Gone, Gone, Gone

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All dust.

I felt a change in this world as well.

I saw Olive disappear, alone, scared, with no one.

But I started to take shape. So did Eddie. Why?

It was like being born again, but not. I couldn't explain it. I just felt Eddies grip on my get more real, the ground underneath me pull me in with gravity, and the world around me went into chaos.

I ran around, searching for the tv. Eddie just stood there, confused and holding the dust that had replaced our daughter. I flipped to the news channel and dropped the controller. So many people just... disappearing. How? Why? It doesn't make sense. The news reporters seemed confused as well. But I knew, this has to do with the avengers. It always does. I ran and got dressed in my old with shirt and leather jacket, and threw Eddie some clothes as well. He hopped into his motorcycle and I jumped in behind him, grabbing onto his waist. He sped away.

"What's going on?" He yelled back to me, the roaring of the city around us louder than usual. "How are we alive? This doesn't make sense! I died years ago!"

"I don't know." I yelled back to him, "SWERVE EDDIE SWERVE!"

He did as I said and looked back in awe as a car without a passenger crashed into the building next to us, almost taking us out in the process.

"Eddie, what's happening?" I whispered in his ear, but he just shook his head, as confused as I.

"We're supposed to be dead," he murmured, "and Olive should be alive."

I sighed and squeezed his core reassuringly, and waited for us to arrive at the avengers tower.

Really short, Ik. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm back and will be continuing this story, just not as often.

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