thirty nine

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My eyes slowly begin to flutter open. A soft yawn escapes from my lips as I blink a few times. My room is completely silent and empty. I sit up and cover my naked body with the sheets. A piece of paper is folded on my pillow. I quickly pick it up and read the message.

now you know how it feels ;)

A scoff rolls off my tongue as I shake my head back and forth.

"Asshole." I mutter with a small smile.

I get out of bed and grab a towel out of my closet. Walking across the hallway and into the bathroom, I turn on the cold water to take a shower. I look at myself in the mirror and stare at my reflection. Something is different about me. There's a small glow to my rosy cheeks. For the first time in eighteen years, I look and feel happy.

I step into the shower and begin to wash my body and hair. The coldness of it doesn't seem to bother me today. After finishing my routine, I turn the water off and wrap the towel around me.

I walk back into my room and brush my wet and tangled hair. I quickly throw on a black faded Rolling Stones shirt with the red tongue logo taking up the front. I complete my outfit by sliding light denim shorts up my legs.

The loud sound of my phone ringing startles me. I pick it up from my nightstand and see that it's Ethan. Without hesitation, I accept the call.

"Hey." I say in a bubbly tone while sitting down on my bed.

"Good morning sunshine." A deep chuckle leaves his lips. "How ironic, Grayson never came home last night."

"Really? So weird." I hint sarcasm in my tone.

"I guess that boombox worked well for him." He teases.

"Did you tell him to do that?" I let out a sigh.

"I told him to do a big romantic gesture, he came up with the idea on his own. Smart guy, he really pays attention to his girl and her interests."

"Oh, shut up." I roll my eyes while laughing.

"Are you coming to the award ceremony tonight?" He happily asks.

"What award ceremony?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Of course he didn't tell you." Ethan scoffs into the phone. "He's getting a leadership award tonight from his baseball team."

"Oh, I'm sure he had a good reason for not mentioning it. I mean, we were a little busy last night." I can't help but giggle.

"Playing jenga, right?"

"Yup, over and over again." I bite on my lower lip.

"You should come tonight." His strong voice speaks up.

"I don't know." I mumble while looking down.

"This can be your chance to come clean, have your own big romantic gesture."

I rub my lips together while thinking through the idea. "Where is it?"

"The same dining hall where my parents got married. It's a huge banquet to award the team on a great season." He tells me.

"And when does it start?" My heart begins to beat faster.

"Six." I can tell he's smirking.

"I'll think about it."

"Come on, Stella." He groans.

"I gotta go, bye." I quickly hang up and rise from my bed.

I look at myself in the mirror and bite down on my lower lip. My hands slowly open the top draw of my dresser and pull out one of the bills Ethan gave me. This was all supposed to go toward college, but I never went shopping before.

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