Chapter 01 | crazy ideas

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Top three reasons why anyone needs an identical twin sister. Number one, if one gets a shorter haircut you can see if it would fit you as well, and if not, well too bad for the other sister. Number two, if you don't feel like living your own life, you could look at your twin and ask her if she wants to play her for a day -Happened way too many times in school-. Number three, your sister always feels when you're sad and needs a talk. Just like now
My phone was ringing while I was walking back to my car. 
'Maureen,' I smiled relieved while I answered the phone. I held my phone between my head and my shoulder while I tried to find my keys in my bag. It was sunny outside, which normally would make me the happiest person in the country, but I needed a break, from everything. Work became too boring which made my days go slower then slower, and my relationship? Well let's not talk about that.
'Hey, sis, what's wrong?' I heard my sister ask. I finally found my keys and opened my car. Maureen was my two minute older twin sister. She likes to remind me that she's two minutes older then me, but being both 25 now I didn't mind her telling everyone that she was two minutes older then me. As if she knew anything about those two minutes more that she had. But other then that she was also my best friend. She works as a mechanic in Formula 1, so I don't see her that much unfortunately, but when we were together, we were unseparated and people didn't know who, who was. Which was kind of stupid, since I had a small birthmark between my nose and right eye.
'How do you know somethings wrong?' I asked while putting my bag next to me on the passengerseat while taking place behind the steering wheel. 
'Oh, you know, guess it's the twin telepathy,' she laughed. The corners of my mouth curled up for a second. 
'Or maybe it was because I texted you that when you got time you should call me?' I said. 
'Yeah, or that. But what's up Maya?'
'Okay,' I started with a sigh, while I started my car to put on the radio as background music. 'would you agree that if you're with someone you shouldn't be bored to be with him?'
'Are we talking about relationships? Because yeah, you need to have the most fun with that person then you have with anyone else,' Maureen answered my question. I nodded, even though she couldn't see it.
'Okay, and you shouldn't be annoyed with that person like all the time, right?' I asked further. I heard her laugh and I know that she was rolling her eyes. 
'You can be annoyed with that person sometimes, but every single times seems like too much trouble,' 
'Yeah, and if you don't miss that person while he's being away, you should need to find a different guy, right?' was my last question. I ticked with my fingers on the steering wheel while still standing still on my parking spot. 
'Sure, Maya. Now what's the problem?'  I heard my sister ask.
'I'm gonna break up with Josh, thanks to your help,' I said while putting her on speaker so I could finally drive back home.
'Wow, wow, wow, wait! Hold on!' she almost screamed at the phone. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh out of my mouth. I heard someone at Maureens side scream at her to be more quiet. 'What do I have to do with this break up? And why are you breaking up with him? You've been dating him since we were back in school,' reminded my sister me. I sighed, while looking back to see if I could drive backwards out of my parking spot. 
'I know, but we're not working out anymore. I don't know, he doesn't seem to be ever interested in the things I like to do or my work, which is stupid because how many girls could you date that love motorsports?!' I heard Maureen laugh. I was jealous of Maureen, because she worked at Formula 1 while I was stuck with a job at the garage from my dad. But that was all my own fault, I didn't want to travel as much as Maureen was needed for the job, so I stayed where I felt most comfortable. 
'Not that many, I can tell you that,' my sister laughed. I heard her sigh while someone was talking to her and she telling me that I needed to hold on while she was walking outside of the building. I shrugged while I stopped for a red light. 'I'm back again,' she said. 
'So, how's it living on the road every single day?' I asked my sister, not being botherd to talk even a little bit more about my life. 
'Exhausting to be honest, I wish I'd stayed back home at dad's garage like you,' I heard her say which made me laugh out loud. 
'Funny, because I'm dying from boredom right her. I kind of regret not taking the road that you took,' I told my sister honestly. Thank god the garage was only a fifteen minute ride to get back home. 
'Oh, I need to go, can I call you back later?' she asked me suddenly. 
'Sure,' I told her while we said our goodbyes. Ten minutes later I parked my car in front of the house that I call home and walked straight in. It was quiet as usual as I didn't live with my boyfriend, yet. Or maybe not yet anymore, maybe yet is now replaced with never ever, because that would currently be a nightmare.


I was sitting on the couch all by myself. Josh went away this morning to go do a trip with his friends so I had texted him to have fun, while having to break up with him had to wait. It was dark outside and for a Tuesday nothing was on the television. At these moments I wished I had a cat... or a dog. Maybe both. I would love to get a German Shepherd and a Maine coon. Who knows, would the cat get as big as the dog. That would be funny. While I was laughing at myself for my thoughts, the doorbell was ringing around my house. I had a confused look on my face. I never had visiters at this hour. I slowly got off the couch and walked to the door. Maybe it was better to first look through the window next to the door before opening the door. But, I didn't and just opened the door to find out that my sister was standing suddenly in front of me. 
'Aren't you supposed to be in Milton Keynes?' were the first words I decided to say to greet my sister. 
'I got tired, and besides I'm supposed to fly tomorrow to Austria, so we were done early today.' she said and took me in to her arms to give me a hug. I started to create a big smile on my face while I hugged her tightly back. 
'You still look like me, so that's a good sign,' Maureen said while we walked to the livingroom. She had her travelbag with her that said Infiniti RedBull Racing on both sides of the bag. I rolled my eyes for her comment while I got her a drink. 
'So, what's bringing you here then?' I suddenly asked while sitting next to her. She had a big smirk on her face. One that wasn't to be trusted as some friends told me when I grinned like that. 
'I had a crazy idea,' she started while taking the drink from me. 
'Oh no,' I laughed while putting my drink safely on the table before looking back at my sister again. 
'I was thinking, you told me today that you got bored with your life here, while I wished to be here, right?' she asked me. I nodded before she started talking again. 'Well, let's pick our old trick out of the bag and switch places! Just like we did in school!' 
I was glad that my drink was sitting on the table, because I would've choked on my drink by the crazy suggestion by my sister. 
'You mean, me being you and you being me while no one knows?' I asked with big eyes. Maureen nodded enthusiastic. 'That's crazy Maureen! I can't just take your job over in Formula 1, one mistake and I could get you fired!' 
'We could do it for just a few days, than we switch back on Saturday before practice three.' she said with the biggest smile on her face. She really wanted to do this. 
'And what about practice one and two?!' I asked in panic. Why was I panicking? I could just say no to her.
'You know your ways with cars, and besides you were supposed to be working with me in that team before you decided to chicken out. What makes the differents?' I was almost lost for words. Where did she got this idea from? 
'What makes the differents?' I repeated her words, but in a more panic way. 'The difference is that you know your way with the team, I only know the stories that you told me. What if I panic and screw everything up for you?'I ask. My sister shook her head. 
'You won't. You're the best mechanic that I know, besides me, but, whatever,' she smiled, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head at her. This was not going to happen. Never in a million years. This was a stupid idea, which would never end well. It didn't matter how much Maureen would annoy me, I would not go on that plane as her. No way, never going to happen.

Don't know if anyone's gonna read this, but I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Switched.
Maybe you already could tell that English isn't my first language, but I'm trying my best to get better (:

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