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Shoutout to Lieutenant_Lily (again 😂❤️)for being totally awesome and voting and commenting and adding my story! It really makes my day when you guys read this and vote on it. Tysm! And ofc thank you to everyone who reads! I love you guys and seriously if you comment a request for a type of chapter or any ideas I will totally take them and write them to the best of my ability. 400 reads! That's CRAZY and THANK YOUUU

Eddie and I took an 8 month break from Cletus Kasady, saving the world would have to wait and it seemed like the psychopath couldn't quite figure out how to get his plan in motion, and there were enough superheroes in the the world, I needed a break being my own super-mom.

My stomach was the size of a freaking beach ball, my feet were always cramped, my back was sore, and it hurt to lie down. I was always complaining, then crying, then giggling, then complaining again.

Eddie was an absolute angel throughout this whole process, if I wasn't pregnant I would jump on him and kiss him a million times to thank him, but I can't jump, so every day when he comes home I just give him a million kisses.

He massages my feet when they're sore, and does so to my back as well. He goes to every doctors appointment with me and never lets me drive nor cook nor clean. He always helps me get showered and does the laundry, and if I fall asleep on the couch he'll lay pillows under the specific spots that hurt the most, so I wake up feeling good. He's always making me some special tea and makes my favorite meals. Every time I have a craving he jumps into the car, zooms off, and comes back with everything I want, and doesn't get annoyed if I want something else by the time he comes back. Eddie as read literally every single parenting book in the entire freaking world, and sometimes when I'm 'asleep' he'll crouch down to my big belly and talk to her.

"Hey Olive," he'll start, he's really set on the name Olive. "It's me, your super cool kinda schizophrenic dad. I just wanted to talk to you about how the Steelers are wayyyyyy better than the Seahawks, I don't even know why your mom likes the Seahawks, I mean let me tell you about the game last Friday..." he'll explain football, and he'll go on and on about his favorite music, then hold up his phone playing AC/DC. He'll then tell her about us being super special superheroes, and how some people call super special superheroes freaks, but they're wrong. I'll be keeping my eyes closed the whole time, just listening to him. Eddie also forces me to attended maternal yoga classes. I hate them but he goes through them with me, awkwardly doing the poses with a bunch of pregnant women.

All of the ladies there envy me, saying they wished their husbands would come with them to their classes, and I just shake my head smiling.

"He really is something else, I only wish I was his wife."

Venom has been amazing as well. Always checking up on the babies health and telling me how I don't look bad with a large belly, but I actually look "quite delicious". I'm still not sure wether or not I'm okay with that, but I know it's Venoms way of showing affection. In the middle of the night when I get pains or cramps Venom will already be awake and comforting me, so Eddie, who is exhausted, doesn't have to wake up. He'll then help me to the bathroom and hold back my hair when I threw up, carefully stroking me with his large black hands.

I had the best boyfriend, and I wanted to do something for him, so I got up
And started making him a chocolate cake, when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I fell to the floor and groaned, feeling wetness dribble down me. Oh shit. I got up and called Eddie.

"Hey hippo!" He answered, once again calling me by the nickname he had used a couple of years ago, but now it finally fit my appearance.

"Eddie, my water-"

He cut my off, "OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY STAY CALM STOP FREAKING OUT! IM COMING!" He yelled into the phone. Making me wince, and then he hung up and I assumed he was on his way. Jesus that man needs a chill pill.

I started to get into the car when he screeched into our shares driveway on his motorcycle. I climbed into the passengers seat and sat there like a whole potato. Eddie jumped in and started zooming towards the hospital.

"I guess we have to cancel our plans for dinner tonight," he groans.

"Eddie! I'm going to give birth right now and you're seriously worried about our dinner plans??"

"Sorry," he mumbles. "It was gonna be special."

My gaze softened and I kissed his cheek, "I promise I'll try not to give birth before dinner ever again." I giggled a bit and then groaned aloud, holding my stomach.

"Shit shit shit don't worry princess we're almost there!"

Eddie crashes through the hospital doors practically carrying me, even though I could walk on my own just fine. I guess it made him feel like he was doing something.

"EVERYONE OUTTA THE WAY A PERSON IS COMING OUT OF HER!" He yelled to no one in particular and I rolled my eyes, if I didn't love this man I'd kill him.

Eddie was so demanding that he got me a private room immediately and one of the best doctors in the hospital was next to me when I had my first contraction. It hurt like hell. I was screaming and I wished that Carnage would just have stabbed me again instead of this.

After 4 contractions I gave up, "can't we just like leave it in there? I'll just eat a lot and it can come out when I'm dead." This earned a laugh from Eddie and I glared at him.

"Oh yeah yuck it up Mr. chuckles, I'd like to see you push a person out of you."

Eddie tried to suppress his giggling but failed.

"I hate you so fucking much right now. You did this to me! You are causing me unimaginable pain!" I boomed and Eddie went quiet. He's always been so careful not to hurt me and I think even the thought of him being the cause of my pain killed him.  I immediately went to apologize but he just looked down and pretended to tie his shoe. I felt awful, but when he came up he was grinning like a madman. He was sitting in the chair to my left.

"(Y/n)," he started, getting on one knee and my eyes welled up with tears. He took a little box from his pocket and opened it, showing a beautiful diamond surrounded by two small emeralds.

"All my li-" I cut him off with my huge sobs.

"YOU CANT DO THIS NOW! I LOOK HORRIBLE! IM SUPPOSED TO BE BEAUTIFUL WHEN YOU DO THIS!" Hahaha... I probably ruined the mood but literally my emotions were all over the place.

He smiled and wiped a tear from my face, "You have never looked more beautiful than you do now."

I sniffed and smiled.

"You gonna answer my question?" He asked after about a minute.

"What do you think the answer is, you idiot?! Give me that ring and kiss me!" I squealed and he just shook his head, laughing, and sliding the ring on my finger while kissing me slowly.

"OWOWOOWWOWOWO" I started yelling into our kiss and the doctors moved him aside.

"(Y/n), you're not 10cm dilated, time to start pushing."

~lots of screaming and cursing later~

Eddie held a baby girl in his arms, gently rocking her back and forth, looking at her with wide, loving eyes and cooing at her.

"I knew it was a girl!" He whisper-yelled to me, and I just shook my head tiredly. I'm pretty sure this baby has stolen away all of Eddies love.

"We're naming her olive, no matter what." He declared to me, and I just smiled and nodded.

"I wanna hold her."

Eddie handed her to me and I was in love with her immediately.  She had Eddies big, brown eyes and my button nose.

"She's perfect..." he murmured.

"Yeah she is..."

Cletus Kasady looked in from the window, covered by the shadows... he knew exactly how to destroy these people and steal the key to what lay beyond power...

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