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106 reads!!!! Tysm I love you guys! I'm having so much fun writing and it always makes my day to see that's it's been read!

Venom jumped from building to building throughout New York, he was like a shadow, blending in with the night and surprisingly not making a sound as he landed on rooftops with his heavy figure. He constantly looked down to me to make sure I was okay, and was very careful as to not scratch me with his large and dangerous fingers. This made me see him in a whole new light, the once tough and terrifying being had turned to a cute little puppy in my mind.

Eventually we got back to my house and set me down, brushing me off.

How are you, I know it must be- a shock

He asked me with sympathy in his eyes. At first I was confused as to what he was referring to, but quickly realized he had meant about my discoveries of my past.

"I'm doing alright, it's disorienting, knowing so much of my life is a lie. And I wish I had my memories but I think it's actually better I don't, if I was in any position like the others we saw in there." I answered softly, with a sad smile, placing a hand on Venoms shoulder. "Thanks V."

Anything for our little morsel.

I looked up in surprise at what he just said and fell into a pit of laughter, making a knot in my stomach.

"What do you mean 'our little morsel'?" I wheezes through my laughter. It was so weird having a big alien call you that and it didn't make sense that he would.

What do you mean? We never said that.

Venom got defensive and crossed his arms. I kept laughing.
"Sure Venom."


Nice job dude, very subtle. Eddie said in Venoms head, so I obviously didn't hear it.

"Sure V, whatever you say." I start walking away, still laughing lightly.

"Goodnight (y/n)," I heard Eddies voice say behind me. I turn around and face him in the dark.

"Goodnight Eddie."

~time skip to the next morning~

I woke up sore and with a headache, yesterday had been too much physically and mentally. I sat up and checked the time. It was 6:30 am, so I had an hour to get ready before heading off to work. I got into a collared flannel and left the two top buttons down, showing my chest a bit but not too much. I got into my high waisted jeans and tucked my shirt in, then pulled my boots over the and put my hair up in a bun.

I was walking to work when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and let out a frustrated breath.

"Connor, what do you want?" I glared at my abusive ex and shrugged off his hand.

"You, I miss you, I miss us." He said sternly and lowly, and I knew he was going to use force to get his way no matter what.

"You're an asshole, let me go." I hissed, and started walking away, when I felt a hand harshly grab my throat and push me against the wall of a garage.

"I said, I want you. Now come quietly or I'll do a lot worse than choke you." He said with a smirk. I was writhing around under his grasp, gasping for air helplessly. I didn't want to kill another person, not even someone as awful as he.

I built up the willpower to let go with one hand and slug him right in the jaw. I guess my superhuman strength helped cuz he was out like a light. I walked away quickly, tears running down the sides of my face. Everything that has happened so far has been too much and I was at my breaking point. Bruises had already formed on my neck and my glands were swollen, it hurt like crazy.

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