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"Sorry about this..." YN said to a wincing Scott, while she dabbed the nasty gash Eddie has left him with, sending a glare to him while he sat in the corner, complaining to Venom. "He can be a ridiculous child sometimes."

Scott smiled and laughed while hissing from the pain, once she went back to her seat she called Bruce.

"Hey, hows he looking?"

"Not too good, a lot of his brain activity has shut down during your saving, which isn't your fault! It had to be done. He's not brain dead but it might take a while for him to come out of his unconscious state."

She hung up the phone and held her head in her hands. Eddie walked over and rubbed her back lovingly. She then broke into tears and Scott looked up, giving Eddie a confused look.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a bit panicked.

"I'm 24," she kept sobbing but that cleared up nothing for Scott.

"Olive turns 34 today..." Eddie explained, his voice barely a whisper and it shook, hiding the tears that pushed behind his eyes.

"My daughter, my own daughter is 10 years older than me! 10 years!" She yelled, continuing to shake as all she wanted was to hold her child in her arms. Eddie then pulled her into a tight hug, surrounding her completely, like if he held her close enough the rest of the world would be blocked out and she'd be safe.

"Code Blue! I need you guys in here to help RIGHT NOW!" Bruce's voice boomed over the intercom and they all snapped to attention, running to the lab.

"What's wrong?" Steve ran to the table and looked over Tony's still body with panic.

"His heart stopped, I'm not a medical doctor I don't kno-"

"Step back," YN walked up to the table with black eyes, pushing everyone around her away and pressing her hands on his chest.

"YN, are you sure you even kno-" Eddie started But was cut off.

"Shut. Up."

Tony's body started jerking up and down and the team was panicking.

"Stop, you're killing him..." Steve started.

"No, I'm not."

"YN Stop! Seriously!" His yelling got louder.


"YN YOURE GOING TO KILL HIM!" Steve yelled and grabbed her arm, she then snapped her neck towards him and sent him flying into the wall, cracking it and staring at Steve blankly.

"Stop." Thats all she said, her voice so calm it caused fear to rush through the team, but they knew enough to get their mouths shut.

Tony's eyes shot open and he looked around in a panic, grabbing YNs wrist.

"Pepper?" He couldn't see very well and immediately thought it was her, seeing as it was the only thing on his mind. YN smiles at him and shook her head.

"Peppers on her way, Tony. Don't worry, she's coming."

He nodded and let his head fall back, too tired to move any more, he lay there looking around at his friend while Bruce got him water, his eyes landed on those who had been cast out after the Sakovia accords had... complications.. and sighed sadly.

"Guys I'm so-"

Natasha shook her head and smiled, "No, don't be."

Steve then got up and rubbed his shoulder, looking at YN uncertainly.

"Sorry," she mumbled and he nodded his head, trying to Tony who was eyeing him cautiously.



They smiled at each other but made no other moves.

~~~4 days later~~~

"Thor, you're our strongest link, we need you trying to take out thanks while capsicle and romanoff go for the gauntlet, we need to try to keep that completely immobilized if we want a chance to win this. Bruce I need you to turn on code green, you'll be working on keeping thanos at bay along with me. Scott and Eddie, you two are going to be distracting him, he has no idea about you two yet..." Tony paused and looked over the plan carefully before turning to YN, "and you... well you need to save your energy, as helpful as you would be in the field. We have no idea if your tricks will work with the soul stone but it's our best shot. Guys we can't fuck this up..."

"Language," Steve quietly said.

That earned an eye roll from tony, "this is our last chance, our last stand, the last fight for humanity."

Suddenly the door burst open and pepper walked in, looking around frantically until her eyes later on Tony.

"Oh my god!" She gasped and walked towards him, hugging him and crying, him doing the same.

"God I love you, I love you so much and I'm so sorry for leaving."

"You better have been."

He pulled away and choked on his words as he spoke, "pepper, you know the dream I had?"

She nodded.

"We had a kid, a son, it was so real. That's because it wasn't a dream, Pep. I had him and I loved him..." he was not crying as he spoke. "I lost him Pepper, he died in my arms when I could do nothing... I did nothing."

~~~~in the soulstone~~~~~~
"Guys, how do we get out of here?" Sam looked around, panicked; the scenery constantly changing and the orange glow sickening. It was like being caught in a continuous time vortex.

"We can't do anything from in here..." Strange states, a defeated look on his face.

"The others are trying, I'm sure." Bucky sat down and sighed.

"There has to be some sort of way! I mean-"

"Shut it, Parker. No one needs help from a 16 year old kid!" Sam snapped at Peter, too stressed to listen to the youthful voice.

"I-I'm 17..."

Bucky gave him a sidelong look, confused as to what he meant, "no, you're not."

"Yeah... I am.... it's my birthday." He said quietly, looking at his feet, as if ashamed to be admitting to it. Sam stopped talking and his gaze softened, he looked at him with sadness written all over his face.


Sorry I haven't been updating. I haven't had any ideas or anything and it's just been hard to write, and I've been trying to work on my other story but it's been flunking but oh well. I probably will have to wrap this one up soon. Also I want to get you guys to go check out The Butterfly Effect by MidnightAt7 it's my fav and absolute beautifully written and inspired me to start writing and I think you would all really enjoy it! 

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