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the night that hyunjin crashes at minsung's place. seungmin is patiently waiting for the boy to return. a blanket wrapped around him like a cocoon, he stares at the door. praying that it'll open anytime soon.

it's one a.m. seungmin had received no sleep and he was desperate for hyunjin to come back. he hates the feeling of being alone. although he had a room to himself in his old home, he knew his parents were close by which was only a few rooms down. but hyunjin was one of the main reasons seungmin could sleep at night. and tonight , he didn't know what he'd do without him. noises start to fill the room, he doesn't know where they're coming from but he starts to tear up. all he wanted was hyunjin to come back, it was just a simple wish. was the reason to why he left connected with what felix was saying? was there something going on within the boy's mind that was about him? was he insensitive, how should he apologize?

seungmin's lips quiver, he flops onto the bed. knees curled to his chest as he starts to cry. he believed crying himself to sleep could be a solution, but his nose begins to get stuffy and his eyes get irritated. just what a splendid night for him. picking himself back up, he wipes away some of his tears and sighs. he gets out of bed and drags his blanket with him, maybe he could knock on felix's door and crash there for the night. it wasn't hyunjin, but it definitely was better than nobody. as he's about to reach for the doornkob, he hears the knob begin to jumble. backing up as he was unsure who was at the door, he shuts his eyes as he hears the door open.

"seungmin?" the familiar voice questions, "what are you doing out of bed?" hyunjin questions him with a worrysome voice, the boy opens his eyes in a flash as they start to tear up again. "wait? are you crying? what's wrong?"

seungmin waddles a bit forward to the boy, hitting him lightly on the chest. "you idiot where'd you go! how dare you leave me all alone, I hate you!" he whines, tears still flowing down his cheeks. as he's hitting the boy, he finally clings onto his shirt. he drops the blanket and decides to wrap his arms around hyunjin. "y-you can't ever do that to me again...."

hyunjin clenches his jaw, a hand lifts from his side as he then starts to run his fingers through the boy's hair. "I'm sorry.." he finally apologizes, "I should have told you where I was going. if you were wondering, I went to jisung's place, but minho and him are being quite.. yeah..."

seungmin lets out a giggle, "being weirdos...but I guess I forgive you.."

"you guess?" as hyunjin whines, "I'm sorry min, I really am. don't hate me please."

"I don't hate you.." seungmin admits, "how could anyone hate you?" he tells, he presses a cheek against hyunjin's chest, "cuddle with me to make it up, I've been waiting all night for you."

hyunjin's eyes then widen from his words,"r—really? all night?" (STREAM ALL NIGHT BY ASTRO)

seungmin nods shyly, "yeah.. all night for you jinnie.."

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