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"hey, I just wanted to let you know you're the cutest squish ever and I would love to take you out sometime." hyunjin tells to his reflection in the foggy mirror, he then winks. seconds later he gags, "okay no hwang, I almost vomited so that means seungmin will too."

there's a knock on the door, it's seungmin waiting to use the washroom. "seungmin will what! open the door, because seungmin will need to brush my teeth, that's what!"

hyunjin looks at his half clothed body, he shouts back to the boy. "s—sorry! I'm like..somewhat..naked!"

"well put on your clothes!" seungmin yells, "it's been like thirty minutes!"

hyunjin slips on his shirt and quickly dries his hair for the fifteenth time with his damp towel. fixing it somewhat in the mirror, he opens the door to see seungmin with his arms crossed, foot tapping on the floor waiting impatiently. "took you long enough mr. hwang, what were you doing?"

"y—you know. beautifying myself..."

seungmin sighs, "your natural self is already beautiful."

hyunjin covers his face, yet seungmin doesn't pay attention due to himself walking and locking himself in the washroom. the boy lets out a squeal, "oh my god he called me beautiful!" he mutters to himself a bit too loudly, he quickly covers his mouth. looking around, he remembers it's just himself in the room. "get your shit together.."

hyunjin flops onto his bed, face first and stomach hitting the soft mattress. he lets out a loud sigh, saturday morning and he was already worrying about seungmin. stupid feelings, why couldn't he go back to his middle school years to where he was a bad bitch and didn't feel nothing.

life was great when you had no emotions. because nobody could hurt you.

hyunjin lifts up his head and groans, "maybe I should call over jisung..actually..I'll just walk on over there. they're not too far.."

getting up from his bed, he knocks on the bathroom door to inform seungmin about his unexpected departure from the dorm. "I'll be back! don't lock the door!"

"alright!" seungmin replies back without a worry. hyunjin stuffs his hands into his grey sweatshirt as he's about to leave.

walking down the hall with only socks on his feet, he knocks on jisung's dorm door. waiting for a reply, he instead gets minho, a.k.a jisung's enemy. "oh, minho hyung. where's jisung..and..your shirt.."

"jisung's asleep. sorry, did you want to come get him?"

"just needed someone to talk to. somewhat having a crisis."

minho opens the door a bit wider, allowing the boy to enter. "come on in, jisung is fast asleep so it'll be a while till he wakes up."

hyunjin hesitantly puts a foot in, looking around the dorm. it was actually quite cleaner than he expected, mostly because jisung complained about him a lot. but as he entered, he saw jisung cuddled up in the sheets on the left bed. hyunjin then turns to minho with a smile, "he's all cuddled up in bed huh, he's a baby if you look past his dumb and impulsive side."

"to be clear, my bed. and my shirt." minho walks over to the boy and tugs down the sheets a bit. there reveals an oversized white tee shirt on him. "and I know he's a baby, he's quite the cutie."

"well, aren't you soft." hyunjin tells with a bright smile, "you don't actually hate him right?"

"it's complicated." as minho runs his fingers through jisung's hair, "he's not the type to express his true emotions. I figured out the hard way."

"well you can always talk to me about it. I'm free like, always. I'm also not too far down."

"I know." minho answers, "but hey, what did you need to get off your chest? you told me you're in a crisis."

"it's not really a crisis, yet I'm more over complicating it. it's about my roommate. you've never seen him, but he's so adorable and is really smart. his personality is like, winner winner chicken dinner but oh my god—"

"woah woah wait, you have a cute ass roommate and you're into him?" minho cuts off, "that's your problem?"

hyunjin shrugs his shoulders, "I'm sure I'm into him..but I have no clue if he's into me. in that way! oh my god, what if he's straighter than my pink ruler."

"hyunjin, first of all get to know the boy a bit more before claiming your feelings. I'm just gonna tell you that because sometimes you fall for someone and realize they aren't what you're looking for. trust me. also, don't stress over this. you're still young."

"hyung! I'm not even joking he's like the bigger sweetheart!" hyunjin retorts, "like, you can—" hyunjin squishes his own cheeks and speaks, "sqwuish..his chweeks like dis.."

"I can squish jisung's cheeks and he'll bite my finger off."

"because jisung is into that weird furry shit." hyunjin shoots back, sarcasm dripping from his words as he rolls his eyes. "you're suppose to give me good advice!"

"I am, don't get too attached and get to know him more before you hurt yourself or him."

"you sound like an old broken hearted man!" hyunjin groans, frustrated by his own feelings.

minho looks down at jisung and smiles, "maybe because I am..."

DORM 922 | seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now