Heated Party

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I saw Eddie every day, and had recently become more or less friends with Anne, even though I got jealous every time Eddie fell over himself for her. She could tell though, and tried to keep her distance from him.

"I'm already in a relationship," she explained to me. "And I can tell how you feel about the big dumb horse, so I'm really sorry if I ever make you feel bad." She said smiling.

"You don't," I answered, "that big oaf does." We both erupted in laughter and I got up from my couch to get us each another beer.

"So there's this huge fundraising event at the news place tomorrow night, you should come with me!"

I beamed at my best friend and nodded, "ummm heck yeah! I've never been to an actual party before though... what do I wear?"

"Hmmm something sexy, there are gonna be some HOT guys there tonight! Perfect distraction from Eddie!" She laughed and I nodded.

"You got it, come pick me up at 7?"

"You got it (y/n)."

~time skip to the next night~

I got in the shower and blow dried my hair, putting it up in a messy bun with stands falling on my face. I put on some make up but didn't over-do it, just enough to make me look kind of fancy. I put on a tight navy green dress that complimented my curves and showed a bit of my cleavage, and some dark heels, with a green purse.
*Picture at top*

I grabbed everything and went outside, 2 minutes later Anne and her boyfriend pulled up, and I got in the backseat.

"Oh. My. God." Anne said, looking at me.

"What?" I said, suddenly getting nervous, as this was the first time I'd really dressed up for anything.

"I've never seen you like this! Honey you are so hot! Jesus if I wasn't straight.." she says jokingly, and I laugh.

Anne turned to her boyfriend, "you agree, right?"

He turned around and nodded. "Oh yeah, no one will be able to keep their eyes off of her."

I smiled and laughed. "Thanks guys, but how about we get to that partyyyy!"

~time skip to the party~

I walked in with my friends and took in my surroundings, feeling a bit claustrophobic with all the dancing, drinking, and the emcee taking bets for the auction, not like I'd be able to afford anything.

I walked over to the bar and bumped into a large man, which isn't surprising cuz basically everyone is large compared to me.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I say, looking down.

"(Y/n)? W-wow you look... I mean what are you doing at this party?"

I looked up, "oh Eddie! I came with Anne! Just here to support and have some drinks! Anne is over there." I said, pointing to Anne, knowing he'll want to be with her.

He didn't even look in the direction, but kept his attention focused on me, looking me up and down. I suddenly felt very vulnerable as I could feel him undressing me with his eyes, or maybe it was just in my head, but I decided this was my night to get my mind OFF of him.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get myself a drink or two, you go have fun and we'll catch up later?"

"Oh yeah okay!" He was very concentrated on something else it seemed, and it didn't take long for me to realize he was talking with Venom.

"Dude stop, no I'm not thinking that. I don't care if you share my thoughts cuz you're obviously wrong." he hissed in a hushed voice.

I walked towards the bar and started the long night.

Before I knew it I was on the dance floor, tipsy but not full on drunk. Dancing with men I haven't met but hey, it was fun! Some of them got a little too touchy, so I had to walk away. I sat back down at the bar and was about to order a drink when a tall, handsome man in a collared shirt and dress pants sat next to me.

"I'm Josh." He said, smiling, obviously trying to start conversation.

"(Y/n)" I replied, smiling a sweet smile.

"Yeah I know, I asked your friend as soon as you walked in, just never knew what to say till now!" He laughed.

"It took you two hours to come up with 'I'm josh'?" I said, wheezing. Everything was funnier after too much alcohol.

"Hey cut me some slack! All the other guys haven't even said hi... so I'm ahead."

A few shots later Josh and I were both laughing about nothing, pounding fists on the counter and then drinking some more, the space between us had closed and out arms were touching.

"You knowww what Joshh?" I said with a bit of a slur.

"What?" He asked, smiling.

"You, my frienddd, are the hottest guyyy in hereee!" I said with a failed wink, and went back to laughing at my said excuse for flirting.

He then smashed his lips against mine in a hard and hungry kiss, placing his hand on my lower back and the other where my hips meet my thighs. After I got over the initial shock I kissed him back, and as I was putting my arms on his shoulders a large hand yanked me away by the forearm and dragged me to a quiet corner near the bathrooms.

"Heyyy!!! Let me goooo! That hurts!" I yell at whoever it was. I looked up to see a very mad Eddie Brock, and to be honest I was scared for a second, if looks could kill I'd be like a cow to the slaughter.

"What the hell was that?!" He hissed loudly, his face inches from mine as he arched his back to meet my height more or less, my arm still pinned against the wall by his huge hand and his hot breath hitting my face.

"What was what??" I hiss back, suddenly mad that he ruined a perfectly fine kiss.

"That mini make-our session with you and whoever that was?! You don't even know the guy and you let him touch you and kiss you like that?! What is your problem?!" His voice was getting louder and I trembled a bit but kept a tough face.

"I'm freaking 24! I can do whatever I want to!" I growled.

He scoffed and pressed me harder into the wall, making it harder to breathe.
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you when a guy like that fucks you then just leaves you in the morning."

I glared up at him, "since when do you care?" I spat.

He glared at me and gritted his teeth, I swallowed, a bit turned on if I'm being honest, I'd never seen Eddie like this but damn.

He suddenly back away from me and put his hands up, still angry, "fine, have it your way." He then walked out of the corner and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I decided to make it so this is a romance! Please tell me what you think, that'd really help!
Imma go eat ramen
I hope you enjoyed!
And thank you so much for 30 reads!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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