I'm Here

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I just wanna say I had so much fun writing this book and it was so heartwarming to see people read it. I love you all. This chapter will probably be the last one, but if you want me to continue, just comment that you do. I will probably start a new book with like Bucky Barnes or someone else from the MCU, and later on probably one that is a stand alone from other universes. This chapter will be short and just wrap it up. Sorry if it's confusing, if u have questions ask in the comments.

Olive shut the diary, and locked it with the key her father had given her 8 years ago. She was 16 now. She look up at her father who was quietly standing there, eyes filled with tears, mirroring the ones that spilled from hers. The last words on the page were full of love from him, he truly cared, and was barely able to let go, she could see by the way the handwriting started to fail.

"This was mom's diary?" She whispered out, barely able to form words, much less put them together.

Eddie nodded.

"Yeah, and after she passed I wrote in it for her, from her point of view to keep it... yknow."

Olive nodded, thinking of (y/n), her mother. She wiped her tears and looked up at her father, "you could have at least warned me about 'Gym Time', that was way too graphic," she forced a little laugh and Eddie smiled tightly.

"I'm so sorry I was so harsh on you, you read what I had to do... what it did to me... I just wanted you to be safe."

Olive nodded and breathed deeply, standing up and going to hug her father. Venom wrapped around them and Olive smiled, "I promise to never let it gain control over me, dad." She said as she played with darkness in her hand, before making it disappear. Eddie nodded.

"I wonder if she's looking down on us right now." Olive said, looking around. The truth was that (y/n) was in that very same house, looking at them, wishing she was alive to share this moment, this hug. She was overwhelmed with joy that her husband was finally able to have a life away from her.

"Cmon dad, I want you to show me everything in there, the warehouse where you first fought together... the store where you met...." and they walked out of the door together. Anne sat in the living room, holding (y/n)s diary and wiping a tear.

"If you're out there... if there's an afterlife..." she called out into the empty space, "know I love you so much and you will forever be my best friend."

Years later, when Olive was 30 and Eddie was 87, he lay on his deathbed. Barely holding on to life, trying to stretch out the last moment with his daughter and grandchildren into a million more. Olive stroked her fathers hair and kissed his forehead.

"Take care of him, princess..." He croaked, as Venoms black goo traveled across his arm and onto Olive's. She nodded, tears streaming down her face. The heart monitor flatlined and she buried her head in her hands, letting out pained, deep sobs.

Eddies eyes shot open and he sat up, looking around to see a familiar shop, and he saw himself walk in and tap a pretty woman on the shoulder, who looked at his tater tots and chocolate and immediately jumped to attention. He then zoomed forward to see that same girl get impaled, and he rushed to her side, trying to heal her, he saw the day he fell in love with her, the day they first kissed, the day the moved in, the day they solved a huge case, their anniversary, her pregnancy announcement, their engagement and the birth. He saw his life flash before his eyes and it didn't take him long to realize that she was his life, and after she was gone, Olive was.

He sat up once again, in his 30 year old body, looking around and spotting his house. He saw his parents on the outside and almost cried, running towards them and embracing them.

"I missed you guys so much..." he said, surrounded by love. 

"We missed you too," they answered, then pulled away.

"You'd better go inside..." they said, gesturing towards the door. Eddie opened it and saw her.

His (y/n), the love of his life, as beautiful as ever. She was right there in front of him, standing and smiling widely. Eddie dropped to his knees and tears ran down his face. She raced towards him and bent down next to him, embracing him and kissing him over and over again.

"This can't be real," he said.

"It is," (y/n) answered with the voice he missed so much, the voice he had spent hours listening to through her voicemail, trying to make it feel as if she was there.

He just kissed her on the cheek, forehead, and lips, trying to take it all in, just in case it wasn't real.

"I'm here..." she whispered in his ear.

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