day, supposedly you never came. so they made me hang on to both keys. you're lucky I was here, or else you would've been waiting."

"well thanks, you're a life saver."

"no worries! but hey, I'll help you with your stuff." he grabs seungmin's boxes, two at a time and carries them in. "totally forgot to introduce myself, but I'm hwang hyunjin."

"y—yeah I know.." seungmin stutters awkwardly, "I hope we can get along."

hyunjin smiles, "I hope we can too, seungmin."

DORM 922 | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now