Talking To Himself

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I didn't see Eddie for three days after that and I was worried. What was code red? Who was his friend? I tried to keep my mind off of it but I couldn't.

I decided to find out more about Eddie, so I searched him up. Turns out he's some sort of news reporter, and he took down this huge facility a couple years back, I opened that article and read more. Human experimentation... so many deaths, wow he was a hero. My heart skipped a beat and I closed my laptop. I packed everything up and grabbed the keys to the store, and locked up. I sat down at the bus stop and checked my watch. Shit. I had just missed it and it'd be another hour till the next one came.

I shrugged and started walking towards my apartment. It was only 10 minutes away. I passed a couple of shops and almost fell into a sink hole, damn it was getting dark.

"A little late for a pretty girl like you to be out, isn't it?" I heard a raspy voice behind me say. I didn't turn around or say anything, I just kept walking at a slightly quicker pace, not wanting to let anything get started. I felt a large hand on my shoulder and turned around to be faced with a huge man. About 6ft 7in. He looked like he hadn't showed in ages and his breath reeked with alcohol. He smiled a toothy grin and I grimaced. It was rather terrifying from where I was standing. I'm a very petite woman and I'm barley 5ft 2in. I looked up at him and noticed the uncomfortable closeness.

"I have a place right near here, you could spend the night, free of charge, if you give me a little something in return.." he grinned and I shoved him  away.

"No, my home is close as well. Thank you very much." I turned on my heel and speed walked away when I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to scream but it was muffled by his palm, he dragged me into an alleyway.

"It's impolite to turn down a nice offer, princess." He spat.

I bit down on his hand and he yelped, then I sent a hard kick to where the sun doesn't shine. I turned around to run and felt a huge blow on the back of my head, knocking me down. He grabbed me by my collar and hissed.

"I'm going to kill you." He whispered in my ear.

My heartbeat slowed, my breathing calmed. Everything was serene. The same biological hazard symbol appeared on my hand as it did 14 years ago. My eyes went black, like deep pools of emptiness. I saw his face turn white in horror, then he fell to the ground. Seemingly choking on nothing, his neck became swollen and he was soon vomiting everywhere. It was horrible to watch but in a way it pleased me. His forehead glistened with sweat, and his breath became shallow, he was coughing and blood came with it. Soon all of the movement stopped.

My eyes returned to (e/c) and I looked at the horror before me in shock, I didn't bother to see if he was dead or alive, I just ran, I ran all the way to my apartment and laid on my bed awake all night, shaking and thinking of the horrors that had just occurred.

I held up my hand to the light and no longer saw that symbol, I didn't know what to make of this.

-Time skip to the next morning-

I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, how do you sleep after seeing, or maybe being the cause of, something like that? I walked to the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. I looked like a killer, like a monster, or maybe it was just me. I decided to dress up for work today instead of going in my usually roll out of bed hoodie. I put on some red lipstick and natural eye shadow, did my mascara and looked myself in the mirror, feeling a bit more hidden behind all of this. I did my hair up in a messy bun and put on some rings, I went to my closet and dug to the very back to find an outfit I've never worn. (Image up top)

I looked in the mirror, wow I seemed so different. I made sure I was at the bus on time and walked into my store, aware of my surroundings and not taking any chances. I waited there bored, until Eddie walked in, his face lit up and so did mine, he walked over.

"H-hey hippo, looking nice today... hippo probably isn't a good name to be calling you anymore."

I laughed and nodded, "yeah I decided I needed a change from my 'homeless' look"

"Still not gonna tell me your name?" He cocked his head to the side and half smiled.

"(Y/n) (y/l/n)."

"Nice name, much more suiting than hippo." He laughed.

We continued talking for a while, but the people behind him in line were starting to get pissed, so I had to kindly ask him to move out of the way so I could ring them up. Afterwards he came back with his usual and I shook my head chuckling a bit.

"So I searched you up.."

He look up at me with an eyebrow raised, "what'd you find?"

"Some pretty impressive shit, took down a whole facility doing illegal work, I gotta say Brock, I'm impressed."

He smiled and grabbed his bag, "yeah I guess so, but that's the past. Have you heard?"

I shook my head and furrowed my eyebrows. "Heard what?"

"The Black Plague is back, or at least scientists think it is, some dude walking his dog found this guy dead in an alleyway, and when they ran tests that was his cause for death, pretty scary, it's supposed to be extinct."

My heart stopped and I could literally feel the color drain from my cheeks. "U-umm yeah wow so.. crazy."

Eddie looked at me suddenly worried, "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, don't worry it's all going to be alright," he rested his hand on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

I felt the color come back to my face, more color than I would've liked, so I looked away and shielded my face, pretending to be grabbing something from a counter. "Yeah I'm sure it will, just, scary."

"I have to run, work stuff, I'll see you tomorrow for my usual! Better stock up on tater tots!" He walked out and I heard him mumble, "no I don't dude, stop."

I said, "Kay, cya tomorrow." But I really wanted to ask why he's always talking to himself, it's weird, but then again I'm probably weirder...

Hiiiii guys tell me what you think! Should I continue? I think I might stop idk it's not rlly coming out the way i hoped. Just tell me if I should or shouldn't. Again thanks for reading!

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