Night Terrors

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The next morning I got up to see Anne already in my house, fiddling with my suitcase.

"ANNE DON'T YOU KNOCK?" I yelled, freaking out since I only wear underwear and a big tee to bed, so I felt pretty exposed with her here.

"Chill! I was just.. getting your suitcase to the car!" She says, quickly zipping it up and dragging it to their mini van. Eddie was already sitting in the backseat, asleep. No surprise there. And I hopped in next to him and looked out the window as the landscape flew by. It was beautiful. A few hours later we made it to the beach and stepped out of the car, Eddie stretching and waking up. I didn't fall asleep in the car because I didn't want to scare everyone with my night terrors.

"Wait, (y/n), what are you doing here?" Eddie asked, surprised to see me.

"Oh, I was kinda invited last minute." I shrugged and he smiled.

"Cool!" He said, awkwardly patting my shoulder and we just kinda stood there, shifting uncomfortably.

"I'm gonna go and set my stuff down..." I said, and hurried inside.

That left Eddie, Anne, and Xander outside and Anne burst out laughing.

"What?" Eddie and Xander asked together, puzzled.

"You could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife." Anne said through giggles, and Eddies face went red when Xander nodded his head like crazy.

"That's not true Anne, were just friends." Eddie hissed, his face flushed.

"Are you sure that's all you want?" Xander asked Eddie seriously. Eddie opened his mouth to responded, but no words came out so he clamped in shut and walked into the house.

Eddie walked past me not saying a word, and straight into our shared bathroom, he came out in his swim trunks and it took all my willpower not to stare at his finely tuned body. I then walked in and opened my bag to get out my swimsuit. I couldn't find it and kept looking furiously, until I noticed a navy blue piece of cloth under my sandals and slowly pulled out the bikini I had tried on at the store.

"Anne..." I grumbled under my breath, looking at the two piece in horror and shaking my head. I kept looking for my original swimsuit but it wasn't there. I groaned and put it on, then slid myself into a huge shirt I had just found at my apartment, I wasn't even sure where it was from. It smelled really nice though so I had decided to keep it.

I walked out in the shirt and Anne started suppressing some giggles and Eddie looked over, confusion on his face.

"What?" I asked, they hadn't even seen my swimsuit and they were laughing.

"Why are you in Eddies shirt? Have you guys...." Anne started and I looked down and realized whose it was and my face flushed red.

"Oh no no no no no! I just found this in my apartment and it was comfy so I decided to wear- oh my god Anne did you put this in there?" I asked, it suddenly dawning on me.

"Maybeeeeee," she giggled.

I rolled my eyes and quickly took it off, walking over to Eddie and handing it to him.

"Sorry." I said and he gulped, and Anne gasped. I looked down and had forgotten I was wearing the flimsy swimsuit and quickly stepped away from Eddie, embarrassed.

"Mmmmm looking hot honey" Anne catcalled, and nudged Eddie, who glared at her in turn.

I walked towards Anne and kicked some sand on her, sticking out my tongue like a child.

"Don't make fun of me!" I whined and lay down next to her, my back facing the sun.

"Honey you're going to burn!" She said, handing me some sun lotion.

"You're right, just rub it on my back please?" I asked, handing her the bottle. She quickly took a squirt and started rubbing Xander's.

"Sorry, my hands are full. HEY EDDIE!" She called to Eddie and I tried to shush her, knowing where she was going.

"Yeah?" He asked, running towards us from the water.

"Be a sweetie and rub some of this on (y/n)'s back, would you?" She asked innocently, handing him the bottle which he took and shrugged.

"Mkay." He said and started.

I had to hold in a moan from him touching me, I bit my lower lip and I guess Anne saw that, and winked at me, knowing the effect Eddie had on me and how long I had been wishing for him to touch me. Eventually I couldn't take it so I turned around suddenly and thanked him, before laying back down and closing my eyes. I could feel his eyes bore into the head but I pretended not to notice.

Our precious little morsel looks so sweet, Eddie. We must always protect her. Venom said in Eddies head.

"I know." He whispered.

~time skip to dinner(I'm lazy)~

We all sat around the fire outside drinking and eating, laughing at things that weren't funny and telling stories. I was getting ready to turn in. I cleaned up everyone's plates and walked to my room, put on some panties and another oversized shirt that I made sure was my own, and tucked myself in. I started to drift off into sleep when another nightmare came to me.

I was 4. Strapped to a table. Some man with a long face walked in and talked to a woman. He came over to me and didn't say a word. He took out a syringe and stabbed it into my stomach, causing me to yelp, but he couldn't find the right place so he removed it. I saw him grab and x-acto knife and started shaking against my bonds, thrashing around and sobbing. Begging him not to do it. They didn't put me under with sedatives and I was awake when he started cutting into me, and I was screeching.

I was awoken abruptly by a really worried Eddie, shaking me furiously and begging me to wake up. I felt my face and it was wet with tears, my throat was sore from screaming and I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I didn't mean to wake him or scare him.

"It's alright," he said, stroking my hair. He then pushed me over and climbed into my bed, I looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"You're not sleeping alone, not after that," he explained. He was in his boxers and I gingerly lay my head on his chest, and wrapped my legs around one of his, loving how perfectly we fit together. Eventually his breathing slowed and I could tell he was asleep, so I kissed his cheek and silently thanked him for always being here. When I lay back down on him his arms absently wrapped around me, keeping me close. I took in a deep breath of him and fell asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

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