Always You

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"Okay, Natasha you're a big part of this," Steve had just laid out the plan for how to find Clint and convince him to come back.

"I don't see how it could be so hard..." (Y/N) cut in, tapping her foot on the ground rapidly while looking around with nervous eyes, "I mean it'll help him protect his family if we wipe out Thanos."

Eddie looked over at her worriedly, not liking how uneasy she was acting, he scooted to behind her and rubbed her shoulders, bending down so his lips were against her ear, "You okay?" He whispered while the others went on talking and planning. She nodded and breathed deeply, plastering on a smile.

"Yeah, I just want to get this plan in motion I guess."

Eddie nodded and squeezed her shoulders again before walking up to the rest of the group. (Y/N) looked at her watch.

Oxygen runs out tomorrow morning.

This was that morning, she could feel it. She needed everyone to go on a mission so she could set off on her own. They couldn't know where she was going, the others would want to go as well but the Quinjets weren't hospitable enough to keep them alive in space, and Eddie would never allow her to go alone even though she was the only one with the durability to make the trip there, use her powers to protect the man she had seen in her dreams, and keep it up on the way back.

Eddie, something is wrong with our little morsel. Her heartrate is way up and the neutrons in her brain are firing at an unhealthily fast rate. She's stressed.

Eddie had been noticing how stressed she had been lately as well. She'd been practicing her powers constantly and kept going even when it looked like she was going to collapse. Bruce had given her a daily pill to take to make sure her health was regulated even when she used her powers, but Eddie could see it only just kept her steady.

When I drift off...

The voice in her head was loud and talking constantly, it kept on repeating the same few minutes of speech over and over. (Y/N) wanted to collapse onto her knees and scream for it to get out of her head but she needed to keep it together so she could quietly slip out.

I'll dream about you, it's always you.

She suddenly shot up out of her seat, "I think we have the plan. We should leave in ten minutes or so?" She suggested, earning nods from the avengers and a worried look from Eddie. As they were walking out she felt a large hand on her shoulder and slowly turned around to look into his deep eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked kindly but demandingly.

"I'm just stressed that... that I won't be able to control myself when the time for control comes."

He looked at her and gave a small, half smile, pulling her into a hug and running his hands through her hair, kissing the top of her head.

"You will, I know you will."

She smiled and snuggled into his chest, "I love you,"

"I love you too."

Eddie pulled away and looked down at her, "I'm gonna go get ready to go, see you in a few minutes?"

No. She thought to herself, but smiled and cheerily replied, "Yep!" (Y/N) walked to her room and plopped down on the bed, looking down at her hands and sighing deeply, she hated lying to Eddie. An arm hugged her from the side and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm scared Scott, I know I've been practicing but what if I just end up killing him?"

Lang look at her and rubbed her arm, shrugging, "Then you do, he'll 100% die if you don't try, though. You're doing what you can, and that's all you can do. You're just lucky you told me about this, anyone else would've stopped you from doing it."

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