Gym Time

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MATURE CONTENT AND WARNING. SMUT, UNPROTECTED SEX, BLOW JOBS, ETC. I'll alert you when it's coming up. Get your holy water! You'll probably need it.

The next few weeks were full of research on Cletus/Carnage's whereabouts, setting up gym equipment in my spare room, and talking to Anne about Eddie and I.

"So wait you guys KISSED?" Anne exclaimed, too happy for what came next.

"Yeah, and it was amazing, but then he didn't do anything about it. He hasn't talked about it, no matter how many times I hint at it, it's like it never happened." I said, a bit disappointed.

"Aw honey, I'm sorry." Anne said lovingly, stroking my head while I took a sip of tea. "Guess what?"


"The wedding is happening over the summer! You're invited, obviously." She said, squealing a bit.

"Oh yay! That's amazing! I have nothing planned for summer! I have to go get dressed though, gym session with Eddie, helps him get out his anger and fear." I said, getting up and pecking her cheek.

"Cya later honey, don't have too much fun," she called, winking.

~time skip 20 minutes~

I had my hair up on a tight ponytail, and was wearing yoga pants and a sports bra. Best outfit to work out in. I went downstairs to see Eddie already there, punching a bag fiercely. I walked in and he looked over at me.

"I really shouldn't have given you a house key, just coming and going as you please!" I joked.

He chuckled and walked over to me, getting in a fighting stance and I did the same. I swatted at his head and he ducked, grabbing my neck from behind and pressing against me, choking me. I then flipped him over me and jumped on top of him straddling his hips.

"Haha!! I beat you!" I tease, looking down on him.

He groaned a bit, "ha, good job, I need to get up."

I didn't let him up, "why do you always groan when I'm like close to you?" I ask, slightly offended.

His face went red and he averted his eyes, suddenly becoming very interested in the ceiling. He mumbled incoherently and I rolled my eyes, he then quickly stood up, trying to get me off, but I have heightened reflexes. I wrapped my legs all around his waist as he stood, keeping him with me. This took him off balance and he ended up falling on top of me.

"Don't ignore me, Eddie." I said. I felt something pushing on the inside of my thigh and I looked down to see a bump in Eddies sweats and I suddenly understood why he had been acting like that. My face went pink and I started to wriggle our from under him, but he put his large arms on either side of me, trapping me in.

🚨 smut coming up 🚨

His eyes were much darker than usual, filled with a lust and hunger I hadn't seen before.

"Oh no you don't," He growled, pushing down harder so I couldn't escape. I could already feel my core throbbing with want. He bent his head down and kissed the soft parts of my neck, biting softly and sucking. His movements earned several moans from me and I palmed his member through his pants, causing him to groan into our kiss. He picked me up and carried me to my room and threw me down on the bed.

Before he joined me he removed his shirt, then climbed on top of me, taking full control and dominance. He pushed my legs apart and slowly slid off my yoga pants. He rubbed me through my moist panties, and smirked once he saw the effect he had on me. I whimpered and tugged at his sweatpants, and he slid them off as well.

"God I've been wanting you for so fucking long," he moans in my ear, just causing me to get more turned on. I bit his ear softly and kissed his neck. He literally ripped off my sports bra and I pouted.

"That was my favorite sports braaaa!"

"I'll get you as many as you want," he whispered through kisses, his mouth trailing down my neck and to my nipples, causing me to gasp when he licked and bit them softly. He then trailed down my stomach and hovered over my clothed core, looking up at me and smirking. He slid down my blue panties and stuck in his skilled tongue, causing me to buck my hips and moan loudly, I was squirming around, but then he grabbed my thighs with his large hands and held me in place. It was torture of the best kind.

He was rubbing my clit with his thumb and I was just a moaning mess.

"Oh.. god Eddie," I moaned out and that did it for him, he stuck his tongue deeper and rubbed faster until I came, yelling his name out once again.

"Mmm, our morsel tastes so good to us," Eddie said, although his voice was a bit scratchy. It sounded like both him and Venom were talking.

"Eddie, is Venom also..."

He looked up at me and smirked, "I guess so." He then crawled back up to me and was kissing my neck when I felt him insert his index finger into me, causing me to hiss. He curled it immediately and pumped faster and faster, causing me to yell out in pleasure as he hit my g-spot over and over, I then felt him place in a second one and I moaned again.

"Christ Eddie," I moaned in he ear over and over again, his name rolling off of my tongue. Eventually it was all too much and I came again, I was exhausted from the pleasure he had given me and my legs had been shaking, but now I could barely feel them. He was good at this. I rolled to my side and closed my eyes but he rolled me on my back again.

"I hope you don't think we're finished," he growled.

I shook my head. "I don't think I can-"

I was cut off by Eddie ramming his huge member inside of me, my gasp was really loud and I gripped his shoulders tightly, taking my nails and causing him to bleed a bit.

He was huge, I was surprised he fit, even if it was just barely. I could feel all of him inside of me, the veins, the smooth bumps. He gave me a minute to adjust, but it took me five, we just stayed in that position awkwardly for a bit until I gave him the okay. He started moving slowly at first, gripping my hips tightly, and I was sure there were going to be bruises. He sped up until he was going at an inhuman speed, causing me to yell his name out with every thrust, he hit my g-spot every time. I shut my eyes and bit my lower lip.

"Look at me," he growled, and I opened my eyes. I had to shut them seconds later, it all being to much.

"I. Said. Look. At. Me." He growled again. I couldn't open my eyes and he just tsked.

"You'll get punished then."

He went on harshly for about 30 minutes, and I came more times than I could count. I had never felt so good in my entire life. His usually precise and powerful thrusts became sloppy, and I felt him twitch inside of me.

"Fuck, (y/n)." He murmured and his seed spilled in me, and my walls clenched around him, milking him as he rode out his high, finally pulling out and collapsing next to me. I couldn't feel my legs and I was exhausted.

He pulled me into a hug and we lay there, breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you," He whispered. "I don't know what came over me."

I kissed the stubble on his cheek and fell asleep in his arms.

Sorry if you don't like smut chapters. If you do, vote for it! If you don't leave a comment saying you wouldn't like it, and I'll rally the votes to decide wether or not I'll do more in the future. Shoutout to Lieutenant_Lily for being my biggest supporter! Thank youuuuuu

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