Chapter 20 | An Unkown Situation

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The words that came out of the phone repeated themselves in my head. I was standing frozen on the ground while Daniel tried to get my attention back to him. I managed to roll my eyes up to meet his. All his anger seemed to have disappeared and have now made a place for his worried look. A text from my dad that showed the location from the hospital made me wake up back to reality. Both Daniel and I looked at my phone that I was holding with shaking hands. Daniel took the phone out of my hands and replaced it with his own hands to try and stop it from shaking so much. 
'Don't worry. I'll bring you to the hospital,' Daniel said as he made his way out of the garage while pulling me with him. My head was almost exploding from all the over hours of thinking about different scenarios, that I just let Daniel pull me with him to where ever. I wasn't thinking about telling Brad about this or telling the team about our absent. All my thoughts were focused on Maureen and how bad the accident could've been. It felt like no time had passed when I got into Daniel's car from work and we were off on the road, leaving the racing track behind us. I felt Daniel's eyes on me a few times, but he didn't say anything until five minutes later when it got too quiet in the car. 
'Don't worry Maya. I'm sure Maureen is going to be alright,' he said while putting his hand shortly on my lap, before putting it back on the steering wheel. I looked at him surprised.
'You believe me now?' I asked him in a small voice as I tried to keep the tears inside. 
'Don't really have a choice now do I?' Daniel said while laughing shortly. His laugh died when he realised that I wasn't really in the mood for jokes. So he changed the subject to something that would take my mind of this whole situation. 'Tell me something about you and Maureen.'
'What do you want to know?'  I asked him confused.  I told him everything he should know about the situation of Maureen and I switching lives. Is there anything else to say?
'Like, why did I know that Maureen had an older brother and a sister, but why did I not know about the fact that her sister was actually her twin sister that looks too damn much like Maureen?' Daniel had his smile back on his face and this time it made me smile too, laugh even. 
'I really don't know to be honest.' I smiled, while still having a little bit of a confused look on my face. 'I guess she was just waiting to use our switch trick as we did in school,' 
'You did this all the way back in school?' Daniel asked surprised. He looked shortly at me as I nodded before turning his gaze back to the road. 'Could've done with a twin brother myself,' 
'Yeah,' I slowly said, looking straight in front of me to the road. 'Maureen is great, but she hasn't been herself lately,'
'Was she Friday the one with the panic attack, or were you working that day?' 
'No, that was Maureen.' I told Daniel. The mood in the car went back to the depressing setting, just how we started this ride. 'I thought it was getting the right way because she finally got back to work and she's been talking to someone about all of this. But I guess I have been celebrating too early.'
The big building that had the name hospital on it came in sight. I wasn't shaking anymore. But I couldn't help but feel nervous to get inside and found out about how bad it's going to be. Dad hasn't texted me after he sent the location, which made me even more nervous. I didn't know anything about Maureen's current situation. Was she awake? Is she still in surgery? Did the surgery go well or not? All these questions started to make me more and more nervous, all the while Daniel was trying to find a parking spot. He finally found one not too far from the entrance and as soon as he had parked the car I got out of the car. I waited for Daniel to get out too and as we walked inside of the building I realised that I had no idea where we had to go. I've never been in this hospital. 
'Maya!' I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I looked around me and sighed in relieve as I saw my brother walking over to me. He pulled me immediately in his arm, knowing what for an emotional person I can be in this kind of situation. 
'How is she?' I asked Thomas as I pulled my arms around him. I hide my face on his shoulder as I closed my eyes, waiting for the bad news that I was expecting.
'She is still in surgery. So we don't know yet. But they told us before she went into surgery that everything was going to be fine.' Thomas explained, while softly trying to pull me back out of his arms. He looked at Daniel with a bit of surprise on his face. 'And you must be... Daniel, right?'
'Yes I'm Daniel, I'm a good friend of Maureen and Maya. It's nice to meet you,' The two men shook each other's hands. Daniel had given me a look right before he said friends. I wasn't sure what that look had meant. That look could have had different meanings to it. Thomas absolutely doesn't know shit about Formula one, so Daniel's look could've been about Thomas not knowing Daniel, which wasn't even true. Thomas kind of knew about this crush that Maureen had on Daniel. She hinted it once to him and he picked up from it, did some research about him. But I don't think that was the reason why Daniel give me that look that he just gave me. I guess it was more because he didn't know if he should call me his friend after what happened at the track today. However, I hope he does consider me as his friend now that he knew about this whole situation. 
'Thomas, nice to meet you,' my brother said back to Daniel. I felt myself zone out again as I stared a bit farther back into a hallway where they looked stressed as they transported a person on a stretcher. Were they just as stressed and panicked when Maureen got here? My eyes got big as I tried to take the scenario in me that was way too far away from me to actually understand what was going on.
'Hey, Maya? Maya?' both men were calling me, trying to get my attention. I looked back at them confused as I got pulled back to reality. 
'Let's go up to dad, okay?' Thomas suggested as he tried to get my attention by putting his hand on my shoulder. I agreed immediately with him. Both Daniel and I followed Thomas into the lift and as the doors slowly slide to each other I prayed in my mind that Maureen wasn't going to look as bad as she was currently imagining. 

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