Are You Going To Tell Me Your Name?

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Hey quick A/N:
I just gotta say, thank you so much for reading, I only have 3 reads so far but it really does mean a lot to me that three people did, hahaha. I'm always open to suggestions or requests btw, seeing as I have no ideas 😂

I'm 24 now, I was never able to attend a real college, seeing as the second I turned 18 I ran out of my foster home to work as a cashier. I took place of this woman who was sent to a mental hospital when she told the cops she saw her friend turn into a big monster. Honestly 10 years ago I would call bullshit but now I'm not so sure.

I was sitting at the desk scrolling through my computer at the daily news, when someone said something in front of me, I wasn't paying attention so they tapped me on the shoulder.

I looked up to see a rather handsome man smiling at me, "sorry can you repeat that?"

"I asked if you could let me pay before I leave." He answered.

I looked at the counter to see tater tots and chocolate sitting there, mentally slapping myself for not paying attention. "Yeah sorry my bad." I smile.

"It's fine, thanks." As he walked out I heard him whisper something to himself, it sounded like, "no dude, we're not going to eat her." I shrugged it off and went back to scrolling through the internet.

This man came every other day, and I'd come to know him quite well, in fact I think he's the closest thing I have to a friend.

The bell ringed, alerting me a customer had walked in, I looked up to see his familiar face, "Hey!" I smiled and waved.

"Nice to see you again, I assume you have my usual order?"

"Yep, here ya go.." I slid over two packs of tater tots and a chocolate bar, "Yknow, it's a mystery how you can stay in such good shape and eat, well, shit like this, no offense."

He shrugged, "none taken. You think I'm in good shape?" He smirked over at me and I rolled my eyes.

"By that I mean you don't look like a hippo." I laughed.
"Ooooh you mean like you do?" He raised his eyebrow waiting for my reaction.

My mouth dropped open in mock shock, and I put my hand over my heart. "Stab to the chest! That hurt!"

He smiled, "so what's your name? I've talked to you for months now and I still have no idea."

"You have to tell me yours first!" I responded.

"I'm Eddie, Eddie Brock." He held out his hand.

I took it with a firm handshake, "and I am going to remain a mystery for a little while longer." I smirked and he glared. He opened his mouth to say something when a business like woman with blonde hair walked in and Eddie jumped towards her with a huge grin, his face going pink and him scratching the back of his head nervously. 

"H-hey Anne! It's great to see you here! How are you?" He talked so fast and my chest felt like it was collapsing, but I pushed to feeling away and busied myself with counting the cash in the register.

"I just came here to talk with your friend, Eddie. Umm... code "red" is acting up a bit and we're getting worried, we were hoping to ask him some questions." Anne said, looking over at me quickly before turning back to Eddie.

Eddies face quickly went from star struck to serious, "okay, wait in the car I'll be there soon."

He walked back over to me to pick up the tater tots and chocolate, "sorry hippo, duty calls, I have work."

"Hippo is my name now?"

"You won't tell me your real one so yep!" He smiled before walking out, and once again I was alone.

Hey pumpkins! Tell me what you think of the story so far! I'll try posting again today and hopefully all of this weekend to get the story off the ground.
I need ramen.

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