Chapter 37 | Teasing

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I actually felt sad leaving Italy again, because not only did I have to leave the warm and romantic place of Positano, I'd also have to leave the man behind that I now was in a relationship with. Sebastian had to go to Singapore for his next race and I had to go back to work on Monday. It was always dreadful to go back home after spending what felt like the best time of your life on a trip. But it is what it is, and I still had the weekend to enjoy before going back to work. When I got back on Saturday morning, the first thing that I did was picking up Mr Picatso from my brother's house, who was so nice to watch my cat for a few days. The cat was maybe the only thing that I had miss when I was gone. And I guess I wasn't the only one that hated leaving Mr Picatso alone, because the whole afternoon he kept on ignoring me. It was until dinner came that he finally wanted my attention. I guess I was forgiven for leaving him. 

Although I planned on having a relaxed Saturday night, my two colleague's but also my two friends had different plans. Troye and Benjamin forced me to go with them and spend the night drinking and talking and that's what I did after I realised I couldn't say no to them. When they picked me up from my house I was just about done with looking at least a little bit presentable. It didn't take us long before we found a bar where we would spend our time and Troye straight away ordered for the three of us.
'So, how was the race?' Troye grinned as we waited for our drinks. I smiled as I already knew that they must have seen me on the television.
'Yeah, how was it? And how come you didn't tell us or invited us with you? It's not like you could hide it from us as we saw you plenty of time on the television. It was almost like the cameraman was falling in love with you,' Benjamin started to let out a laugh.
'It was really fun.' was the only thing I told the boys, mostly because I wanted to tease them. We got our drinks and apparently, Troye only ordered three beers. I wasn't really in the mood for beer, but I took it anyway.
'Okay, go on.' Benjamin said as he took a large sip of his beer. 'I want to know more. How did you get into Red Bulls garage? Did Maureen invite you?'
'No it wasn't Maureen,' I said. I tried to hide my big smile by pressing my drink against my lips and taking just a small sip, but the biggest smile was seen on my face anyway. It did make the two boys frown at me with curious eyes. 'It was one of the drivers,'
'Daniel?' they both guessed as that seem to be the most logic way as he was my sister's boyfriend now, which became very public very soon.
'No, the other one.' I tried to say as casual as possible, not that it even got any close to being casual.
'Ohh, of course!' Troye suddenly said. 'The one that visited our garage and stole our friend for lunch. Okay, are you guys dating now or what?' Troye smirked as he gave my shoulder a little push. I pressed my lips together to try and hide my smile. 'Oh god, you really are dating him. God, your father must be proud that both of his daughters found a rich man.' Troye started to laugh as he took another hint of his beer. This time I gave him a little push against his shoulder, but it wasn't a friendly one, it was more of an offended push.
'That's not true,' I mumbled.
'Oh, so you're not dating the German driver then?' Benjamin went on, apparently liking to bully me too. I rolled my eyes.
'I actually am, but nothing of it is public and we both like to keep it that way. He's very nice,'
'And very rich,' Troye grinned. I guess he couldn't help but mention that one little thing. I looked at him annoyed. They almost were pretending like I was only off for his money, which was far from off.
'Ah, don't worry Maya. We know you're not in it for the money. Otherwise, you would've chosen a way older man that was almost dying,' Benjamin laughed. I sighed hard and shook my head. I guess there was no way to stop these two from talking bullshit out of their mouths.
'You both done now?' I finally asked them, raising my eyebrows.
'No wait, almost.' Troye said as he enjoyed just teasing me. 'We know you're not in it for the money also because if you were you wouldn't be sitting here in a pub drinking with us some cheap beer, instead, you would've probably been sitting at these gala's drinking way to expansive wine or champagne while trying to be as intelligent as those old wankers, but those are only looking at your but as they just want to sleep with you. Okay, now I'm done,'
'That was a little bit too much detail Troye,' Benjamin responded as Troye just shrugged at his comment.
'Right,' I said, rolling my eyes yet another time. 'Can we now talk about something more fun than gold diggers?'
'How about you telling us about the race you went to without us?' Benjamin asked and so I did tell them about the race weekend and told them even that I might take them once to a race if they are starting to be a little bit nicer to me. I wasn't even sure if I could get them to a race someday, but oh well. At least now they were actually playing nice to me and stopped teasing me for the rest of the night. It actually became a fun night where all three of us just told each other stories while we kept on drinking. I switched on to water and just some fizzy drinks when I felt myself become a little bit tipsy, but the boys didn't and their stories became more of a puzzle to solve for me. It was at that point where I decided that it was late enough to call it a night for the three of them.  

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