Code Red

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Three weeks later I was closing up the store when I saw a fast red streak zip by me, I lost my balance and fell down, and a huge hand helped me up, when I looked at who the hand belonged to my heart stopped, I couldn't explain what it was. It has something out of nightmares, with huge white eyes, and needle like teeth, I was afraid it'd just snap me up. The thing stared at me for 30 seconds before looking away, then it quickly pursued whatever it was that had zoomed by me before.

I felt like I had met whatever that was before, and I decided I had to follow it, see where it lead and what it was. I ran after it, barely noticing the inhuman speed I was going at, when I came to an old broken down building. It was like a huge garage, the ceiling was partially crumbled and most of the windows were broken in. The floor was dug up and uneven, it looked as if a bomb had been set off in there.

I looked around and saw nothing, then I heard a large crash and the huge black monster from before fell through a hole in the ceiling, and a smaller, red one jumped on top of him.

"You killed them! We were going to fix this world!" The red one hissed, making a sword with his hand.

"You were going to commit genocide!" The black one boomed back and I cowered behind a rock, watching the scene unfold in the darkness.

"Humans are temporary, useless, unfaithful! And so are you..." the red one raised his sword up in the air, and a strong feeling of anger washed over me. I jumped up from behind the rock, yelling while my eyes once again turned black and my veins seemed to be pumping mud-green fluid, it was a rush of power. I held up my hand and the symbol appeared. The two beings looked over at me in surprise. Red's face quickly turn from shock to anger, and the black one went to worry.

As the red one charged towards me it fell to the ground, screeching a high pitched noise, it was coming apart, in strings, looking like blood flowing from a cut in water. I saw a bit of a human inside of it, desperately trying to stay with the being, his eyes red with anger. I kept up whatever I was doing for as long as possible, but after a few seconds I couldn't, I collapsed on the ground panting, but the blackness of my eyes didn't cease, and I could still feel everything flowing through my body. I got up as the two monsters were fighting, the red one threw back the black one, sending him hurtling into a huge block of cement, I winced at the sound of the impact.

"Carnage! Stop this now!" The black one said in a raspy voice. Hmm, Carnage is the name? I grabbed a pipe from the ground and sent it hurtling at an amazing speed towards Carnage, it impaled him and his cry out was deafening. He quickly recovered and pulled out the pipe, we continued hand to hand, all this new power and skill running through me as if I'd always known how to fight, the black one swung up the Carnage and grabbed at his jaw, lifting it up from the inside as if trying to rip the top of his head off. Carnage head butted the other one and sent him flying. Damn was this thing on steroids?

"You could've been a part of this, Venom, now you're just going to do with the rest of them." Jesus these guys have menacing names, I guess that's the point of them.

I sent some sort of migraine to Carnage's head, I'm not even sure exactly what it was though, his clawed hands shot up to his head and it looked like he was fazing in and out of matter, I kept going, I was so concentrated that I didn't notice when his arm was flying towards me, it hit me and launched me backwards into a window, the glass shattering and leaving cuts everywhere. My vision was hazy as all the adrenaline I had was dying down, I saw Venom and Carnage brutally clawing at each other, trying to take the other apart. Carnage was winning and I started to get up. He hit Venom in the head with a long pole, sending him flying back with a painful crack, I ran over to the alien type creature and stood in front of him, trying to muster the strength to hurt Carnage, then everything went numb. And after a minute of numbness came some pain, I looked around but couldn't see Carnage, I think he had left.

The small amount of pain became worse, until I feel down. I gathered my courage to make my eyes look at the source and I almost threw up. The pole was through my stomach and I could see it sticking out the other side. My blood was pooling all around me and I almost immediate passed out. As my eyes dropped I saw Eddie, maybe it was just an illusion, but it looked so real. My consciousness slipped away as I felt a warm goo attach to me, then everything was dark.

I was wondering if you guys thought this should become a romance with Eddie or just remain a friendship? Just leave me any suggestions!

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