Job Interview

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Okay guys, I just gotta say wow! Thank you so much for 52 reads! Like this is way more than I expected! Thank you thank you thank you!

I stood there in shock for a minute, straightening my dress and trying to get over the fear, anger, and sexual tension that had just been flying around me. I took a deep breath and walked out to return to Josh, but I saw he was already flirting with another woman and mentally slapped myself. Eddie was right.

I saw Eddie leaning against the wall earlier with an I-told-you-so look on his face, so I just glared at him and grabbed the guy nearest to me wrist and led him to the dance floor, moving a little too close and earning yet another hateful look from Eddies face. Just because he's my friend doesn't mean he can control me, and I was set to make sure he knew that.

I spent the rest of the night with a guy named Jeremy Foxx. He was really sweet, very cute, and seemed to have genuine interest in me. We were talking for hours together, until it was 1 am.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have a job interview tomorrow and I need to get some sleep." I said smiling, placing my hand on his bicep.

"Yeah I totally get it. But my apartment is the next building over, you could spend the night there and I could drive you home in the morning, I think we've both had too much alcohol to be on the streets." He laughed, and I along with him.

"Actuall-" I noticed Eddie eyeing us, and decided to take a risk as a last 'f you'. What's wrong with a one night stand? Everyone has them. "Actually that'd be amazing, thank you so much!" I say, kissing him slowly and softly, before walking out with my arm hooked in his.

A few minutes later we were in the elevator, making out roughly when it dinged and he ran to his door, fumbling with the keys and when he turned around he said, "who are you?"

"What do you mean? We were just-" I was answering when I was interrupted by someone behind me.

"I'm her fiancée, and I think she's had too much to drink, so if you don't mind I think we're are going to go." Eddies familiar voice said behind me, with stress on the last words and I knew not to argue, because I could tell that during our last encounter Eddie was holding back, and I wouldn't want to see him when he snapped.

Jeremy just quickly nodded and went inside his hotel room. What a flake. Eddie wrapped his arm around my waist and held on tightly, like I'd escape if he didn't, I also felt small strands of venom wrap around the arm closest to Eddie and quickly smiled sweetly to the symbiote.

"I thought we settled that I'm old enough to make my own decisions," I quietly hissed at Eddie as we walked down the street to his car, "or was it just me who was paying attention?"

"I no longer care how old you are when you're acting like a child." He whispered through gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes and got in his car, the drive to my house was silent, until venom decided to come out.

"You are both being childish!" He growled in his deep voice.

"How?!" We answered at the same time.

"You two should just slee-"

"ANNNNND WE'RE HERE!!" Eddie interrupted, stepping on the brakes and sending me flying against my seatbelt, partially choking me.

"Nice driving skills James Bond," I spat. I was up to here with Eddie and I just wanted to either hit him or kiss him, I couldn't tell which.

"Well at least I got you home alive!"

"Oh wow! Thank you so much for saving me from that nice man!" I mocked, and got out of the car, storming to my house while flipping him off.

"Could you guys want each other more?" Venom said with a laugh after I left the car and was out of earshot.

"That's not true, Venom. Just leave me alone." Eddie said back quietly and a bit sad.

"Well your thought, dreams, and fantasies would say different.." He snickered before retreating back into Eddie.

~time skip to the next morning~

I woke up with a throbbing headache and my stomach felt like hell. I remembered what had occurred the night before and instantly felt bad for the way I had treated Eddie.

"SHIT I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW IN 1 HOUR!" I yelled to myself, looking at the clock. I took a quick shower and pulled my hair back into a ponytail and put on some nice clothes *see top* I did a bit of makeup and drank coffee to help with the hangover. I walked down to the building for news and signed in, bumping into a figure who had been standing behind me.

"I'm so- Eddie! Oh my god that goodness you're here. I'm so sorry for last night! I was drunk and I was a horrible friend!" I said while pulling him into a deep hug, rest my head on his chest and holding him close, he groaned and I pulled away.
"Did I hurt you?"

He shook his now pink face and was standing in an awkward position.
"Nope its all good, just, stomach ache from drinking last night. And it's okay, I understand. I have I go but I'll see you later!"

He didn't drink anything last night, weird... I shrugged it off and walked up the stairs and opened the door to the room for my interview. Whoever my hopefully-future-boss was wasn't there yet, so I waited patiently for him/her to come. The door opens behind me.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Eddie asked, surprised to see me.

"I'm interviewing for a job! What are you doing in the office?" I inquired.

"I guess I'm interviewing you then"


~time skip 1 hour~

"Well miss (y/l/n)," he said, finding it hysterical to call me that, "I think you have the job!"

I squealed with delight and ran to him, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I yelled in his ear and he groaned again.
"Oh I'm so sorry, forgot about your stomach thing!" I let myself down and he immediately sat in his chair and scooted it into his desk.

"It's okay, I have to get back to work but I'll see you first thing tomorrow!" He said in a strained voice.

"Okay! Can't wait to see you mr. Brock!" I laughed. It was weird to be working for my friend but not too weird.

"Cya." He said, already looking through files for our next investigation.

"How can you handle working with her if you can't handle a hug?" Venom spoke up in Eddies head.

"Shut up Venom, I'm concentrating." He said, looking through files on human experimentation...

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