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it wasn't every morning you'd here the yelling of your fellow dorm mates. hyunjin and seungmin had sprouted out of bed due to the ruckus from a couple rooms down. going outside in their pajamas, a couple of students watched from their dorm doors. there were two boys from room nine hundred twenty-five. it looked as if one was about to swing.

"look! all I have been is nice so if you wanna fucking be a dick about it then I'm just gonna cut the act!" one yells, the other just rolls his eyes. arms crossed as the words flow from into one ear and out of the other.

"you're causing a scene han. children like you shouldn't be swearing at your hyung." the other shoots back, hyunjin then steps in to stop the other boy. running to him, he holds the boy back.

"w—what the!" the angry younger shouts, realizing it's hyunjin his eyes widen. "what the hell dude let me go!"

"you are gonna do something you're gonna regret so no. can I take him for a bit?" hyunjin questions to minho, the older nods.

"unless you want him to kill me, gladly take him. I haven't gotten any sleep.

"I haven't been getting any sleep because of you!" jisung retorts, but minho walks back into the dorm closing the door on him. jisung tries to pull away from hyunjin's grasp but he is thrown into the boy's room. hyunjin who makes hastily pulls seungmin inside, he locks the door.

"what do you think you're doing!" hyunjin scolds, "fighting? this early!"

"look, it's seven a.m relax. teens wake up this early to go to school." jisung calmly states.

"jisung, I don't know if you saw. but you two just woke up the whole hall of students. don't you feel somewhat bad." hyunjin questions disappointed.

"I do feel bad, I really do. but he makes my blood boil and I just wanna strangle that pretty face of his.." the boy clenches his fist, "he's so annoying I want to die in that room!"

"well, what has he been doing? this is like the third day and a big fight has already broken out."

"first of all. his face is just so punchable to where I yell at him for everything! he talks back with so much sass like at least give me some respect and—"

"you know you should be the bigger person. although you think he's an asshole he is someone older than you so respect him."

jisung shakes his head, "I thought you'd be on my side..you!" jisung then points at seungmin who's standing by the side lines, "do you think I was overreacting!? because if you know lee minho he's such a..UGH!"

seungmin shrugs, "I don't know you both well enough and I'm unsure how your personalities are like so I can't really judge..I'm sorry."

"don't bring seungmin into this to defend your stupid actions. you should've sat down, talked and handled it like mature teens. he's gonna be an adult soon anyways, you won't see him after anymore."

"but why him! out of the thousands of students in this school I had to be with him!"

"maybe it was destiny." seungmin states, "obviously you both hate each other. a negative times a negative equals to a positive

"what?!" jisung loudly says, he pulls onto his own hair whining. "I don't want to go back! can I stay here!"

"if you don't bother seungmin or I. and if seungmin approves." hyunjin says, "seungmin? can jisung stay for a bit?"

"I'm going out with felix later so I'm fine with it." seungmin replies, "besides, I've never met one of hyunjin's friends before."

"oh I'm like the best friend ever. like we're—"

"he's like the worst friend ever. once he spilled chocolate milk all over my white bed sheets. got us kicked out of the movie theaters and made me fall into a bush while I was in a shopping cart." hyunjin states but jisung smiles.

"see, aren't I fun?"

seungmin blinks a couple times, "wait, why do you remind me of—"

there's a knock on the door, all three heads turn and listen. "g'day mate! do you want to buy a shrimp on a barbie!" is what they hear from the outside.

seungmin slaps his forehand, "felix."

seungmin goes over to open the door, there felix walks in and greets seungmin a good morning. "hey hyunjin, hey—" he looks at jisung and makes a double chin, "boy I don't know."

"I bet I can make a triple chin." jisung says, felix's jaw drops.

"oh my god if you do, I have to get a pic." felix states, "I like you, good impression."

"it's jisung, I'm from dorm nine hundred twenty five."

"wow, only three dorms away from here. well I'm in room nine hundred eleven, it's kinda a stretch but at least I'm not floors away." felix explains, "and I'm felix. but you can call me dabberx69 on fortnite."

"bro, I'll flame your ass." jisung says with a smile, "we should play together sometimes."

"you flaming my ass? I'll blow torch you to where your controller is on fire."

"nah, get ready to run crying to your mommy because—"

felix's head falls down, "my mommy is in australia, she doesn't know I'm here."

jisung then clutches his chest, "bro, I'm sorry do you want to talk about it?"

felix shakes his head, "SIKE BITCH! only losers believe sap stories like that. bye seungmin, I'm
gonna go beat this loser's ass in fortnite." the aussie then runs out of the dorm to his own, hyunjin and seungmin then look at jisung who's getting heated.

"I DON'T CARE IF MINHO IS IN THAT ROOM I'M GONNA WIN!" jisung runs out of the dorm as well back to his own. seungmin sighs.

"wow, he's complaining about how I'm changing then he leaves me for another guy."

hyunjin snorts, "sounds like a complicated love story."

seungmin chuckles, "shut up! I can't believe he just ditched me for fortnite..." but seungmin realizes what he says, "..actually I do believe that never mind."

"well, if you're not doing anything now wanna go out for breakfast? I'm craving some crepes."

"oh crepes, a fancy guy." seungmin teases, "but sure. I'll pay this time."

"what a sweet fella. I'll buy a lot then." hyunjin jokes, seungmin's jaw falls down out of disbelief. walking over to the boy, he playfully hits him. "I'm just kidding! I'm not that rude."

"good, if you do buy a lot I'll tell you I'm going to the bathroom but I actually leave instead."

"okay now that's just mean!"

"now hwang, it's called being smart."

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