Chapter 27 | Seb, Seb, Seb

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Sebastian parked his car on the driveway where my car usually was parked, but because my car was still at work I allowed him to park his car there.
'So you think it's a good idea?' Sebastian asked me as he died off the engine. I looked at him confused as a confused 'hmm' sound came out of my mouth. 'Us two starting over again?'
'Yeah sure,' I smiled as I turned my body to him. The corners of my lips started to curl up. 
'Okay great. I'm Sebastian, but please call me Seb.' Sebastian said as he gave me a hand. I took his hand and shook it.
'Maya, but you can call me... Maya,' 
'So I can't call you Maureen?' Seb laughed. I shook my head heavily.
'Never,' I grinned. I clicked off the car belt and got out of the car. Sebastian followed me closely as I walked over to my front door. I put the key into the keyhole and before opening the door I turned around and looked at Sebastian. I give him a doubtful look as I was going over how I left my place this morning. Was it clean enough? 
'What's the matter?' Seb laughed. I shook my head.
'Nothing,' I told him and turned back around the open the door. I let him get in my house first and followed him close by. He walked automatically to the living room as he seemed to be interested in every single picture frame he found. 'Ready to meet Mr Picatso?' I asked him, mostly to distract him from inspecting my house. He turned around to me and grinned. 
'Can't wait,' he said, making me bite my underlip to not let the biggest smile creep on my face. I walked over to the glass door that leads you to my small garden and as I already thought Mr Picatso was laying against the door. He opened his eyes when he saw me and got up. He started to meow loudly until I opened the door for him. As a thank you, he walked a few times against my legs and I petted him before grabbing him in my arm as I found out a few days ago that he actually didn't mind me carrying him around if only I don't do it too long. 
'Seb, meet Mr Picatso, Mr Picatso, meet Seb.' I smiled as I walked over to Sebastian and let him pat him in my arms like I was showing my baby. Which in a way, Mr Picatso kind of was.
'I like the way you say my name now,' Sebastian said. I looked confused at him, while Mr Picatso jumped out of my arms. 
'What?' I asked confused with a laugh because he wasn't making sense. 
'You kept saying Sebastian, which is fine. But I love the way you say Seb,' he explained, scratching his back, probably hoping that he didn't just make it awkward again between the two of us. I had the answer to that as I started to grin. 
'Really Seb?... Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb' I repeated as my head went from my left shoulder to my right shoulder. I stopped saying his nickname only because my laugh started to take over. 
'Now I'm starting to see the differences between you and Maureen,' Sebastian grinned. My laugh died, making this time Sebastian's laugh filled the room. 
'I hope in a good way,' I made as a comment. 
'Always in a good way,' Sebastian grinned back while Mr Picatso walked past his leg, making Sebastian look down and crouch to pet the cat. The corners of my mouth started to curl up again as I looked at how Mr Picatso enjoyed the attention he got. I looked at the time on my phone and realised that it was time for lunch time. 
'You want some lunch, SEB?' I asked as I said his nickname excessively loud. I watched how he stood back up straight and gave me a mischievous smile. 
'That sounds great Maure- oh no, Maya,' Sebastian joked. I shook my head at him as I poked his side before walking fastly away from him to my kitchen. 
I realised that I didn't have much food in the house. I was looking through my shelves in my small storage room in the kitchen. 
'Do you mind having a grilled cheese sandwich?' I asked Sebastian as I closed the storage room and heard him walking into the kitchen. 
'I love a grilled cheese sandwich,' Sebastian comment back. I looked back at him and watched him looking around my kitchen. I put an insecure smile on my face as I looked around my kitchen too. I personally loved my kitchen. With the wooden shelves that I put on myself, with some help from my brother. Or the dark blue, almost black, kitchen counters. It was small though, and I was sure a fourth-time world champion would think it was even smaller and might not like it. 
'Do you use those plants in your food?' he suddenly asked, pointing to my herbs plants. I smiled and nodded. 
'Yeah, although I still need to figure out where to use my mint herbs for,' I laughed as I slowly prepared the grilled cheese sandwiches. 

After we've both finished our grilled cheese sandwich it was time for me to go back to work. I hadn't realised, but I was gone for at least two and a half hours, which means I will have to work hard this afternoon if I wanted to be on schedule. Sebastian was nice enough to drive me back to work, not that I ever thought he wouldn't drive me back. But I couldn't help but have a bright smile on my face by his suggestion. I helped him navigate the way back to work. For the most part, he had memorized it, but there were only once or twice where he almost went a different way. 
'Wanna hang out again?' Sebastian asked as he came to a stop at the sidewalk in front of my work. I smiled at that question.
'Sure,' I said, trying to sound casual. I clicked the seatbelt off and let it slowly move up away from my body. 
'Got any plans for tonight?' He then asked after watching me take off my seatbelt. I looked back at him. 
'I guess now I have,' Sebastian showed his grin as he nodded his head. I opened the door en slowly got out. 
'I'll arrange the food. Just text me when you're home,' Sebastian said as I looked down into the car. I couldn't help myself but start blushing as he winked at me with still that grin on his face. I pressed my lips tightly together and smiled back at him. 
'Okay,' I finally said as respond. We said our goodbyes before I slowly pushed the car door closed. He waited until I was back inside the garage and as I turned around and waved at him he honked at me and drove away. 

It's been a very sad day finding out that Niki Lauda has passed away. A true legend and one of the bravest driver to have ever raced in Formula One. 

Rest in peace Niki Lauda, you will be missed dearly.

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