A Part of Ourselves

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The rest of the car ride was relatively quiet. Eddie and Scott were getting along and Bill was talking with (y/n) in the front seat.

"So what happened? Why did everyone just start..."

"Disappearing? I'm honestly not sure. A bunch of warnings were sent out through the cable about an alien attack and we had to stay inside, but Scott was out with the Van Dynes and got stuck in the quantum realm, getting particles for my... daughter." He finished and let out a soft sight, (y/n) gave him a small smile. She started drifting off into sleep when the car lurched to a stop on the highway, just fifteen minutes away from upstate.

She looked up to see the highway littered with cars, blocking their entrance completely.

"I think we should walk..."

"No, we can't. This van contains a quantum entrance which we can use to manipulate time." Bill explained to the group, but they all shrugged.

"How're we supposed to get it from here to there anyway?" Scott asked.

"I could do it," (y/n) offered. "I mean I'm out of practice but I was able to destroy half of San Francisco in the matter of seconds once..." Eddie flinched at her words, the feeling of driving a knife through her still fresh in his mind after all these years. She noticed this and put her hand in his reassuring, jumping up to kiss his cheek.

"Just make sure you don't drop it, the world rests on your shoulders."

(Y/n)'s went black and Scott "oohed". Darkness seeped form her hands and the van started lifting up and over her head. They walked through the small spaces between cars with the van flying over them. She felt her energy quickly slipping as she had never controlled herself while using her power, she'd only ever been out of control. Once they got to the avengers facility she gently set down the van.

(Y/n)s eyes changed back to their original color and they rolled to the back of her head. She collapsed immediately and passed out, Scott catching her on the way down and picking her up bridal style, gently handing her to Eddie before going up the the entrance and buzzing the door, looking around and spotting a camera and talking to it. Eddie was freaking out a bit, trying to wake up his wife but she just lay limply in his arms.

"Hurry up Scott!" He called, the panic in his voice evident.

"I'm trying!" He yelled back, then continuing to talk into the camera. A minute later a loud buzzing sound rang through the yard, and the doors slid open. The group walked in to be greeted by a tall, blonde man standing with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs spread, a subtly defensive position.

"Hey cap. We need your help, and maybe you need our..." Scott said, gesturing to (y/n). Black liquid was now running from her mouth slowly like thin tar.

"Oh shit," Natasha exclaimed.

"Language," Steve warned her. He then turned around and booked with his loud voice, "BRUCE WE HAVE A SITUATION!"

Not a minute later a man ran up to them, taking in the sight and immediately grabbing onto (y/n) setting her down on a table and wheeling her away. Eddie follows close behind while Scott and Bill stayed with the other two.

As Eddie was running along with Bruce down the halls he caught a glimpse of a man sitting in a corner solemnly, but payed no attention as he was afraid for (y/n)s life. Bruce quickly stuck in some tubes into her arm and extracted some blood, testing and trying to see what's wrong. He pulled up the makeup of her DNA and studied it with surprise.

"Wow...". He marveled (pun not intended 😂).

"What?" Eddie pressured, not understanding any of what was happening.

"Her DNA is constantly changing, its impossible to directly replicate, and it's always adapting... its amazing..."

"She's from a pit..." a low, strong voice said from behind Eddie. He whipped around and looked up to see the man they'd passed earlier.

"Do you know what she is, Thor?" Bruce asked.

"Yes, they're extremely rare and the oldest of beings. Extremely powerful but easily let out of control. They can destroy planets at ease. They're people of the pit."

"The pit?" Eddie inquired.

"What is it you call it... a... that thing with such great gravity not even a light can escape... a collapsed star..."

"Black hole," Bruce offered, and Thor nodded.

"They're like a black hole. A star to powerful to hold itself that it collapses. Nothing can escape it, but some being can be created in there and just get launched into the expanse of the universe... she has some strange abilities that don't come with her genetics though..."

"Human experimentation," Eddie explained, and Thor looked at her sadly.

"They mess with time and space, and light and dark." He explained.

"How did she come back, did I come back, we were dead?" Eddie asked.

"Well when thanos snapped his fingers it allowed for a brief rip between the soul and material world. The 'gravity' or however we can refer to her immense pull, allowed her to slip through, and you... I think a part of you wasn't dead, setting the soulstone which controls who dies and doesn't out of wack, allowing this part of you to come back," he answered.



"Wait what you're here!? I thought you died with olive!"

No eddie. I'm with you.

Thor and Bruce looked at Eddie in a confused way but he just chuckled. "And why is she..." he gestured to her. Not allowing himself to say dying.

"Well she has been forcing her power out of her, have you ever seen her destroying something?"

Eddie nodded.

"Well if you look carefully everything was flying around but coming towards her, collapsing on itself into nothingness on the way, that's her nature, but to reach it out and to hold something together is to defy all laws. It destroys her. She'll probably need rest."

Eddie felt less worried since he now knew what was happening. They walked out and started talking to Steve while (y/n) was asleep, listening to what had happened.

"We lost... all of us," Steve silently said, putting his head in his hands. "We lost Friends, we lost family, we lost a part of ourselves." At his words Eddies mind drifted to Olive and his heart lurched in his chest.

"And it's our duty to get it back, even if it means losing more... because we can't lose it all,"

"Where do we start?"


Hey guys. Sorry it's taking so long to update. School is hectic and I have testing and ughhhh. I'll update more over winter break!

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