Cletus Kasady

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The next day I came into work wearing short daisy dukes, and a t-shirt, knowing I didn't have to dress up for the dirty secrets we had to dig up. I arrived and knocked on Eddies door.

"Come in!" I hear his voice from the other side.

I walk in and his face lights up.

"Great! You're here! We have a lot to do today, there's a science facility that has been accused for doing illegal human experimentation, and I tried getting answers out of them through talking, but they wouldn't let anything slip."

I cocked my head to the side, "so what are we going to do? We don't have a search permit and I don't think a couple of rumors could get us one."

He smirked at me and I gulped. Gosh he looked hot when he smirked. "That's where the fun part comes in. Today they are getting a load of supplies shipped in from China, big things like old viruses, dangerous bacteria, and drugs."

I nodded my head as a sign for him to move on. "Only the most trusted people are moving the supplies, it's a heavily armed convoy of course, but the people at the science facility have no idea who the person driving it is supposed to look like, so if we are able to intercept them, then we can get free passage in without suspicion."

I smiled and stood up, "let's go."

~time skip 3 hours~

We've been waiting out on a canyon wall 10 miles out of the city for 2 hours now. Eddie and I are laying stomach down on the brush not taking our eyes off the road when we heard the bustling of a truck come down the road. It was big and black, and we could see only two people in the seats.

"Kay buddy, time to come on out," Eddie said aloud, and I looked over at him. Venom seeped out of Eddie and covered him completely, I'd never seen Eddie completely transform into Venom before and my mouth hung open. Venom winked and laughed a deep scratchy laugh. I climbed onto his back and let my eyes go black, the same symbol appear on my hand as it had done 2 times before.
(Venoms dialogue will be in bold) You have to be careful, (y/n), they will be armed.
"I can handle myself, thanks Venom."

No I don't really care, Eddie just wanted me to say.

I laughed and nodded, "good to know-"

Venom jumped off the cliff without warning and we quickly landed on top of the convoy, Venom tore a hole in the back and quickly ate 10 armed men, while I busted through into the drivers seat, sending him vomiting and turning different shades of green and dying. I threw him out of the drivers seat and
took control in one swift motion.

"Nice job!" Eddie exclaimed, climbing up next to me with some uniforms.

"Heyyyy you're back!" I said smiling, but keeping my eyes on the road.

"Haha yeah, pull over here, we need to get into these clothes before we get there." He said.

I pulled over and got out of the car, grabbed to clothes and started to strip when I remembered that Eddie was literally right there.

"Can you turn around and I turn around so we don't see each other?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah of course."

Little did he know that once his back was turned I quickly snuck a peek and my heart leapt at his finely tuned abs, but I quickly turned back around. And little did I know he did the same, checking out my body which made his face flush red.

Once we were both in the uniforms we started the hour drive towards to science facility. I fell asleep, exhausted from using powers I hadn't yet taken full control of, and in my sleep Eddie drapes his jacket over me to keep me warm.

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