Ray Of Sunshine

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(Y/n) woke up to the feeling of her neck being peppered with kisses.

"Eddie, go to sleep, I'm tired," she protested, but secretly held in a smile.

"Mmm" he kept kissing her neck, sucking and biting in some places till he found her sweet spot, attacking it with his mouth. A quick gasp escaped her lips.

"Eddie, baby, I'm sorry but we have to go soon. Nows not the time." She was barely able to keep her voice calm, but it still faltered and he grinned, knowing he had her around his finger at all times.

"We have 2 hours, give or take..." he flipped her on her back, straddling her hips, making her escape impossible with his weight. "And it's been so fucking long since we..."

(Y/n) playfully slapped his thigh, scoffing. And he bent down over her again and kissed her lips sweetly. It soon became heated as he grounded his hips against hers, she slowly pushed him away.

"I'm sorry... but we shouldn't keep Bill and Scott waiting, and I want to shower." She said with a small smile, and Eddies love won over his lust and he got off of her begrudgingly.

"I could join-"

"No, Eddie. But soon, I promise." She seductively called back, putting an extra swing in her hips as she walked to the bathroom. Eddie threw his head to the back of the bed and groaned while smiling to himself.

I have her back. Completely.

His sense of accomplishment quickly vanished, though. Sadness overwhelmed him as he remember his daughter wasn't here, and his heart lurched. Tears silently spilled from his eyes and he looked at the bathroom door. He walked in and opened the door quietly, stripping his clothes and stepping in the shower. His movements were swift and agile. (Y/n) had yet to notice him when he saw her shoulders shaking as she cried as well. He walked into the water and held her from behind, at first she was scared and taken by surprise, but quickly melted into the safeness of her husband's arms.

"Shhh..." he whispered, turning her around to hug he from the front, running his hands through her hair and holding her close as she continued to cry in his arms, as did he. The water ran down their bodies in an attempt to wash the sadness away and they swayed together to the nonexistent music.

"I love you so much, Eddie."

He just kissed the top of her head, feeling no need to say the words as everything he had ever done showed how much he did. He then grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some onto his hands, placing them in her hair and massaging her scalp sweetly, she smiled and relaxed, moaning a bit as he washed the worries away.

"Don't do that," he warned. Her face quickly went to confusion.


"Don't moan... please.... we may be married or whatever but if you do that I won't be able to control myself and-" and she nodded, understanding his absolute need to respect her. He added in the conditioner afterwards and then grabbed to soap, running his hands over her body gently and lovingly.

"Shit, (y/n), you're so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?"

She smiled and kissed his cheeks, giving him the same treatment he had given her before. They stepped out of the shower and Eddie immediately wrapped her in a towel, carefully drying her and putting her needs first as he always had, then covering himself. They both quickly got dressed and walked out to the van. Bill and Scott came out soon after and they all hopped in.

"So... you guys married or something?" Scott broke the awkward silence with a question, which Eddie, being Eddie with venoms temper, took it the wrong way. Instead of interpreting it as a nice conversational question he thought it was an attempt to get with (y/n).

"Yes in fact we are!" He snapped at Scott who just winced back from him in surprise.

"Jeez dude... just a question... mean no offense," he put up his arms in a surrendering way and Eddie scoffed.

"Oh yeah right 'just a question' you've been fucking hitting on (y/n) since the beginning!" He spat, grabbing (y/n) harsher than intended, causing her to yelp out in pain. He turned to her and immediately regretted acting so harshly.

"What the fuck Eddie! He's just being friendly! He's done nothing but be decent and helpful and tried to be your friend but your too thick skulled to see that!" The magic of the past hour quickly washed away. "And then you just yank me from my seat?! You're unbelievable. Honestly Eddie not everyone is out to get you." She exclaimed, exasperated. He looked at her sadly and started to apologize when she held up her finger.

"No, I'm honestly sick of it. We're fucking married and you can't treat me like a slut who's gonna attract all men and sleep with them, and you can't treat Scott like he's a fucking pervert or something." She stood up in the van and climbed into the front seat next to Bill, leaving a sad Eddie in the back with Scott.

"Awesome wife, she's totally badass," he said, keeping up his goofy persona to which Eddie rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

"Hey man, sorry if it seemed like I was making a move on her, i was honestly just curious about you two," he said, offering a lifeline to a friendship.

"It's fine, me too. I just..." He sighed and look at his feet. "I was the reason for- for losing her once..." he choked on his words and put his head in his hands, thought still haunted by that one night. "And if she ever left me again in any way I-" he gulped and pushed any thought of being without her out of his mind, his heart too fragile to take it.

"I kinda get it. My daughter, Cassie, she's my little ray of sunshine. Always believed in me. We all have rays of sunshine that we have to protect, everything would be dark if they were taken away." Scott leaned down next to Eddie, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling reassuringly. Eddie smiled back and nodded, looking out the window towards the future.

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