A World Without You

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It was painful, when they came back. It was like being squeezed in a small box and flung to the earth. Peter was gasping and panting as he lay there, staring and the empty sky. His eyes looked around furiously, trying to make sense of what was happening, but he was unable to move his body. The soulstone was brining everyone back, not just the people who died in the snap but those who died in thanos' attempt to obtain the complete set.

The world was confused, having gotten used to a life without their loved ones. When they came back they were met with an unimaginable difference. A barren landscape with broken down buildings, and electricity ran dry. Peter closed his eyes and sat up, looking around confused.

Tony was laying against a tree, his eyes fluttering open and closed, thoughts muddled and dry, floating in between the world of the living and the world of the dead. His breath was uneven as both halves of him fought over for control, his body having to part in any of it. Peter ran over and slid next to him.

"Mr stark?!" He said, looking tony in a panicked manner, grabbing his iron concealed hand and begging any sort of being in the universe to let him live.

"It's okay, kid. You did good. It's the end of the journey." He put his hand up the peters tear stained cheek and took in a breath. His last breath. Tasting the sweet air of life one more time. Peter sat there, pale faced and staring at him silently. His chest crumbled in on itself and he tried to wrap his mind around the reality. The reality of a world without tony stark.

His thoughts were broken as a tall man stumbled across him, bumping peter in the side. His long black hair whipping around.

"WHERE IS HE?!" He yelled to no one in particular. His green eyes scanning those who remained with the living.

"Where is my brother?!" He gripped onto Rhodey's shoulders and looked deep into his eyes, searching for answers.

"Loki... wait... just liste-"

"Don't try to divert my attention! I asked you a simple question." The pain in his voice and eyes were evident, showing that he already had an idea of what had become of Thor.

"He's... he's over there," Rhodes pointed to a body with an axe buried in his chest. Loki stumbled over to it and dropped to his knees, completely and utterly in defeat.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, barely audible to himself. "I'm so so sorry," he gently took Thors hand into his and use his magic to remove the large axe from his chest. He put the axe in Thor's hand. "For your trip to Valhalla.. brother," he wiped the tears that threatens to spill and whispered one last "i love you" before standing.

"Are you okay?" James held out his hand to comfort him but Loki took no solace in it.

"I-I just wasn't ready to um, come back to a world without him..." he took one last look at his brother, the only family he ever really had, and then just walked away. No direction, just... away. Trying to escape the reality of complete loneliness.

"STEVE!" A scream came from within the forest and peter raised his hand to see Bucky sliding down the side of the tree were Steve was impaled. Sam Wilson just stood there in horror, the tears silently coming off of his cheeks.

"STEVE TALK TO ME!" Bucky yelled again, unable to comprehend what was happening. "He- um he's not supposed to be here," Bucky looked around with crazed eyes, trying for explanation.

"He supposed to be in Brooklyn. I left for the war and he was supposed to wait. He's not supposed to be here. He has asthma. He can't fight." His words came out shaky, and his already fragile mind breaking.

"He lied on his registration forms! Send him back!"

"Bucky..." Sam came back to his senses and tried to comfort the man.

"No sam I swear he did lie on his registration forms, he can't be here."

"Hey, yeah I know, well send him back, just come with me..." Sam's one voice broke as his spoke, picking Bucky off the ground and trying to get him inside.

"N-no we cant leave him... he's afraid of being alone, and he'll get into trouble. He always gets into trouble."

"Don't worry, Natasha will get him." Tears we're now streaming down Sam's face silently as he helped Bucky away from the site.

"They're gone-" Olive said to peter, not knowing who he was but just needing help, trying to be strong. She sat between Eddie and (y/n).

"They're gone..." she whispered again, and peter stared at her pale faced.

And that they were.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long but yeah this is definitely the last chapter. Sorry I need to work on other stories and I have literally no ideas left. But hey it was a partially happy ending! Thanks for sticking with this story all the way through. I really hoped it lived up to any expectations you had.

And one last shoutout to Lieutenant_Lily for being my #1 supporter the whole time you are truly amazing and OffendytheRapey and iwhsbsjn who are also 100 and honestly everyone else who read you all are what make me write.

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