Chapter 19 | The Nightmare

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Brad stayed away from the conversation about who I shared a bed with for the rest of the day, however, I did saw him try and find out for himself by keeping an eye on the people that he had listed as a suspect. I had enjoyed the looks that he gives me as soon as he thought he knew who it was. The distraction from Brad made me less tense for the race that was about to happen in a few minutes. It was busy as hell in the pit street as every team had their two cars standing on the grid on the right place they had to start. Both of our drivers were nowhere to be seen as they probably took those few minutes as a last toilet break before the drivers had to get seated in their car.
'I need to take a piss,' Brad sighed as he was standing next to me on the grid. I looked at him confused.
'Then fucking run to a toilet?' I told him as if it was the most obvious thing to do, which was true by the way. 
'I'm back in a minute!' Brad said immediately as he took my advice and ran back to the garage. I could help but laugh as I looked a little above me to the sky. The sun was shining at it's brightest, which you could consider a surprise as the weather forecast had been telling us that the sun wouldn't shine under all those raining clouds. There were definitely clouds that wanted to join the race for today, but I was kind of hoping that the sun would win for the day. 
'Maureen?' I looked at Rocky who had called the name of my sister. 'Could you see where both of our drivers are? We need them between now and like two minutes,'
'Uhm.. sure,' I told him as I walked fastly back to the garage where I found Brad walking with big eyes to my way back to the grid. He saw me and immediately took my wrist and pulled me somewhere a bit private.
'You had sex with Seb?' I joined Brad with the big eyes as I looked at him confused. How did he...? What?
'W-what?' I asked confused.
'Oh fuck, you did. Oh my god, Maya. Out of everyone on this paddock, you had to pick the teammate?' 

'Brad, I'm not following you,' I said, totally confused. How did he suddenly knew about this information? 
'I don't know why, but both our drivers were in the bathroom fighting about you.. or well Maureen to be completely right, as Seb told Daniel that you had sex last night.' You could say I was in shock as Brad explained what he just witnessed. I guess Sebastian wasn't as perfect as I thought he would be. 'Goddammit, Maya, what did you do?' As we both saw Sebastian walk out of the garage, making his way to the grid, Brad followed him, giving me one last look that I really didn't know what he meant with it. 
'Fuck!' I sighed as soon as I was alone. I walked into the garage as soon as I saw Daniel walk in. He looked mad... no wait, furious was a better word.
'Daniel, wait!' I called him immediately. He looked at me and with a small angry laugh, he shook his head. 'Daniel, wait I can explain!' I tried again. I needed to fix this. The tall Australian driver suddenly stopped walking and looked at me.
'I can't look at you right now Maureen. We talk later. I have a race to win,' He walked away from me, leaving me all alone in the garage. I official fucked up and there was only one way to hopefully make everything right again. I had to tell both of the two drivers the truth. 


The race was a disaster you could say the least. Both drivers had a great start, but that was probably the only thing that made this race good. Because as soon as Daniel had caught up to Sebastian the fight that they had at the toilets had a part two, on track. Brad had giving me concerned looks as the two drivers fight for the higher position. Both of them have been warned over the radio to keep it friendly between each other, but they didn't seem to listen. It almost seemed as if both of their goals were to ruin each other's race. I couldn't believe that a night where I just let loose and enjoyed the company of somebody else ended up with this. I wouldn't have done that if I knew this would have happened. I felt guilty, and the guilt only builds up as soon as we saw one of the Bulls win the fight and one lost, completely. Daniel's car had crashed, while Sebastian was still going strong. I just couldn't believe this. What first seemed to be a great day, with waking up with butterflies in your stomach to this, with feeling a brick falling in my stomach. The guilt soon changed into anger as I looked at how he was still racing on the screen. Why couldn't he just shut his mouth about last night? I could to Brad, it wasn't that hard. If he hadn't told Daniel this all wouldn't have happened, and who knows? Maybe we would've seen two Bulls on the podium. I tried to keep my focus on the race as we had to prepare for the pitstop for Sebastian, but as soon as the race had only five laps left and Daniel showed his face in the garage I pulled him away to somewhere private.
'Please let me explain before you get furious,' I begged Daniel. I was sure that I rather see a smiling Daniel then an angry Daniel, for sure... Angry Daniel scared me a little bit. 
'Well, a bit too late to ask me not to get furious,' he said sarcastic back, making me cringe from the inside. I fucked up. 
'Please?' I asked. He sighed, slowly looking away from me.
'Try me,' he suddenly said, making me carefully smile at him. Now, what was the best way to tell him the truth?
'I'm not Maureen,' I tried first, hoping to see a reaction from him. He scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Not the reaction I was hoping. But then again, what kind of reaction was I expecting from someone that knew my sister pretty well but didn't know the fact that she had a twin sister? That was fucked up. 
'If that's really the best you could after you fucked my teammate, then Maureen I'm done. I'm cancelling the date for tonight by the way,' Between the anger I could see him getting heartbroken as he said that sentence. He wanted to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. 
'I'm not joking. I'm Maya, Maureen's sister, well twin sister. Here, wait. I can prove it.' I took out Maureen's phone and looked for a recent photo of Maureen and me on my Instagram as I knew Maureen almost never used hers. I found a picture from when we were in our onesies and Josh had laughed at us how ridiculous we looked. Maureen in her Stitch onesie and me in my Eeyore onesie. 'Believe me now?' I asked him as I showed him the picture. Daniel took the phone from me and gave it a close look. 'I'm in the Eeyore one with the birthmark by my right eye and Maureen is the Stitch one.' Daniel looked at me for a little bit, before his eyes went back to the phone.
'That could be easily photoshopped,' he finally said as he gave the phone back. His anger seemed to get a bit loosen up as he was trying hard not to believe me. Therefore it was also not the answer I had expected from him, but then again, what kind of answer was I expecting?
'Okay then,' I said slowly as I slowly clicked on contacts on the phone. 'Then let me call her. She's on her way anyway for your date. I don't know how else to prove to you that I'm not Maureen,' Without giving Daniel another look I called Maureen. As the phone goes off I looked at Daniel. He was torn between believing me and thinking this was some stupid joke. He was right for being torn between the two options because this was a ridiculous story to have to tell someone. Keeping in mind that this wasn't going to be the last time I had to tell someone this. Sebastian was the next person I had to tell the truth, although I wasn't sure how I would tell him. I didn't want him to get freaked out about this situation. Finally, Maureen picked up the phone.
'Maya?' it wasn't the voice I expected to answer. 
'Dad?' I asked confused. He was back already? I had a concerned look on my face. Why would dad pick up instead of Maureen? 
'Good that you called. I was about to call you. You need to come to the hospital as soon as possible. Maureen was in a car accident, she's in surgery right now, but the doctors said everything would be okay.' I was in complete shock. This day seemed to get worse and worse. It almost felt like I was in a nightmare. 'We'll talk later about you two switching phones, I'll send you my location and I see you soon. Drive carefully.' Dad hangs up the phone and with raised eyebrows, I looked straight ahead of me. I felt frozen and if it wasn't for Daniel it would've taken me a bit longer to react again. What was the fastest way to the hospital and to which hospital?

A/N: As much as I loved writing this chapter, giving it another look I'm not super happy with this chapter. I always get double feelings with writing a dramatic chapter, because I'm never really sure what's too much or maybe cliché and what's too little drama. So if you have feedback on this chapter or any tips PLEASE GIVE THEM TO ME. Thank you (: 

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