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hyunjin clicks his pen multiple times as he stares at his study packet. he had a big test coming up for chemistry and obviously he wasn't ready. when was he ready for anything?

he had three days to study, being a last minute person he scolded himself for using most of his free time to nap and go on social media. damn phone, it didn't do him no good.

finally the frustration built to where he throws his pen across the room, startling seungmin from his own studying. "what the heck hyunjin!"

"sorry!" he immediately apologizes, "I'm not a happy boy right now. chemistry is gonna kill me one day. I'll explode myself with a chemical reaction!" he exaggerates.

seungmin rolls his eyes, "don't say that. or else it'll actually happen. do you need help?"

hyunjin nods his head slowly, feeling guilty that he has to pull seungmin from his own study time. how sad. "I do, but do you have time? you need to study and do work as well."

"no worries, I've been studying for a while now. taking breaks is essential you know? well technically I'm still looking at educational things when helping you, but close enough." he reassures, but hyunjin bites his lip still feeling guilt. "don't sulk, I'm just here to help."

hyunjin sighs, "fine. but just real quick cause I feel bad."

"it can make up for the coffee you bought me on the first day we moved in." seungmin then brings up, "don't worry hwang. me giving you some information won't hurt myself or you."

"okay, okay!" hyunjin pouts, "if I do well can we get some sweets."

"I mean, why not?"

"good, because desserts is stressed backwards and I'm in need for something to satisfy my cravings."

seungmin chuckles, "alright, but what I heard is that the test isn't that hard. though we've covered a lot throughout the time being, focus on the specific parts of each unit. such as electron configuration, to balancing out chemical reactions. you should also know your equations, such as mass multiplied times specific heat times temperature to find..."

"was it energy?"

"I believe it was specific heat. the q in the equation I think defines as energy, but it's a weird concept how we call it the specific heat equation yet use specific heat within the equation." seungmin explains, hyunjin just nods slowly to his words.

"it's an interesting world huh." hyunjin replies with a smile, "but not to be weird or anything and get all serious. yet, I don't understand a lot of concepts in this world. to how racism is upon us, we have acknowledged it yes, but when someone witnesses it. a lot of people don't have the courage to speak up about it. also, when parents do not understand that school does not cause only the emotion of 'sadness' but much more. like to look through everyone's perspective, of all generations we grew up with different things and norms within our society. it's just hard for other people to understand. I get that, but at the same time I don't. the world is a—"

"hyunjin..." seungmin awkwardly cuts off, "I don't know what just happened. but you're really good with your words. I like hearing your voice when you speak."

hyunjin feels his cheeks burn up, he looks away from embarrassment. not realizing how much he rambled, "t—thanks. but we should get back to chemistry..am I right?"

seungmin notices his blushed colored cheeks, from the sight he gets flustered as well. he scratches his neck and nods slightly. "y—yeah.."

seungmin slightly moves closer towards hyunjin, their shoulders touch and hyunjin's eyes widen. was he always this awkward when it came to people? or was it because his personal bubble was being invaded?

but jisung always invaded his personal bubble and he always got annoyed. yet with seungmin, it was acceptable.

"s—so this equation is for amu. you know what that is right?" seungmin questions.

hyunjin nods his head from his question, "atomic mass unit right?.."

"yeah.." this time his words are a bit breathy, seungmin smiles shyly and looks away. "s—sorry I'm just..yeah.."

"hey are you—.." hyunjin puts a hand on seungmin's shoulder, the younger boy turns his head quickly. their faces not many inches apart, seungmin felt hyunjin's hot breath on his neck. he couldn't lie, he got shivers. gulping the lump that formed in his throat, hyunjin finally got the chance to finish his sentence. "..alright.."

"I—I'm alright.." seungmin quietly tells, they stare into each other's eyes. almost as if they're admiring each other's gazes. seungmin couldn't explain it, but hyunjin had this certain twinkle in his eye that made him question many things. for example, was he sculpted in heaven? and if so, how did they put the whole galaxy within these chocolate orbs?

hyunjin's body moves on his own, he puts his other hand on seungmin's thigh. leaning closer towards to where their lips almost brush against each other.

w—wait, oh my god he's gonna kiss me! seungmin shouts in his head, he closes his eyes not wanting to witness what will happen next. he swears he smells the cherry chapstick, but then hears the door opening. oh crap the door, jisung and felix!

it's felix and jisung with their school materials, their eyes widen at the same time. jisung whistling awkwardly while felix looks around the room pretending not to see. "woah..was that poster always there.." he asks to cut the silence, "I..always loved..doyoung from day sick.."

seungmin rolls his eyes and hyunjin backs off. "it's actually dowoon from day-six."

"I thought it said doyoung.." felix quietly says.

"yeah and I thought you guys were making out but it's just sexual tension and horny hormones within this room. now I need to study so suck each other's faces later!" jisung scolds, hyunjin's face turns a bright red. covering his face, he whines.

"jisung I will actually kill you and it will be locking you up with the one and only lee minho!" he shouts, "so put your big boy pants on because I'm ready to strangle you as well!"

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