The White Room

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Thank you all so freaking much for 700 reads. Tbh I wasn't even expecting 100 and you guys have made me so happy and I love it so much when you vote. I'm also thinking about opening a Bucky Barnes book or something! I think I'll wrap up this book in the next few chapters.

"Thank you so much again! I love this I'm so honored oh my god you guyssss!" Anne was squealing in the backseat and poking 3 month Olive in the nose.

"Of course Anne, Eddie and I wouldn't want anyone else to be we godmother but you!"

Eddie smiles back at his little girl and Anne, feeling better knowing if anything ever happened to them, god forbid, Anne would take care of their daughter and raise her to be strong and independent.

"You know I- EDDIE LOOK OUT!!" I screeched as our car spun out of control over a cliff, tumbling down. I saw tendrils of venom wrap around Anne and Olive, they were the most fragile. We kept tumbling down, down, down. Till we literally hit rock bottom, and Venom finally retreated back to a bloody and bruised Eddie, trying to save him before he died. Olive was sobbing in the backseat, unscathed just like Anne, but just a little baby who didn't know what was happening. The car squeaked as I saw it inch towards the ledge of where we had been stopped. My feet were trapped under the glovebox and Venom was still trying to heal Eddie.

"ANNE! GET OLIVE AND YOURSELF OUT OF THIS CAR NOW!" I boomed into the backseat, and she quickly complied, grabbing Olive carefully and climbing out of the car. I started moving and then the car slipped, I felt my body leave my organs behind as we free fell, I looked at unconscious Eddie, trying to remember every detail of his face, before we hit the ground and everything was dark.

~time skip 7 hours~

I woke up and my body had already healed for the most part, but I groaned and cuts and bruises littered my body like dirt did the ground of the forest. I looked over at Eddie in a panic, wondering what had happened to my husband, he lay there with a couple of cuts but otherwise I'm pretty good shape, than god for Venom. I started to get up but felt a sharp pain in my side. Probably a broken rib. I waited another ten minutes until it healed and walked over to Eddie.

"Eddie, Eddie sweetheart, wake up, we need to find Anne and Olive." I shook him harshly, not wanting to waste another minute. He looked up at me with shock all over his face and he searched around with panicked eyes.

"They got out of the car, they're fine, we just have to find them."

He stood up and nodded, letting V encase him.

Grab on, this is going to be a bumpy ride.

I held onto Venom for dear life as he quickly scaled the canyon walls, but I kept a grim face, I had a really bad feeling we weren't going to find what we were looking for.

We got to the ledge and saw Olives little pink hat on the ground, I bent down and picked it up, then turned it over and started crying.

11 Alamein Drive
Be there by 8 pm

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to rip him apart till you can't tell what he was and then I'm going to feed his remains to a fucking dog..." I said quietly, Eddie standing in horror beside me.

Eddie turned back into Venom, who then grabbed on to me wordlessly, and swiftly made it to our house. I got dressed into more comfortable clothes and grabbed my revolver from inside a book, and hopped on my motorcycle and Eddie on his. He had picked up a huge knife as well in case it got to hand to hand combat without symbiotes. We zoomed down San Francisco, and towards the address, I stopped abruptly and almost sent Eddie flying into me, but I didn't care. He stole my baby girl, my fucking kid. I slammed open the door and walked in, looking around as Eddie followed behind me. He unsheathes his knife and got in a ready stance. The door immediately closed behind us and I turned around, trying to open it, but it disappeared into the wall, as if it was never even there, the room looked limitless in all directions, it smelled like hand sanitizer and chemicals, and it was so so white, I looked around and panicked a little.

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