Dark Side

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I woke up the next morning, not having nightmares after the first one. I felt warmth beneath me and heard steady breathing. I panicked for a second before I remembered it was only Eddie. I started to get up when Anne walked in.

"Hey guys do you want pancakes or- oh my god." Her mouth fell open at the sight of us in bed together, Eddie had just started to wake up and his eyes went wide, as did mine, trying to explain the situation to a very smug Anne.

"Nono no it's not-" we said together but Anne wasn't listening.

"FINALLY! I've been waiting forever for you two to sleep together!!! Oh my lord (y/n) you have no idea how annoying it is to hear Eddies 'special' fantasies about you." She said, exasperated and rolling her eyes at the last part.

"Anne we didn't— wait what???" I say, suddenly processing what Anne had just said. I look over to Eddie who was glaring at Anne.

"Oh shit... you didn't..." Anne said slowly then started to dryly laugh, "I'm going to go now!" She then quickly exited the room and I got out of the bed.

"(Y/n)... I-I'm sorry you weren't supposed to know.."

I smiled and shook my head, "it's fine, let's just... forget about it."

He nodded and got out of bed, grabbing some shorts and a shirt, I also slid on some shorts. We went to the kitchen, pretending that nothing had happened, but I couldn't help but wonder if something would ever happen.

Anne saw us come out and went on apologizing profusely to Eddie, who just asked her not to so they could forget about it.

We ended up having pancakes for breakfast and soon it became normal as if it had never happened. When I was walking out of the house Eddie grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

"I hope you know that it was a really long time ago when I said those things. I no longer feel that way, I swear." He said, and I nodded, but my heart shattered at his words. I didn't want him to be over me. I wanted him to feel the way I did, but he obviously didn't and it hurt worse than when I'd been impaled.

We all went to take surfing lessons that afternoon, and met up with some instructors. They were attractive men, around 30 years old and very sweet. One of them started flirting with me and I did so back to him. It wasn't subtle, either. I was hoping to get a quick fling out of him, a way to get over Eddie.

"I gotta say, that swimsuit, mmm!" Larry said, biting his lower lip. I giggled and thanked him, lightly stroking his bicep. This earned a disgusted look from Eddie. I rolled my eyes, he always gets controlling with me and I hate it so much sometimes. We spent the rest of the day with Larry and Max, and I was getting pretty good at surfing, so we went to more difficult sections.

"(Y/n)!" Larry called from the shore, making me lose control and fall off the board, hitting my head on a rock underwater, and I breathed in the seawater, consciousness slipping away.

Eddie immediately dove in, adrenaline making him move extremely fast through the water, he dragged me back to the shore and laying me on my back, about to perform CPR when Larry pushed him off.

"I'm a trained professional, I'll do it." He said before locking his lips with mine, blowing so into my lungs, then placing his hands on my chest and pushing down. He kept repeating this.

Look at him, touching our little morsel like that, we should be the ones touching her, not him. She's ours. Venom was agitated and yelling in Eddies head, which was getting on his nerves.

"I wish, but she's not." He whispered silently.

I woke up coughing up water and my head was bleeding a bit from the side. Worst weekend ever. I saw Larry hovering over me, with Max by his side, Eddie was standing further back, terrified, and Anne was holding on to Xander's arm for dear life. I sat up and was heavily breathing.

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