Origins of a Ghost

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On September 15th of 2002 I was born. A cold world was here to welcome me and it never stopped its icy bite. My mother died in birth and my father disowned me. He left no trace of who he was or where he might be, but the sharp pain of thinking of him has dulled over the years.

Five years later I am still moving from foster home to foster home, never speaking to those who wish to speak and never listening to those who wish to be heard. My heart is cold as ice, and this makes me unwanted by all, which is a lot to say seeing as I'm an adorable five year old.

Silence used to be a defense mechanism but now I have no control over it, it has consumed me and I think I like it that way. The less people I let into my life the less they can just walk out.

At the age of 10 I no longer cared about the fact that no one wanted me. I didn't want me so why should they. I felt alone and that always ate away inside me, but I had Chichi to keep me company. Chichi is a snake whom I stole from a zoo. She seemed so depressed there. Locked up like a prisoner, staring at the same four walls constantly. I let her slither across my neck as I walked home from school.

"Hey (y/n)!"
I groaned and cursed under my breath, then looked up to be greeted by the malicious smile of Connor, the grade A asshole in my class.
"What do you want?" I said, crossing my arms and eyeing him and his four friends dangerously.
"Just saw your snake, that's all. I was wondering how long it would take to leave you, yknow, just like everyone else you've ever met." He sneered.
I glared at him and walked past him, shoving him to the ground on my way.
"Oh that's how it is (y/n)! You stinking little..." his sentence stopped midway so I turned around. He was charging at me like an angry bull and I was quickly knocked to the ground with him on top of my, my wind knocked out.
As I was gasping for breath helplessly he snatched Chichi from my neck by her head, and grabbed a rock.
"Yknow, I was going to just let you wait for her to abandon you, but I decided why let a snake suffer? I'll just put it out of its misery!"
As he raised to rock above his head I screamed louder than a banshee, air suddenly coming into my lungs. Connors eyes rolled back into his head and his friends got off of me, staring in horror at what was happening to their leader. Blood was dripping from Connor's ears and his nose was bleeding. You could see little drops of blood come from his pores, and that mixed with the perspiration that quickly formed on his head. A little bit of blood dribbled out of his mouth and eyes, while bruises started forming all across his body. My mouth hung open and my hand was over my mouth, I gagged at the sight before me.
His body stopped writhing on the floor and his friends turned to me in horror. I shook my head to say, "I have no idea."
They're turned on their heels and ran like hell out of there, and I was stuck here with a dead boy.
After the police report was filed in we saw the cause for his sudden death was Ebola, but his parents were sobbing and saying that he hadn't had any symptoms before, and the doctors where dumbfounded as to how it had all happened so quickly, I buried my head in my hands, but when I pulled them away I noticed a bio hazard symbol on it, and my heart skipped a beat.

Hey pumpkins! I don't really know about this chapter, it was kinda rushed. Lemme know what you think about it! Feel free to give me ideas or requests, and remember I can always use writing tips. Now I'm hungry, imma go eat some ramen.

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