Chapter 45 | The Epilogue

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With a warm day like today in Zürch, I started my workday a little bit early. it was seven in the morning when I opened the garage door and my ears were immediately filled with music.
'Good morning sunshine!' Benjamin grinned as he leaned against one of the work desks with a coffee in his hand.
'You look like you're excited for today,' I made as a comment while Mr Picatso had followed me inside the garage like usual. The garage was in a short walk distance from Seb's house that Mr Picatso and I also call home now. It actually was only one street away. 'Where is Troye?'
'Oh, he overslept. I had to wake him up when I was going.' Benjamin explained relax. When I knew what I wanted to do with the garage I took a gamble and asked if Troye and Benjamin wanted both to be my partner in crime in this new project that became our career. At first, they weren't sure as they had to move to Switzerland, but somehow I had convinced them and we were a good team. We cleaned up a few different cars in the garage, had some great reviews from people and the youtube channel that we used making video's about our projects got us some good attention and new clients. I couldn't thank Sebastian enough for this opportunity he gave me and the boys.
'Of course, he did the only day we decided to start a little bit earlier than usual.' I grinned as I made myself some coffee too. Mr Picatso jumped up on the work desk Benjamin was leaning against and tried getting his attention, which Benjamin gave him with some petting.
'What time do you have to pick Seb up from the airport?' Benjamin asked. It immediately puts a smile on my face by the mention of Seb finally being back home again for his summer holiday. He had spent a lot of time in Italy at the Ferrari factory between races but tried to be home as much as possible, which sometimes wasn't much at all. So I was very happy to have him with me during the summer holidays.
'Around three I have to go.' I said before taking a small sip from the hot coffee. Benjamin nodded and right about the same time Troye had run in.
'I'm on time right?' he asked, gasping a few times for air.
'We'll count it this time.' I smirked as I put my coffee away and looked at the planning for today. We had changed a few parts of the car that was standing in the garage in front of us. Like the radiator had to be changed for a new one, which turned out to be a bit more trickier with this car then we first had thought, and the most obvious one was the engine that was very much needed for a change. Today came the even more fun part where we would change the colour from the outside of the car. There was still a big discussion about whether black would just look better than the bright red Benjamin wanted, but after all, we have been through with this car, a discussion has been the least of our problems.

At three in the afternoon, I said goodbye to Benajmin and Troye and had driven off to the airport. The ride to the airport seems to feel longer than normal, but I guess that mostly was because I couldn't wait for Seb to be finally home again. I was lucky enough to find a parking space and had almost in a run pace walked over to the arrival hall where Seb could get out between well... now and half an hour. I thought it would be funny to put on a Ferrari cap with Seb's number on it and I had changed my shirt at home fast to one of Seb's Ferrari shirts that he had forgotten to take with him because at that time it had still been in the washing machine. The shirt was obviously a bit too large on me, definitely, the sleeves were too long for me since they are usually also very long on Sebastian. However the plan was to stand out from the rest, and god I did stood out from the rest. My eyes have been focused on the door where Seb is supposed to get out from since I had arrived here and it only took ten minutes after until I found his tired face between the rest of the people that had arrived. The biggest smile had turned up on my face as I watched him look for me. That shouldn't be too hard, right? It wasn't, because as my thoughts just said that we locked eyes. He stopped walking and started to laugh. He walked over to me and shook his head. I put my arms up to show my excitement. I tried waiting for him to get to me, but the last few steps I couldn't help myself and launched myself into his arm. He let go of his suitcase and carried me off the ground as I had my arms around his neck. I attacked him with small kisses on his face until I found his lips.

'I missed you too liebe,' Sebastian grinned as he looked into my eyes. My cheeks started to burn as I felt the butterflies fly around in my body.
'Don't make fun of me. I really missed you.' I said with a pouty face, making Seb kiss my lips shortly again. He slowly put me back down with my feet on the ground and took his suitcase in his hand again and put the other hand around my shoulder, hugging me close to his body.
'See, I told you- you look good in Ferrari red. I'm glad you finally listened to me.'
'I almost wanted to dress up like Kimi. With his number and glasses like him.' I grinned as we made our way back to my car.
'Glad you didn't do that,' Seb laughed amused. 'Wouldn't want to kiss my teammate to be honest.'
When we got home Mr Picatso stood waiting in front of the door. It was almost like he knew Seb would get home today and wanted to be the first to welcome him back home. Mr Picatso loved Sebastian almost as much as I loved Sebastian. When he had the choice of laying next to me or next to Seb he almost every time choose Seb. I couldn't blame him for that though. He was gone a lot and I was always home. After a while, I would be done with me too. I parked the car in the driveway and locked the car after Seb took out his suitcase while I already had picked up his heavy backpack.

'Hey buddy. Missed me?' Seb asked the cat as he carried him in his free arm. Mr Picatso immediately started to purr while I opened the door for the two gentlemen.
'I think you've got competition about who missed me more.' Sebastian laughed as he left his suitcase by the stairs to take up later. I rolled my eyes with a laugh.
'I'm pretty sure I missed you the most' I said as I walked over to him. 'Because he will be over you already in just a few seconds.' And I was telling the truth, because ten seconds later Mr Picatso was fighting to get out of Sebastian embrace. I grinned at him. 'I told you so.'
'Okay then, let's show me how much you really missed me.' he said with a cheeky grin as he puts his lips passionately on mine. I reacted immediately to him by curling my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. He puts his arm over my waist and I jumped to put my legs around his so that he could carry me upstairs to the bedroom. If words couldn't describe how much I missed him, then me physically explaining it would maybe work better.

A/N: And... The end. 
Still need to work about ending stories better, but okay. I just want to thank you guys for reading, voting and commenting on my chapters. I  really appreciate it 
I probably will be writing a Seb story in the future. But for now I'm currently writing a Daniel story, an Alex story and I'll be writing one shots. So if you want to read some other stuff of mine you can (: 

Thank you x

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