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HI GUYS!!! So this is just a little note, so just read this before u read the chapter.

this part is about 6 months later. since the last chapter, and a lot is changing and happening, so yeah :)


Cam's POV:

"And that's a wrap!" The director says after we finished filming the movie. It has been a long 2 months filming it, but it was a great experience. The movie is called Looking For Alaska, it's after the book a friend of mine wrote named John Green. I played the main character, Myles Halter, and I couldn't be more grateful.

"Hey Cam, wanna come get some coffee with us?" My friend Hannah, a girl that works the set, asked me.

"Um no thanks, I'm going to go home, I'm pretty tired." I said, packing up my stuff in my little room I had in a trailer. She rolls her eyes.

"Cameron, I know you have been looking for this girl, but why don't you just take a break and come with us." She says. I sigh and shake my head.

"I'm sorry." I say and she walks away.

"If you change your mind, Josh and I will be at the coffee shop down the street." She yelled while running to her car. Josh was my best friend on set, he was also one of the biggest actors in America.

I grabbed my bag and walked to my car. I sat in my car and began to tear up. I have been searching for so long, and the only thing I have narrowed down is that she now lives in Los Angeles. She's the main reason I moved out here. I know, I sound like a stalker, maybe I am. But all I want is to have her back. I checked my phone, 6 messages, and 4 missed calls. I check my messages and none of them are too important.

Mom: hope you have a great day Cam :)

Sierra: when are u going to visit?

Carter: I forgot to lock the door so when you get back, make sure no one broke in.

I laughed at Carter's text. We are going to get robbed eventually.

Gilinsky: come to my place later so we can chill, i haven't seen u in a while.

Matt: aye brotha, it's been a while, lets hang out soon.

Ian: yo man, wanna come take a class with me at 6 today, we haven't seen you here and i have some new people that want to see you jammmm.

I thought about Ian's text. Ian Eastwood is probably one of the best hip hop dancers in the country right now, and I'm proud to call him my friend. I decided it would be a good idea to go to class because it would get my mind off of Serena.

To Ian: Yeah, I'll be there.

I sent the text and drove back home. We had just bought a new house. It's enormous, and I hate it. Carter pays for most of the rent because he wanted the place. He has parties all the time nowadays and I have never attended one. I just sit in my room usually or go on a walk. I open the front door and make sure that nobody robbed the place, luckily, no one did. I went to the kitchen and turned on the TV. The news was on, and the broadcast was about the increasing amount of homeless people in LA. I sighed and went to grab a yogurt from the fridge. I was so sick of these news people, so I turned off the TV and threw the remote across the counter.

By the time 5:30 rolled around, I headed out of the house and drove down to Millenium Dance Complex. The song 'Life of The Party' by my friend Shawn Mendes came on and I started to jam. I shot him a text.

Shawn: aye, just heard your song on the radio. super proud of u bro.

I made my way to the dance studio and parked my car. When I got in in lobby, I saw my two friends, Ian and Kyle.

"Cam, what's goin on?" Ian said and gave my a bro hug. I gave Kyle one as well.

"Been pretty busy, shooting this movie and all." I laughed.

"Yeah , I heard. That's big news man. Your the man character and this is your first movie ever!" Kyle said while patting me on the back.

"Thanks, I'm excited to take class though, finally."

"Yeah, this class is gonna be different though." Ian exclaimed. I gave him a confused look.

"It's a partner dance, so you'll have to pair up with a girl." Kyle winked. "I heard you have been having girl troubles, so that's why Ian invited you." I sighed, I didn't want this.

"I don't know..." I looked down at my feet.

"You'll be alright." Ian said. "Come on, lets go." We walked into the studio and I was frozen. I couldn't believe it.

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