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I frantically look around my messy bedroom for the shininess of the metal keys. It doesn't have any keychains or cute objects hanging from it, causing it to be as basic as ever.

A loud groan leaves my lips as I glance back at my alarm clock. I'm going to be late for school again if I don't get the hell out of here. Feeling defeated, I quickly exit my bedroom and take a few steps to the right. Twisting Jake's door open, I quietly step into the dark area.

He's snuggled up under the covers with only his messy brown hair sticking out. My eyes roll as I look around the room. Dirty socks and old condom wrappers take up most of his dresser, along with lighters and empty bags of chips.

"What are you doing?" His voice is low and raspy as he stares at me. His eyes are half closed, causing him to squint.

"Where are the keys?" I hold my hand out.

"I need the car today." He shrugs and lays back down.

"What?! Why are you just telling me this now?" I whisper-yell as I step closer to his bed.

"I didn't know until last night." A sigh escapes his lips as he closes his eyes.

"Where are you going?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Work." He mumbles while cuddling his face into the pillow.

"You're a real asshole." I groan and stare down at him. "I don't want to walk to school."

"It'll be good to get some fresh air." He lowly smirks while keeping his eyes shut.

"Fuck off." I mutter while walking toward the door.

"Have a good day." He sleepily responds.

I toss up my middle finger even though he can't see me. After exiting his room, I rush down the stairs and out the front door. I angrily glare at the car sitting perfectly in the driveway. My hand automatically reaches into my bag to pull out my headphones. I connect the cord to my phone and place them in my ears.

At least the weather is beautiful this morning. The sun is already shining down on this shitty part of town, giving it an odd glow to it. I keep my eyes straight ahead as my feet begin the journey over to school. I don't mind walking but hate when it's a last minute decision.

The loud music consumes my thoughts as I inhale a deep breath. My scraped up converse drag along the sidewalk while my focus stays on the streets that I pass by. I grip onto the strap of my bag when I finally approach the school, making my trip an eighteen minute walk.

Stepping through the front doors makes me groan as I rip my headphones out of my ears, wrapping them around my phone. As I walk down the hallway my eyes land on Tom putting books in his locker. My stomach lightly turns as a nervous gulp flows down my throat. Letting out a sigh, I take a few steps toward him.

"Hey." I quietly call out.

When he turns his head to see me, his face instantly falls. "Uh, hi."

"You're back." I awkwardly point out.

"Yup, my suspension is finally over." He dryly replies.

"That's good." I nod my head while staring directly at his side profile. He keeps his eyes on the inside of his opened locker. He simply nods his head and patiently waits for me to walk away. "I'm really sorry about what happened at the party." My voice lowly shakes as a heavy sigh comes out of me.

"It's okay, I get it." He mutters with an unenthusiastic shrug.

"There's nothing going on between Grayson and I." I remind him again.

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