Don't Leave Us

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I was in a white room, alone and in Eddies shirt. Eddie appeared in there and looked around, confused.

"Eddie? Where are we?" I said, starting to panic.

"I don't know... how did we get here?" He asked, trying to walk towards me, but he was met by some kind of force, keeping him away. I ran up to him and we were centimeters from touching each other and it was torture. I started shaking from the cold and looking at my best friend. He looked back at me when we hear a voice come over the intercom.

Eddie Brock, (y/n) (y/l/n), two dangerous people in a dangerous world. (Y/n) especially, at least you will be when you are able to access your full power.

I looked over at Eddie in confusion and cocked my head.

"Eddie who is that?" I asked, begging him to help me understand what was happening. He just shrugged and looked around. The white walls made the room seem limitless, but invisible boxes kept us in an allotted space. It smelled of hand sanitizer and Eddie and I looked dirty compared to the space we were in. We couldn't see where the intercom was, but the voice was booming and foreign to us both.

Eddie you will walk away, we assure you. You won't be bothered again and neither will your friend, don't bother bringing him out to try to escape, though, we have sound waves ready to emit from the walls, and they're so high it'd kill your friend almost instantly.

I went from worries to completely freaking out, something was very wrong. Eddie was reacting that way as well, pacing around, trying to get out.

The only reason you're here Eddie is because we can't do what we need you to do, we've tried but our men have just been slaughtered, but we know (y/n) would never do anything to hurt you.

A deep pit hollowed in my stomach as it dawned on me what they wanted to happen, and the color from Eddies face drained away, and it looked as if he had just died.

We have a nuclear warhead positioned over New York City, ready to drop at any given moment if you don't do as we say, the casualties of this will be millions.

I gulped and immediately knew how this was going to end, there was no winning, no matter how hard we tried. Their plan was foolproof.

In your right hand, Eddie, is a knife, we need you to eliminate subject 1 in the next 60 seconds or bye bye New York. You can walk away after this and will not be bothered again.

The barrier between us fell and a countdown clock appeared on the wall, Eddie already had tears streaming uncontrollably from his eyes. I had to be strong, for him.

"Eddie," I said calmly, but I was breaking inside, knowing my life was ending at this very minute. "There no decision to be made, it's me or millions, Eddie."

I walked up to him and he was shaking his head. 30 seconds. I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed him softly and quickly, tears now running down my sad smile.

"I love you so much Eddie, I always will." I said, squeezing his shoulder. He just shook his head again, the knife shaking in his grasp. 20 seconds.

"Everything will be okay, okay?"

He shook his head again. 10 seconds.

Eddie shut his eyes, "I love you," He whispered. 5 seconds. He rammed the knife straight threw my heart quickly, my eyes dropped and my body went limp, he caught me in his arms and lay my lifeless body down. He was screaming into the infinite white and bowing his head over my body. There were no words to his screams, they were just pain and hatred and loss and all the feelings in the world, besides the happy ones. After he stopped yelling he looked at his blood-stained hands and sobbed for what seemed like hours, shaking all over and holding my limp body to his, rocking it back and forth. His head in my neck, taking in the last of my smells.

Eddie woke up sobbing. He felt his body wrapped around me and relief flooded him, it was just a dream but he couldn't shake the feeling of his heart being torn out of him. He quietly cried next to me, but it didn't take long for me to wake up to him holding me so tightly I felt like I was being crushed. I turned around and faced my best friend.

"Oh my god, Eddie," I exclaimed, softly, and sat up, clicking on the lamp on the night table. He sat up as well but couldn't hold back the onslaught of tears. I hugged him close and he rested his head on my chest, I stroked his hair and rocked him, making soft shhhh sounds. I would kiss the top of his head every few strokes and then go back to rocking him.

"Did you have another?" I asked, now rubbing his bare arms.

He just nodded but couldn't choke out the words.

"Tell me about it, talking about them usually makes them go away, I don't have mine anymore after telling you." I said, looking down at him.

"It wasn't me dying this time," he said, still crying, "it was worse. I was still alive but, I killed my heart, I was so empty and dead, but still there. I was just a shell and it hurt so bad." Another wave of tears came over him and I hugged him closer, trying to talk him through it.

Eventually he fell back asleep on top of me and I looked at him sadly. He'd been through so much and it seemed like it had come back to haunt him, and he wouldn't even tell me what had happened in the dream. Venom snaked out of Eddie and his little head looked up at me.

He's not doing good, he's been having panic attacks about that kind of thing.

I nodded and sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"Let's get him on some kind of gym schedule to get out his frustration or fear, I don't know, just something to distract him."

Venom nodded, don't ever leave us, little morsel.

I smiled sadly and nodded, "I promise, I won't."

Hey guys, sorry this one was shorter and different, if you're confused, the part where you died was a dream that Eddie had, but he wouldn't tell you about it when he woke up. I hope you're enjoying it and just a heads up, there might be some Eddie Brock xreader smut in the next chapter so I'll give you a warning of what part to skip if you don't like that kinda stuff. Vote on what chapters you like so I get a feel of ur preference and comment what type of chapters you want; whether it's fluffy, romantic, action packed, mysterious, or smutty.

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