In Your Arms

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The next couple of weeks were quiet with Eddie. He always kept his distance from me, no matter how many times I tried to tell him he hadn't really hurt me. I could tell he was torturing himself over what he had done and that killed me, I just wanted things to go back to normal, I wanted him to be my friend again. I understood why he'd be nervous but that was a while ago, and I know he'd never hurt me on purpose.

Eddie was walking by me to his office when I ran to catch up to him.

"Hey Eddie!" I called as I grabbed his arm so he wouldn't walk faster than me with his much longer strides. He stiffened at my touch but smiled at me. Jeez he was complicated.

"What's up, (y/n)?" Eddie asked.

"Ive been doing some research.." I started, "and I investigated some people, turns out those subject they were shipping are going to the broken remains of the facility you took down years ago. I say we go and check it out." I told him, but he shook his head.

"Good idea, but you aren't going, I am." Eddie answered.

"What?!" I exclaimed, "Eddie I was the one who figured this out! Without me you definitely will get hurt and so will V! You can just ignore me forever after one incident! It was one time and I-"

I was cut off by Eddies lips smashing into mine, and his large body pushing me against the wall. I was taken by surprise, but once the initial surprise was over I kissed him back hungrily. His tongue begged for entry into my mouth, but I didn't let him in. He then pinched my ass and I yelped, at that moment he snuck his tongue in and explored my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer to me, my hands under his shirt and his on my butt and in my hair.

He slowly pulled away. Lingering for a couple of seconds before forcing himself to get off of me. My chest was heaving and I jumped down from him and coughed.

His hand was still in my hair when he tilted my head upwards, and looked into my soul with his lust-filled eyes.

"Sorry, I've just wanted to do that for so long." He said in a much deeper voice than usual.

"Me too." I said.

"This is why you can't come." He presses me against the wall and rested his forehead on mine, having to crouch down a bit. "If anything happened to you I wouldn't..." he stopped talking but his eyes begged me to understand. I shook my head.

"I feel the same, I can't let you go alone."

"I don't care! I'm sorry but I'm much more durable than you, I literally have an alien for a shield. You can't go and if you do I'll never forgive you." He said seriously and lowly.

I nodded my head, "Okay, only if you promise the same."

"Alright." I could feel him breathing heavily against me, restraining himself from going all over me. He slowly let me away from the wall and coughed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, (y/n)." He pulled me into another kiss, but this one was soft and passionate, unlike the last one we had shared.

I was walking home when I couldn't take it anymore, I squealed out with extreme joy and hopped in the air. I ran home and lay on my bed giggling like a 13 year old girl. Then I became serious and looked over the file I had put together. I grabbed a white t shirt and a leather jacket, and kept on my jeans. I put on a baseball cap and snuck out into the night, jumping on my motorcycle and zooming across New York, not caring how dangerous the speed was. After a couple of minutes I skidded to a stop in front of the ruins of the facility Eddie took down. I gingerly stepped through the rubble and went inside, stalking quietly.

I was constantly turning and looking, making sure nothing took me by surprise. I heard a clang in a corner and turned my attention to its source, and slowly backed away, only to bump into something and turn around quickly and punch it.

"OUCH!" Eddie yelled, massaging his jaw.

"Eddie!" I hissed loudly. "What are you doing here?! You promised you wouldn't come!"

"You promised as well!" He hissed back angrily. "You're going to get hurt! What in the world is wrong with you?! Do you enjoy almost dying??"

"Yeah I absolutely love being in pain," I spat, no longer feeling so tingly around him.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Go home, now." Eddie ordered. His voice was getting scratchy and I could tell both he and Venom were talking to me.

"Both if you need to—" I started saying when both Eddie and I were flung to the side by an outreached limb or Carnage. As I was flying through the air Eddie extended his arm and venom wrapped part of himself around me, protecting me from the fall. I got up to see Venom standing where Eddie used to be.

Told you so.

"Fuck off," I growled and my eyes went black, I looked around for the red alien to take out my anger on. He was standing in the corner smirking evilly. I yelled and brought hell to his head. He underestimated how far I'd come since the last brawl, and he ended up screeching and holding his head, his mouth splitting in two and Cletus emerging from inside of him, also yelling in pain.

Venom sprinted over there and started pulling out Cletus, but I couldn't hold the amount of power I was emoting and collapsed, wheezing and rubbing my head. Carnage snapped his mouth shut and turned around, stabbing Venom in the chest and biting into him. Venom yelled out in pain and I jumped up, grabbing a crowbar and smacking Carnage in the back of his head, using my enhanced strength to deal as much damage as possible. Carnage fell over and slowly got up, and Venom removed the sword-like thing from his chest.

(Carnage will be in bold italics)
Subject 1, wonderful to see you again, I was hoping you'd come here so I could get a better look at you... he growled, making his arms into points. You need to come with me, I have great use for you and your ability.

I didn't say anything but I could feel my hands get hot, I looked down and saw darkness floating in a ball shape inside my hands, and grinned.

"I don't think so, buddy." I threw whatever I had conjured at the beast before me and he rocketed backwards into the rubble. I then collapsed, exhausted from the darkness that had grown inside of me, I had actually fought most of it back, when I felt it try to take complete control. Venom looked over at me, worried. I just shook my head but gave a thumbs up. I was fine but couldn't do more.

He bounded to where carnage had vanished into the dust, but as V dug he realized the monster was no longer there. I threw my head back and groaned. We were so fucking close to ending him. I shut my eyes and lay there, trying to regain my energy.

I felt large arms snake around me and pick me up. I rested my head on his chest as he carried me to his pickup truck, and after setting me down in the front seat he went and loaded my bike into the back. He drove to his apartment and carried my sleeping form to the elevator, into his apartment, then set me down gently on his bed. He lightly shook me awake and handed me one of his t-shirts and looked away as I took off my clothes and slipped it on. He took of his shirt and pants.

"Do you always sleep in boxers?" I asked, pink faced.

He shrugged, "it's comfortable."

I climbed into his bed and so did he. I scooted as far as I could to the side, almost falling off the bed and barely getting any covers. I was shaking a bit from the cold and Eddie looked over, rolling his eyes. I felt him grab me and roll me into the center of the bed, wrapping his arms and legs around me, making us one. I blushed and how close he held me and the way he trapped me. I looked so small pressed up against him, and he rested his head on my neck.

"Don't act weird, you're cold, it's not like we're doing it." He mumbled into my ear. I immediately relaxed and melted into him. Hear radiated off of his body and his soft breath hit my neck at a steady pace, soothing me into a deep sleep. I wasn't plagued by night terrors that night, my mind at ease knowing he was there.

Thanks you so freaking much for 200 reads! Way more than expected and really appreciated! Vote on the chapters you liked most and I'll write more like them! Also tell me what type of chapters you want and I'll definitely incorporate your preferences. 

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