1 month

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I woke up at noon, exhausted and sore from the night before. I turned around and groaned, I could barely move. Eddie was already awake and I was surprised to see him just looking at me.

"How long have you been up?" I asked, giggling a bit.

He shrugged and mumbled, "2 hours..."

I opened my mouth in surprise, "not creepy at all..."

He smiled and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I just can't believe it. You're finally mine, I just..." He was at a loss for words but his eyes said it all. My heart glowed at what he had said but I decided to tease him.

"Who says I'm yours? I'm not an object, you know." I remarked, hoping to get a rise out of him.

"Not what it seemed like when you were screaming my name last night," he chuckled, kissing my nose then burying his head in my neck. My face went pink and I stroked his hair.

"If anyone even thought of touching you I'd kill them, and then make sure you knew you were mine all over again," he murmured into my neck. I scratched his back and let him breath into my neck.

You guys are gross, I couldn't get any sleep last night, I was literally being forced to watch.

Venom sounded distrusted. I giggled but Eddie nodded,

"I'm sure it was bud, but you'll have to get used to it," Eddie laughed a bit. I heard a knock at my door and groaned.

"Probably the mailman," I started to get up but couldn't really move my legs, Eddie had destroyed me the night before. He looked over at me with a smirk, delighted at his work, I just glared at him and pointed to the door. He slowly climbed out of bed and put on some boxers. He walked to the door and opened it.

"Anne... what are you doing here...?" Eddie asked, I leaned my head back and groaned. As much as I loved Anne, I wasn't sure I had the energy to answer all the questions that were surely coming.

"It's my best friends house! The better question is.. what are you doing here?" She retorted, marching into my bedroom where I quickly covered my body with sheets. Anne took in the scene of clothes thrown everywhere, the messy bed, and nude me.

"Did you guys actually..." she started, not wanting to make the same mistake as last time.

Eddie smiler widely and nodded. "Fuck yeah we did."

"Eddieeee!!" I whine.

"What?" He asks, "I just had sex with the girl of my dreams and you expect me NOT to be excited?" He laughed and Anne was giggling like a school girl.

"This is the BEST DAY EVER!" Anne squealed and came to give me a hug.

"Nonono, naked here!" I squealed, pushing her away.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just get up and get dressed!" She said, turning away.

"I can't really walk..." I breathed out, and saw Anne go into a lot of laughter and high five Eddie. I glared at them both but laughed as well.

Eddie walked over to me with some jeans and a shirt, and helped me get into them, bring amazingly gentle compared to the night before.

"Okay Anne, you can turn around now."

Anne ran to me and pulled me into the tightest hug ever, which earned a sore groan from me. She started giggling again.

~two hours later~

It was now 2pm, Eddie and I walked into work with an excuse as to why we were late. We kept puzzling over where Cletus and the subjects he had taken would be, and how he knew all about me. Something was fishy and wrong about what was going on, and I had a feeling that this went a lot deeper than a need for power. What's more powerful than power?

I was focusing intensely on the page, and looked over to see Eddie had fallen asleep on top of his files, guess last night took a toll on him as well. I laughed and shook my head. I went back to my work when I saw Eddie shaking and tears streamed from his eyes. Shit.

I ran over to his and started shaking him, "Eddie baby, wake up, it's just a dream!"

His eyes shot open and he looked over at me, panting and pulling me into a hug. I wished he would just tell me what he dreamt about.

"(Y/n) is it you? For real?" He asked, freaking out.

"Of course it is, honey." I stroked his cheek.

He hugged me again, "I'm so sorry, so sorry, I love you so much."

I looked up at his words, "y-you love me?"

His face went pale and he nodded slowly.

I crashed my lips into his, straddling his hips and putting my hands on both sides of his face, I pulled away, "I love you too."

Then I leaned over the trash bin and vomited. Not exactly the best timing.

"Oh my god, babe, are you okay?" Eddie asked, holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

I shrugged and sat up, "I don't know, maybe it was the coffee, who knows the kind of chemicals they mix it with?" I laughed and he smiled, but worry was evident in his eyes.

~time skip 1 month~

I think I had some stomach bug, but I didn't tell Eddie, he'd just be worried and it wasn't that bad. In the middle of the night I'd sneakily get out of our bed, and tiptoe to the bathroom, and end up getting sick in there. One night Venom caught me.

Is our little morsel sick?

I smiled, "I guess so."

Let me try to sense it.

I waited patiently as he placed part of himself on my stomach and then retracted.

Yes you are sick.

I groaned, so much for superpowers. "Is it the flu?"

No, but it won't go away for another, let's say 8 months?

I froze at Venoms words. "Are you fucking with me? V it isn't funny!" I placed a hand on my stomach and he just gestures towards the medicine cabinet. I looked in the back and pulled out a pregnancy test. Venom gave me privacy and I did my business. I waited and waited, till the answer finally showed up. A little +. I leaned my head back and started crying a bit. I was 24! Just out of college, and I was a month pregnant with a guy I've dated for a month.

~next morning~

I had made breakfast, pancakes, eggs, croissants, you name it. Eddie walked into the kitchen all groggy and I smiled a bit, holding it behind my back. He sat down and smiled.

"What's the occasion?"

"1 month anniversary! And 1 month since we first... yknow..." I then put the test on the table in front of him, "And I'm 1 month pregnant..."

He looked up at me in shock and terror. "Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I felt tears pool in my eyes, he was going to leave me.

"We had too much sex after that! It cold have hurt the baby!" He exclaimed, running over to me and kneeling by my stomach, rubbing it and apologizing to it. I then did start crying, tears of relief.

"Aw honey, what's wrong?" He asked, standing up and hugging me in the hugs I loved so much.

"I-I thought you were going to leave me!" I said through sobs.

He laughed, "I'd never leave you, I'm just glad that I get to have another one of you, and it's also part of me, so if we're so great together, she'll be perfect."

I sniffles and smiled at the love of my life. "How do you know it's a girl?" I asked.

"I just do." He whispered, hugging me again.

This was very fluffy 😂😂 leave thoughts! Thanks for reading ❤️🥰

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