Just a Figment of Your Imagination

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The song above goes well with this chapter.

"Eddie, baby, it's alright," I whispered with my calm, smooth voice. I ran my hands through his hair as he stared into my eyes, watching me intently.

"I'm so sorry..." he whimpered, resting his head into my hand, wrapping his arms around me, smelling my hair and softly crying, heart broken still. "I should've done more, I should've brought you back."

I pulled him away, smiling and shaking my head, "you couldn't have, honey, you did what you had to."

He just shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head. I sat up in the bed, pulling my knees to my chest, looking at my love with sadness in my eyes. Sadness for him, the actions he had to take broke him in every way possible.

"Babe, it's been 7 years, you need to let me go, I'm not actually here and you know that." I looked into his eyes and tried to make him understand that he couldn't continue on like this. It'd
drive him crazy, if it already hasn't.

"I don't care, I need to see you, I need to hear your voice. I need to hold on to you. I can't... I need you..." He was stuttering and shaking his head. I rested my hand on his back and smiled.

"You have a daughter to take care of, I would've wanted you to move on and take care of her, she barely knows you, and you're her father. Xander is basically her dad now, and that's your position, you need to become a bigger part of her life and stop locking yourself away. She's turning 8 today..." I felt tears threaten to spill, knowing I'd never be able to share a moment, have a memory with my princess.

"But the more I go into her world... the less I'm in yours." He protested, heart aching.

"I'm not real, I'm gone and you know it. You have to let go at some point, you're making this hard on Venom as well... he's withering away, he barely talks to you anymore because you've closed him off. He needs you just as much as Olive... and there's so much pressure on Anne... Eddie you need to get your life together. You can't keep mourning after 7 years!"

"I've tried and you know that! I can't just forget you, (y/n)! I can't just-" he stopped abruptly and put his head in his hands. "This life is horrible... I can't..."

I rubbed his back, "this isn't life Eddie, this is a horrible nightmare you force yourself to live every day. You need to wake up from it Eddie so you can see how much the world has to offer you... Eddie you need to wake up..."

Eddies eyes shot open and he sat up in bed, looking around and groaning once he knew that he wouldn't see me for a while, or at least until he dreamed again. He got out of the bed and went to the closet. Still half full with my old clothes he hadn't had the heart to pack away, even after all this time. He threw one a shirt and pants and walked out into the kitchen where Anne was getting Olive ready for school.

"Okay, now remember..."

"If someone is being mean, make sure not to kill them by accident, but if they hit you, hit back harder!" Olive said in a chipper voice, just now getting the hang of her powers.

"That's my girl!" Anne exclaimed, hugging the 8 year old. "Happy birthday sweetie." She kissed the top of Olive's head and looked up to see Eddie standing in the doorway, watching from afar.

"Hey Eddie," she smiled.

"Hey dad!" Olive waved, it had become a habit not to hug him, because he gets tense and it hurts his heart. She has always been an amazing daughter, understanding and supportive to her absent and troubled dad, even though she wasn't so sure why he was like this, but she guessed it had to do with her mom.

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