Chenle- You're sick

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Thanks to @palmsuga for this idea!

Chenle's POV

I wonder why my girlfriend didn't come to school today? "guys I'm worried about y/n she isn't answering my texts" I say to jisung. "chill dude maybe she's sick" he says closing his locker.

When we make it to the second period I couldn't help but think about my baby. She's never gone this long without talking to me. After school, I'm going to her house even though her stepbrother is Jungkook and he hates my guts. For what reason, I don't know. I could barely eat at school today, "hey dude you alright you always your chocolate cake" Renjun says taking it off my tray. 

"Yeah dude I know but I'm worried about my nabi," I say drinking my juice. "I know how to make him eat his cake," jisung said nearly laughing. "just think of it has y/n's ass'' he said laughing really loud making his milk come out his nose. 

"ha-ha real funny even though that does make me wanna eat it, "I say annoyed. We finished eating our food a couple minutes later. We only had four classes left so I got really excited about seeing my nabi. 

2 hours later

I'm out of school now and I'm on my way to my sweet baby's house. But before I get there I stop to get her, her favorite flowers Tulips. When I made my way to her front door, just as I expected Junglecock answered the door. "may I help you? he said leaning against the door frame. "Is y/n here? I ask. "yeah she upstairs, may I ask why your asking for my lil sister?" he said popping a Dorito into his mouth.

"Well I haven't heard from her today and just wanted to check on her ya know, now if you excuse me" is ay pushing my way through his muscular figure. I quietly make my way toward her door upstairs. I hear coughing and a sniffle coming from her room as I get closer. I guess she is sick, I hope I don't ruin her day.

I knock on her door softly, "go away Jungkook I want to see Chenle" she says blowing her nose. I open the door to reveal myself. "Jagi it's me," I say, "Chenle omg it's you," she says excitedly. I try to come in for a hug but she signals for me to stay away, "No babe I'm sick don't come close I don't want to get you sick" she says coughing into a tissue.

I furrow my eyebrows seeing her like this, she's always excited and kissing me all over. "I'm sorry Nabi you'll feel better soon," I say getting into her bed. "chenle I said stay back boi do you ever listen," she says looking at me. I chuckle and snake my hands toward her shoulders to give her a massage. 

I slowly but with a little pressure start to massage her shoulders, I hear a slight moan escape her mouth. I massage her sore body for about a good 45 minutes. She slowly drifted off into a deep sleep, I kiss her lips not caring if I get sick. I take out the tulips I bought her and wrote a note saying, Dear y/n, Now that your awake these flowers are for you and I hope you feel better I will be back tomorrow to give you more kisses while you're sleeping along with massages and flowers. Hope you feel better! Love, Your handsome boyfriend Chenle.

I lay the note and flowers on her desk next to her and gather your belongings. I quietly make my way downstairs so I won't have to conversate with Junglecock again. "Hey motherfucker don't kiss my sister with your crusty ass lips" he yells from the kitchen. "That's my girl and I can do what I want to her and what I been doing, "I say while walking out the door.

I smile as I walk down the road a couple of blocks to my house. Now that I know my baby is ok I'm ok.

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