Jay Park- Fighting

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It was just me and my homeboys in the studio chilling. I got bored and deciding maybe I should call my boo. Since I am the only nonsingle guy in here. It was a risk, cause Heechul is here and that's a major risk.

But I know my baby won't do me like that after all the good dick give her and shrimps with dip and I even let her ride in the foreign on the first date. I don't do that to a lot of girls when I take them on dates. I usually just walk with them places. But her she was different, very different not because of her golden brown skin her personality was key. She was sweet short with an attitude and a drop of ghetto just what I liked.

I pull out my phone to call her and ask if she can make it.

Chocolate baby?

What you need nigga?

Wanna come to the studio with me Dean and Heechul?

Baby? You must've lost yo rabbit ass mind?

Yea I know Heechul could be a flirt but I trust you to not do me like the other girls. I can trust you, right?

Boi what type of question is that hell yea you can trust me. the real question is can I trust you around Jennie?

Yea I don't want her she loose!

Boi how you kn- nevermind I'll be there in 10.

Ok baby Love you

Love you too bye


When she hung up the phone I knew those ten minutes will expand into 45 minutes to an hour. Which they did and when she got here she was looking like a shnack. "Hey baby you made it" i say getting up to hug her. "yea that's because I went to get this!" shes says whipping a bag outta nowhere. all the guys get up asking "what is it?", she opens the bag to reveal CHICKFILA YALL I REPEAT SHE BROUGHT CHICKFILA.

"you gone get some shrimp with dip and some good dick tonight so be ready" I whisper. She giggled and continued to eat her chicken tenders. From the corner of my eye, I see Heechul rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. Maybe he looking at the rest of the chicken tenders and fries which keep in mind his right next to my baby.

When we were finished we were so full we spread out anywhere. We actually rescheduled the studio session until next Tuesday. We were all on this small ass couch just sitting there, we lit up a few splifs and got higher than a kite. Y/n was sitting in my lap and Heechul and Dean were sitting on either side of me.

Just a few hours later Heechul tried some shit that I wasn't having. I'm about to leave this man with the fettywap eye. I left to go get some Soju for us but when I came back Dean met me at the door. "Jay I know you gone whoop Heechul's ass but um he was rubbing on ya girl so you might wanna check that out but she was pooping his hand but he was just goin back for more" he said calmy taking a soju bottle from my hand. I nod my head as I made my way toward the studio door and slowly opened it.

"stop Heechul before I tell Jay," she said slapping his hands away. "Come on chocolate drop I know you want me" he said while puckering his lips toward her. She put her hand in his face and tried to get up but he grabbed her and pulled her back down. "come on nabi remember what I told you about my fantasies and how I see me and you getting married and having 4 kids, don't you want that too" he said sincerely. "Uhh no I want that with Jay not with you," she said. He grabbed her wrists trying kiss on her neck.

That was that the last straw I'm about to beat this motherfuckers ass. "oh so you wanna touch on my girl and expect me not to see huh" is say waking in. "Jay I was trying to get him off m-" she tries to finishes but I interrupt her. "yeah baby I know I think you should leave it's about to get messy," I say stepping up to Heechul. Even though he is two inches taller than me I'll still beat his ass.

"yeah homie I want your girl and I know she secretly wants me too," he says bumping his chest against mine. "Nahh fam you got it all wrong she doesn't want you she wants me,"I say bumping him back. "wassup" I say to let him know I wanna fight. "wassup" he says back squaring up. I take off my chains and my rings and hand them to my girlfriend already recording for us to watch later.

I take flight on Heechul right to his jaw, tries to hit me but I duck. I hit him with a two piece and a biscuit, now that makes him weak. He attempts to swing at me again, but then I give him a left hook to the temple which knocks him out. "woah dude I didn't know your short ass could fight" dean said holding me back from stomping a mud hole into Heechul. "I can't but when someone fucks with my baby he's a dead man" i say cracking my neck.

"Next time you wanna put your stanky jackoff hands on my woman this is what your gonna get everytime" is say to Heechul who is in a daze. "come on baby we gotta go home it's pretty late" Y/n says.

"yeah let's go before I catch another fade with him"I say walking with my y/n to the door.

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