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I woke up gasping for air, panic rising as I regained consciousness and remember the events that had taken place last night. Or was it last night? I couldn't tell how long I had been asleep.

I took in my surroundings. The apartment was small but homey and nice, I started to sit up but immediately felt a pain in my side and sucked in air fast. I looked down to my stomach and say a huge sweatshirt was over my otherwise mostly bare body, only my undergarments were underneath it. I lifted it up to examine my stomach, only to be greeted by a huge white patch covering it up.

I decided not to lift up to patch, afraid to open up whatever was beneath it. I lay back down for another 5 or so minutes before I mustered the strength to push myself off the bed and try walking. I was weak and I nearly fell on my face like ten times taking only ten steps. Like seriously how pathetic am I? I thought to myself.

Then it dawned on me, I had no idea where I was, who I was with, who freaking dressed me and who's apartment I was in!!! I had a small panic attack as I looked around for some sort of sign as to my whereabouts. The refrigerator had no magnets or pictures, and there were no framed photos that I could find. I sat down and put my head in my hands, I wanted to get out of there but I could barely stand.

My stomach growled and I guessed that whoever had been keeping me hadn't fed me in my sleep, if that was even possible. I opened the fridge and saw a stash of... tater tots and chocolate? The color drained from my face as I guessed who's apartment this was, who's sweatshirt I was in, and who patched me up. I stumbled back to the chair and heard a lock click, my heart pounding in my chest with fear. Maybe he wasn't such a good guy? Maybe he was a friggin psychopath who was gonna kill me?!

I saw the back of Eddie's head as he walked into the bedroom I had been in previously, then I saw him turn to a panic as he searched around furiously, coming into the kitchen and seeming to calm down immediately.

"Oh my god thank goodness you're up!" He exclaimed, racing towards me and pulling me into a tight hug. I winced under the impact of his embraces and he quickly backed up, apologizing profusely.

"I was so worried, I didn't know if you'd wake up, and I couldn't feed you. Hospital was out of the question, they'd see something was different about you... I'm so sorry I dragged you into that."

I stayed silent, a confused look on my face, but also a terrified one... he knew?

"Wh-what do you mean you dragged me into that? Into what? What's different about me? Who the actual fuck are you?!" I started raising my voice. I was terrified, confused, I felt alone and in danger, everything hurt and I was really hungry!!

He sat down across from me and looked at me sadly, "hey man, maybe you should come out." A black string of muscle seeped from his arm, a small head on the end with it... and everything clicked.

"Y-You're venom???" I couldn't believe the words that had left my mouth.

"Yeah... I was fighting another symbiote, an alien, he was trying to kill me until you stepped in and.." he scratched the back of his neck and gestured towards my stomach and o made an 'o' with my mouth.
"So you're weird." He states bluntly and I looked up from my hands quickly, glaring at him.

"Coming from you, mr. I'm a half alien and almost got a girl who works at the store i go to killed." I retorted. I was pissed. Venom chuckled a scratchy chuckle. I shot my eyes to him and they started to go black threateningly and he quickly shut up.

"She's feisty, no wonder you like her," he said to Eddie, who's ears immediately went pink, the same way my cheeks did.

"I don't, parasite, so shut up."

Venom looked really hurt at those words, "oh so I'm a parasite, maybe I should just tell all the thou-"

"I WILL TAKE AWAY TATER TOTS IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP!" Eddie boomed at venom, making me jump a little.

"Okay, okay Eddie I'm sorry, but you have to apologize for calling me parasite!"

I rolled my eyes at the and looked down, suddenly becoming very away of what I was wearing and going red.
"Umm how did.."

"Don't worry, he averted his eyes while dressing you, even though he was thinki-" venom started when Eddie shot him a glare, and I pretended not to notice Venom's last remark.

"Okay that's good, but can I get like my old clothes back or something?" I asked.

Eddie jumped up and ran to the night table, and took my tights out of the drawer. "Yeah, yeah here ya go, ur shirt is kinda torn up from the pole impaling you but i washed the blood out of your thoughts so they're good."

I smiled my thanks and walked into the bathroom, sliding them on when Eddie knocked and opened the door just enough to get his hand through, handing me one of his shirts.

"You can return it one day at work." He called through the door.

"Mkay! Thank you!" I call back, putting it on and walking out. I laughed, "I look so small in this!"

He laughed to, "you look small in most things! You're so petite it's hilarious."

I gave him a playful glare and punched his arm softly, "I bet I could take you!"

He pointed to my stomach and raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. He smiled down at me and stepped closer, about to say something when he stopped, as if forgetting. We were barely an inch apart so I cleared my throat.

"Well I should probably get home, I need to rest and eat." I said awkwardly.

He took a step back and nodded, "yeah, you should, I'll get a taxi and take you there, I don't want you to get hurt."

~time skip to a week later~

I've been spending a lot of my time at Eddie's since then, always listening to him rant about how annoying Venom is, and listening to Venom do the same. We haven't seen or heard from Carnage since the incident and I was for once, happy. I felt like I belonged and I was wanted, and it was the best.

We were talking about the new movie about Winston Churchill, Eddie was really into stuff like that and I loved to hear him talk about it so passionately, and go through every minute detail of his personality and approach to problems.

There was a knock at the door and Eddie went to get it, I stay in the kitchen until I heard an "Anne!"
Jealousy immediately boiled up inside of me and I was even sure why. I swallowed and walked to the door, where I found Eddie leaning on the wall stammering and smiling like a goofy child. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag.

"I gotta go. Early start tomorrow." I said shortly, pushing my way past Anne.

"K (y/n) bye." Eddie called back and I walked out in a huff.

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