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Serena's POV:

Do you ever just not want to go somewhere, because you know exactly what is going to happen? That's how I feel, because I have to go to court today. They are going to decide if I'm guilty or innocent. Technically, I'm guilty, but I killed him for a reason, which had to do with rape... which is also against the law. If I can prove to the judge that I was defending myself, then I will be free to go. If not, then I have a prison cell just calling my name.

My mom is a lawyer, and she is helping me with this case. She is so disappointed in me, but she knows that I was just defending myself, and the proof that I have will hopefully get me through, clean.

I walk into the court room in the orange outfit they have given me to wear for the time being. I look like a real prisoner. I can't look into the crowd of people, because I know they are all here for Nash. I walk to my seat, right next to my mom. I wonder where this going to go.


Cam's POV:

"Serena Quinn, come up to the podium please." the judge says. She walks up, not sheading a tear. At first, I thought she was actually heartless and she killed him for no reason, but then I looked in her eyes. They were still innocent.

"Do you promise to only speak the turth and nothing but the truth?" She nods and takes her hand off the bible. A man from Nash's side stands up and walks over to the podium.

"So, may I ask what happened that night?" He asks.

"So I was with my friends after a dance class, and they wanted to 'loosen up a bit' I guess. We get there and they down shots and get crazy drunk, and I got really bored because I'm not much of a drinker. Anyway, a boy came up to me, almost insanely drunk, and starts hitting on me." I clench my fists at the thought of Nash flirting with her. "I told him to back off but he wouldn't. He took me outside and attempted to rape me and I wasn't going to let that happen. I found a knife sitting near a garbage can and I took it and.." She began to tear up. She couldn't finish her sentence. I feel as thought I should be more surprised, but really, I'm not. I knew she didn't mean harm. I love Nash, he's my best friend, but I also know that he can be dangerous. Well, he used to be.

"BULLSHIT!" The man yells. "I'm done with you, now where's your proof." A woman how looked like an older replica of Serena stands up and walks up to him. I'm certain that it's her mother. She shows him the notebook that I read the night I got her arrested. She read aloud the paragraph I read, then she continued on. She read a part that I didn't read, where Nash tried to rape her...

"And are we sure that this is HER notebook? What sign of proof?" The man yelled again. The police officer stepped in.

"We checked fingerprints and what not, it's her writing." The police replied. The man laughed.

"Do you have some video proof? This cannot pass as enough real evidence. She could've made it all up!" He said with laughter and evil in his voice.

Serena's mom walks back to her purse and pulls out a cd.

"You can check it yourself." She says with a little smirk at the end.

"Have you checked this?!" He asked the police that answered him earlier. The policeman nods. Then why is she even here? Why is she in this room if they know it was meant for defense? Are these people really that terrible?

"So, I guess this case is coming to an end. Jury, please go make your decision." The judge says and they walk into a seperate room. This is so dumb, they should just let her free. I hate this more than anything. I'm not saying Nash should be dead, he's like my brother... But they cleared the fact that what he did, or was trying to do was illegal. Within minutes, the jury came back. Usually it takes hours for the jury to decide, but what is there to decide? They have all proof that she was being defensive, not a criminal.

"The jury has claimed you innocent. This case is now closed. I look at Hayes's family and they look super upset. I would be too if I were them. Imagine being them, a family member of yours died, then you find out they were doing criminal acts? I would be pissed off as hell. I walk out and see Serena walk off with her mom and I chase after her.

"Serena!" I yell and she turns around to see me. She turns back and runs a little quicker to a different room with her mom. I don't even know why I tried. She has every right to hate me. I put her in jail... I don't even know what I would say to her. I give up and walk back to the Grier family.

"Chad, how do you feel about this?" I ask him, he knows Nash was dangerous.

"After a few months of grieving over his death, I'm now just disappointed. Of course I'm upset, but what he tried with that innocent girl makes me sick." He said with a tear running down his face.

"I'm sorry sir. I say, patting him on the shoulder.

"Weren't you friends with her, back at the hospital?" He asked me.

I sighed, "We were super close. I fell for her hard too, but now she won't talk to me... because I was the one who called the cops on her when I found out." I thought he knew, he was my manager for crying out loud. I dropped my head down and looked at my feet. I was so ashamed, she didn't deserve this.

"It's okay Cam. Any of us would've done the same thing." Hayes said and gave me a hug.

"I just want her back. I messed everything up." My throat was clogged up and my eyes were wet. I couldn't say any more.

"Then you get her back."

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