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hyunjin's eyes flutter open, rested and overjoyed to see seungmin within his arms. he had fallen asleep early, due to the overflowing amount of stress creating within him he needed a good night's worth of sleep. seungmin is drooling away as usual, there's no surprise in that. but he checks the time, it's around nine a.m, he wanted to get the morning started yet waking up seungmin wasn't his intentions. he slowly shifts to see if he gets a reaction, he doesn't. so as he moves a leg to place onto the cold hard wood floor, seungmin starts to whine. hyunjin feeling his toes on the floor, he's almost set free if only he can move his other leg. as it slowly slides off the bed, his shirt is now being tugged on. seungmin is clutching onto it tightly and now he is set in an uncomfortable position. "shit..." he whispers softly, unsure of what to do. was he able to risk it all and handle a tired minnie? or could he simply just run to the bathroom and hide until he fell back asleep.

he's about to make a run for it, but seungmin is now pulling at his shirt. it's as if he's awake but he's not fully powered up. (I was gonna say turned on, like how you turn on a computer,, but then I was like ....wait)

"jin.." he whispers, "hyunjin.." he speaks more clearly, "don't leave, im cold."

within the process of trying to wiggle his way out, hyunjin had the urge to pee and it was not pleasant to hold it in. but what was more important? the adorable sleepy boy within his arms? or simply, his bladder?

"but min, I need to go." he states, "use the restroom."


hyunjin scurries out of bed leaving the pouty boy for only a few minutes. he's doing his business and once he's done, he washes his hands and tries to fix his messy hair. the situation they were in seemed as if there were reseted once again, to this particular state of being within each other's arms and once something is brought up. the awkwardness arises and they won't speak. but hyunjin had high hopes, praying that something good will happen. maybe a spark, a realization, but if seungmin didn't like him. it was final and he had to move on one way or another. he leaves the restroom finally, seungmin is rubbing his eyes with the lower half of his palm and yawns. he smiles towards hyunjin, "good morning..." he sleepily tells, he plays with his sweater paws.

hyunjin runs his fingers through his hair, replying with a small 'good morning' as well. "are you hungry?"

seungmin shakes his head, "not really.." he replies, "did you sleep well?"

hyunjin nods, "yeah, I was out cold. maybe because you were with me, it felt much better to have you in my arms." he cheekily tells, "how about you?"

"yeah..I slept well." seungmin assumed hyunjin hadn't heard his words, so he now needed to figure out the right time to finally say them. hyunjin is staring at him, eyes glued onto the boy as if there's nothing more interesting within their room. he can't help but break it, "jinnie, is there something on my face? I don't know if it's dried up drool or something."

"no, it's just you look cute in that sweatshirt." hyunjin says walking over to him, he pulls over the hood and takes the strings. "look." suddenly, he pulls them and seungmin lets out a whine. hyunjin who chuckles, kisses the boy's covered forehead. "you're still cute even if I can't see you."

seungmin pulls down the hood once hyunjin releases, glaring at the boy as his hair is even more messier than before. he sighs, "that wasn't nice."

"awe, I'm sorry." he playfully tells, "what can I do to make you feel better?"

"kiss me."

what. now that was too blunt for hyunjin, this was simply a little joke and he wanted the boy to kiss him? he would! but this was such a sudden demand. "seungmin, you know I was just teasing and—"

"so are you gonna kiss me or not?" as the younger tilts his head waiting for a response. hyunjin stiffens, "never mind then.."

"I—I'll kiss you!" hyunjin clears up, "but you really want me to? like..you know I might take this in the wrong way if you don't say anything..."

seungmin's eyes brighten, a small smile creeps onto his face. he sits on his knees and straightens himself up on the bed. hyunjin who is standing in front of him watches as the boy wraps his arms around his neck. seungmin stares into his eyes, with a soft loving gaze. "what way then jinnie? I'll tell you if you're right or wrong."

"d—do I have to say?"

seungmin shrugs, "I might change my mind about that kiss then."

hyunjin feels a pang in his heart, how rude! hyunjin was always a sucker for good morning kisses and he was just gonna take it away like that, how could he? but hyunjin sets that thought aside and takes a deep breath in, "I was thinking that you'd actually you know.."

"I don't know until you say it."

hyunjin groans, but all seungmin does is let out a cute giggle. "you know, if I kiss you right now I won't stop."

seungmin retracts his arms and falls back onto the bed. "that wasn't the answer I was looking for."

hyunjin was now getting irritated, "you're so—" he squishes the boy's cheeks together to where his lips are pursed. seungmin feels the boy's lips pressed against his but he doesn't protest, his kisses were sweet, soft and everything he could imagine. hyunjin pulls away, "so annoying, but god I love you." he finally finishes.

seungmin's heart does summersaults as he hears the last three words, "y—you do?"

"oh god, now that was really awkward to say. sorry.." hyunjin mentally slaps himself after recalling his last words, "j—just ignore me."

as hyunjin is about to walk away, seungmin grabs onto his wrist, "wait! where are you going!"

"to scold myself in the shower."

"you need to answer the question though."

hyunjin rolls his eyes, tired of the boy wanting to know when it was quite obvious. "seungmin, you asking for a kiss makes me think that you actually like me, romantically. you don't go asking for kisses and stuff that's just weird. but you—"

"why are you assuming I don't?"

hyunjin's mouth slightly opens from his response, "b—because you don't have an answer and—"

"hyunjin." seungmin finally gets up from bed and wraps his arms around the boy's waist. hyunjin doesn't know how to react, but he simply allows it to happen. "I like you.."


instead of repeating the words again, he kisses the boy once more. hyunjin caresses the boy's cheek with his thumb as they do, he feels a wave of relief hit him, a heavy feeling from his heart being lifted. hyunjin smiles in between their kiss, "I love you." is all he says and seungmin pulls away.

he finally says the words hyunjin has been waiting to hear, "I love you too."

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