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My sneakers crunch against fallen leaves as I make my way over to the park. The air is still yet calm as my eyes focus on the quiet street. There isn't a car on the road or a person on the sidewalk, just complete silence fills the air.

The only source of light is coming from a few lamp posts that are lined up perfectly along the park. I squint my eyes as I begin to look around the playground, not seeing Grayson. I walk toward the opposite side, letting out a sigh once I spot him. He is sitting in the middle of the field and his back is facing me.

My feet move toward his presence as I slowly approach him. He turns his head to get a good look at me. I stay silent as I sit down criss crossed, picking at a few blades of grass.

"You came." He finally speaks, his voice is raspy and soft.

"I had nothing else better to do at almost midnight." I shrug as I keep my eyes on the ground.

"We need to talk." He lets out a deep breath.

"There's really nothing to talk about." My voice trails off as I continue to pick on the green strands.

"I'm sorry." He slowly states.

"For?" I drag the word out.

"Everything." He lets out a breath as he inches closer to me. "I shouldn't have embarrassed you in front of Tom."

"You just love to be a jerk to me," I shake my head, "especially in front of your baseball team."

"I guess you're right." He surprises me by admitting. "I just wanted to look badass in front of the guys, it's a dominance thing."

"Why? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard."

"I guess I just wanted to prove that i'm the captain of the team." He shrugs.

"You already are, you don't need to act upon it." I feel like i'm a teacher giving him an obedience lesson.

"But I need to keep up the title, it's a weird thing you wouldn't understand."

"You're right, I don't understand how being an asshole has anything to do with being a captain. if anything it proves that you're a shitty leader." I ramble on, getting annoyed.

"Okay Monroe, I get it. No need to drag it out." He lowly snaps.

"What did I ever do to make you hate me?" I sternly ask as my hands run over the soft texture of the grass.

"I don't hate you."

My head immediately turns to the right, finally looking at him. He's staring directly at me, studying my face. "What?" A tiny laugh leaves my lips.

He exhales a deep breath as he shakes his head back and forth. "I don't hate you." He repeats as he continues to stare at me.

"Yes, you do." I gulp as I look at him. "You have been messing with me for months, always calling me a whore and making rude comments all the time."

"I only do that shit because you intimidate me." He lowly whispers as he breaks our eye contact. He lays down on his back and looks up at the clear night sky.

"What?" I laugh again, looking down at him. "Why would you find me intimidating?"

"Because you're a mystery to me." He says this with a straight face. "You aren't a bitchy popular girl yet guys jump at the chance to sleep with you. You're feisty and sarcastic and nobody really knows anything about you."

"So that causes you to be an asshole?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I guess that just bothers me."

"Why? Aren't you the same way? Don't girls wait in line to get a one night stand with the star player of the baseball team?" I copy his action by laying down next to him on the grass.

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