Quantum What Now?

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3k!!! Omg I larb you guys! Hope you like the continuation.

(Y/n) held on the Eddie as San Francisco blurred by. They had to choice to go to the airport, the world was in chaos and she had no idea why. They had to stop at a gas station about an hour in.

Eddie got up and stretched himself out, (y/n) following suit. They walked into the gas station cautiously. Not taking any chances since they had no idea what was going on. The bell at the door rang out as they stepped in, and a man stuck his head up from an isle. His face was stuffed with chocolates and his hands were full of chips and whatnot.

"Whagskd owjs oinging ere?" He he through a full mouth, (y/n) cocked her head to the side and he spit the chocolate to the floor.

"Ew..." Eddie crinkled his nose.

(Y/n) elbowed him and hissed, "you've done worse." And he nodded in agreement.

"What are you doing here?" The man asked.

"We could ask you the same question."

"Picking up snack on my way towards the Avengers tower, and aren't most people like afraid, seeing as everyone is basically-" and he stuck out his tongue, sliding his finger across his throat.

"We're going there as well," Eddie answered shortly, eyeing the man and grabbing on to (y/n) protectively, which earned an eyes roll from her. He always gets jealous, so of course the first man they see after coming back is a "threat".

"ARE YOU GUYS ALSO SUPERHEROES?!" He exclaimed! Running up to the couple and hold out both his hands so they could be shaken at the same time. "I'm Scott, Scott Lang. Ant man."

(Y/n) made an 'o' with her mouth as if she understand what or who an ant man was, and took his hand with a smile.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n)... I'm uh..."

"The Black Death." Eddie cut in and Scott made a confused look with his face.

"Haven't heard of you? And you sound not so much like a hero."

"I'm not really... more of a justice bringer person thingy," she giggled and Eddie scowled.

"And I'm the demon of San Francisco, aka Eddie Brock." He grabbed Scott's hand away from (y/n)'s and shook it firmly.

"Oooo I HAVE heard of you! You're terrifying man, love you!" He said like a child meeting his lifelong hero and Eddies hard expression softened. "You guys should come with us, I feel like we could use some grim reapers right now."

They followed Scott to his car and piled in the backseat. A large man sat in the front.

"What took you so long, Scott? And who are these people?" He boomed.

"That's Bill Foster, he's a grump." Scott said to us.

He soon explained to Bill who we were and to us who Bill was. Then he started talking about quantum reals and mechanics, and how he was stuck and how Bill found him and got him out.

"Quantum what now?" (Y/n) exclaimed about 30 minutes into Scott's story.

"Uugghhh do I really need to explain it all over again?" He exclaimed and she laughed. He was like a large child and it was absolutely adorable. Eddie once again tightened his grip around her hips and she stuck out her tongue at him, taking of Scott's carefree demeanor. If she worried about everything she'd die, so his way seemed nicer.

"How much longer if a drive?" Eddie inquired to Bill.

"We'll drive for about 19 more minutes, but then stop at a motel or something. We need to give the car a break, it may just be the key to our survival, we need to take care of it."

(Y/n) nodded, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Eddie looked down at her with a soft smile and flared when Scott draped a blanket over her.

"Chill out, he's a father. It's his instinct." Bill quietly said to Eddie who just shrugged and sat down in the floor of the van.

A bit later they arrived at a small motel just outside Pennsylvania. Eddie went inside and looked over the counter, just to be met but yet another pile of dust. He sighed lowly and grabbed some keys from the back. 2 rooms. He carried a sleeping (y/n) to theirs and said goodnight to Scott and Bill. As he lay (y/n) down in bed she stirred.

"Shh... just going to sleep... that's all." He reassured her, getting under the covers beside her, his chest against her back. Wrapping his arms and legs around he protectively and affectionately.

"It feels so god to be able to hold you again." He whispered.

"I love you, Eddie."

"I love you too." He lightly kissed the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine then burying his head in the crook of her neck, and she soon fell asleep against the warmth of her body.

"Oxygen runs out tomorrow morning..."

"It's always you..."

His face was in his hands and he ended the message, sobbing afterwards, barely able to get through it strong. He missed her so much.

"God Pepper... I'm so sorry, so sorry."

She tried to reach out to him, comfort him, but she wasn't there, just watching and witnessing. He could feel him slowly suffocating. She could feel his heartbreak, the guilt he had resting on his shoulder. Loud and strong sobs flowed throughout him.


(Y/n) opened her eyes and lay there... they didn't have much time. Maybe it was a glimpse of the future? Maybe the past and they were too late. The only way to find out would be to go there.

Tomorrow. She thought.


Holaaaa! Thanks for reading! Love y'all so much!

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