Chapter 41 | Sister Talk

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On Tuesday we went to Nagoya. I looked my eyes out at every single thing that Seb and I walked past by. It was amazing to see a way different culture than that we had in west-Europe. I know the stories that my dad have told me when he was in Japan. He told me about how respectful they were and not disturbed you on the street or even in the way to busy train. Or the great toilets which my dad was a big fan of... It's been more than a week now and I still decided to ignore, mostly, him. I was still mad at him and I feel like I had the right to still be mad at him. I was glad though that I had Seb by my side because he actually helped me to leave my negative thoughts back in England.

On Wednesday Seb had duties though and he couldn't go hang out the tourist with me. He had told me that if I wanted I could still hang out the tourist, only if I was careful. And that's what I did. Although I did stay close to the place we were staying. I visited the Tsubaki Grand Shrine shortly before making a long walk route back to the hotel and well, after that I was just tired of the day and waited for Seb to come back. Which he did after I read a book for an hour and a half. And well... on Thursday I finally went with him to the Suzuka circuit. Seb still had plenty of duties to go through on that day, but there was already a lot of things around the circuit to do so that held me distracted, but also hiding for my sister kept me also busy for the whole day. Not that I kept that going on for long like I wanted it to be. She found me when I had lunch with Sebastian in the hospitality.  
'Could we maybe like... talk for a second?' Maureen had asked without really greeting me, or Seb in that case.
'Mmh, maybe later? I have lunch with Seb right now.' I told my sister when I turned my body to her. I saw her raising her eyebrows. She was obviously not so amused with me. At least I could tell that much from her facial expression.
'I have to go back now anyway,' Sebastian suddenly said. I looked at him surprised. He told me he had a thirty-minute break. They only spend what? Twenty minutes with each other? He looked over to me and smiled at my surprised look. He put his hand on mine and whispered. 'Go talk to your sister, please.'
I didn't say anything and instead looked at how Sebastian walked off with only some leftovers on his plate that he took with him. Now I was the one with a not so amused look on my face.
'So, you and Seb officially a thing? Glad that he's going to Ferrari then so that it doesn't look like we're both dating the Red Bull drivers,' Maureen laughed as she sat down on the chair Sebastian left empty. It was now announced to the world that Sebastian would go to Ferrari next year.
'Is that really what you want to talk about right now?' I asked her as I avoided her question about dating Sebastian. She obviously had already guessed it, as this was the second time I was Sebastian's guest.
'Well I'm trying to finally have a conversation with you since the only family member you seem to talk to is Thomas.' Maureen said with a frown on her face. I shrugged.
'He's also the only one that decided to not immediately talk about dad firing me,' I responded to her. and maybe I did talk to Thomas first because he was nice enough to babysit Mr Picatso again.
'Well obviously. He doesn't like confronting you about stuff that is none of his business like I do. Just talk to me about it. I'm not gonna take sides.' I raised my eyebrows up at her saying that she wasn't going to take sides. I know she had already heard Dad's side of the story.
'It doesn't matter anymore anyway,' I sighed, looking at my nails. I was here to get distracted from all the shit back home, not to get reminded about it again.
'Yes, it does. Come on, tell me. You told Sebastian. Why not tell me either?' Maureen had an intense look in her eyes as she was talking to me. Something in me told me that she was jealous of Sebastian all of a sudden. Was I going to ask her about that? I pressed my lips together and had my eyes focused on my sister.
'You're not jealous that I told Sebastian first right?' I asked with a frown. She immediately curled her arms over each other in a defending way.
'No!' she said in a way as if she got attacked. 'Me being jealous of that German driver because you tell him things first now? Pff, don't be so stupid Maya.' My lips curled upwards as she made it clear she was jealous.
'Good, because you shouldn't be, you have Daniel.' I smirked. She didn't laugh about it, so at this point, I thought it was better just to tell her my side of the story too. Even though I didn't want to talk about it anymore.
I told her about her last conversation with our dad and the scenario with Troye and Benjamin after that, which at the end of the day hurt more than her dad firing her.

'I think Troye was just mad at your dad for firing him and he took it out on you. Benjamin didn't agree with what he said right?' Maureen asked as a concerned look was growing on her face.
'No he didn't,' I sighed and looked back at my fingers. 'But he also didn't really defend me. So there's that,' At the end of the day, Troye and Benjamin were my closes friends as I had been working with them almost every day and the fact that even after more than a week had passed they both hadn't contacted her, hurt. It wasn't like I could do anything about it that they got fired. I got fired too!
'You'll work it out. Just give it some space. And as for dad. Yeah... Okay, maybe it wasn't so nice of him to fire you. But weren't you the one that said that you wanted to be treated like a normal employee at his company? You can't blame him for doing as you wished for. And whatever happens, he's still our dad.' Maureen took my hand, which made me look back at her. She gave me a confident smile.
'I guess you're right,' I sighed and gave her a short smile back. 'But I will let him sweat for a little while. At least till next week.' Maureen started to laugh and nodded.
'You do that,' she grinned and stood up. 'Are you done eating? Because I want to show you something in the garage and I want to see if you can solve it as fast as I did.'
'Yeah, I guess I'm done. Since the one that I had lunch with left me as soon as he could.' I stood up and cleaned off the table before walking with my sister to the Red Bull garage. She gave me a tight hug and kept her arm around me. At least I could always count on my siblings. 

A/N: I feel like grammar in this chapter is really shit, but I had a long day and can't really make my mind concentrate on it right now, so please ignore it if there are some stupid mistakes. 

I also wanted to share with you my new story. My Daniel Ricciardo story is two chapters away from being finished and this story won't have many chapters left either. So I'm writing a new story. It is another Daniel Ricciardo story (as I'm currently just enjoying writing with him as one of the main characters). It's Full House inspired, so if you're interested you can read the Prologue of Team Babysitters right now. 🤗 

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