Jhope- Birthday Sex

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I know his bday was 2 days..... I'm late with this update I'm sorry.

Right now you were getting ready because today is your best friends birthday. You've known each other since the sandboxes. You didn't care if the guys were there you were going take Hoseok for a minute. They didn't really like you because you were taking their sunshine. Well.... only Yoongi don't like you, cause of what I just stated a while ago.

You've both exchanged dirty looks and mouthed things to each other. You wanted to be friends with all of the guys you were a nice person. You did everything you could to be friends with that cat looking ass nigga but nothing worked.

Sooner or later you both were about to throw hands, and if it wasn't for Jin to offer to cook you food you would've beat him to the pink meat.

Walking downstairs you grabbed his gift and keys and headed out the door. You got in your car and headed to their dorm. You were going to surprise him because you loved to surprise your best friend. You were taking long which made him doubt if you were coming or not.

Hoseok's POV

"I guess she's not coming" Hoseok said plopping on the couch taking off his party hat sadly. "Ahh Hobi fuck her at least you still have your brothers here" Yoongi said rubbing his back. Hoseok shrugged him off "Hyung you don't understand she's the only girl I love in my life other than my mother and my sister" Hoseok said. "Yah hyung why do you hate her so much" jimin asked.

Yoongi thought for a moment he never had a specific reasoning for hating you. "Huh I don't know maybe because when she's here you guys turn your attention to her" Yoongi scoffs getting up trying to eat some of the cake. Jin slaps his hands away "nope not until she gets here" Jin says shooing him away. "Can you please be nice just for Hobi hyungs birthday today" Taehyung asks. "What's in it for me" he asks looking up.

"I'll stop asking to be a in the next Cypher" V says knowing he ain't gone live up to his bet. "Deal" Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok say in unison.

Your POV

I just pulled up in the driveway pushing in the key code watching the gate open painfully slowly. You scoff and quickly drive in knowing Jhope is slumped over on the couch wondering if you stopped loving him. You quickly hopped out but not to quickly. Walking up to the front door doing you and Hoseoks signature door bell ring. 2 seconds later you heard loud screams saying "she's here" you even could've sworn you heard Yoongi. You shook the thought out your head waiting for them to open the door and finally it opens. Being greeted by your smiling best friend who turned to 25 but was mentally 5 years old.

"Yah you came" he said taking up into a hug carrying you inside with him sitting on the couch. "You know I wouldn't miss my best friends birthday for anything in the world" you say kissing his nose. He embraced you in a hug once before he noticed the gifts you brought. You noticed you guys accidentally matched today both wearing all green. He grabbed for them but you quickly handed them to Jin. "Nah Ah not until later" you say. "How are you guys today" you ask the rest of the guys getting up to hug them. "Good" they responded coming for your warm embrace. Surprisingly Yoongi was the first to hug you which you've both never done before with each other.

"Here's your hat noona" Jungkook said handing it to you. "Thank you baby" you say taking it. You all sat around and socialized for a bit. "Ok children let's light this cake and sing for the birthday boy" Jin says lightning the candles. You all walked to the table where the cake sat, it looked mighty fine. It read "Happy Birthday Hoseok" in big green letters. "Ready 1 2 3" Jin said starting off the song. Finishing the song you said make a wish and Hoseok blew out the candles. You all clapped your hands and cheered making him turn a bright red. Jin started cutting the cake and gave everyone a slice.

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