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as felix wakes up late morning, he checks his notifications as if it's daily news. receiving one from seungmin, he can't help but spring out of bed and scream. "BIN! BINNIE! CHANGBINNIE!" he's yelling hysterically, throwing pillows at the shorter boy to wake him up. "oh my— SEO CHANGBIN!"

"what!" he yells, annoyed by the younger's calls. "it better be fucking important or else I'm duck taping your mouth shut!"

"seungmin and hyunijn got together! it's official, I'm gonna cry! comfort me!"

changbin groans, he was tired from all the work he did last night and wasn't in the mood. yet he does say a small, "congratulations." and tries to fall back asleep.

"binnie~!" felix whines, jumping up and down next to his bed. the older was always so grumpy during the morning, he hated it. he wants his soft binnie binnie now! "binnie!!" he now sings his name as if it's a song, it was rare when he did. but it always caught changbin's attention.

changbin removes the pillow that is covering his face, his eyes squint from the bright light. aka felix who is radiating sunlight, but he sighs defeated by the cute boy. "what.."

"can we cuddle?"

"cuddle with something else."

"can I have gyu then?" felix teases, pointing at the plushie next to changbin.

changbin takes a hold of the plushie and of course denies his request. groaning once again, he scoots over and allows felix to slip into his bed. "yay binnie! come on, you love me." as felix gives him a sweet kiss on the nose. "don't deny it."

"I love gyu."


changbin lets out a laugh, he sets gyu in between him and felix. patting felix's head, he sighs. "gyu's our child, so go back to sleep so you don't wake him up."


"I won't kiss you if you don't."

felix whines, he flops the other way to where changbin is only seeing his back. closing his eyes, he does what he's told and slowly. he starts to drift off back to sleep. once changbin hears his small snores and lifeless self, he finally whispers.

"I love you."

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